Regex Command Blocker - Universal icon

Regex Command Blocker - Universal -----

Regex Command Blocker with Tab support for Bungee/Velocity/Bukkit/Spigot/Paper

Commands are blocked by filters; each filter has it's own permission that can be used to either apply or bypass the filter.

Each filter uses regex to decide if the filter should allow or block a command. Additionally, each filter can have it's own deny message and priority.

Filter Types
Currently there are 4 default filters:
  • whitelist
  • blacklist
  • restrictedwhitelist
  • restrictedblacklist
The differences between restricted and non-restricted filters being that restricted filters require the user to have the filters permission in order to apply that filter to the user.

Filter Actions
What are filter actions? Actions are what the filter does when it matches or doesn't match something.
some actions are terminal and some are intermediate.
what's the difference?
terminal actions will stop further execution and set the result.
intermediate actions will set the result but continue executing other filters (if any)
this is useful for both optimizing performance and for better usability.
All terminal actions: DENY, ALLOW
All intermediate actions: SOFT_DENY, SOFT_ALLOW, NONE

For example, If you create a whitelist filter that first handles all the commands you want normal users to have, you could then add restrictedwhitelist filters with terminal ALLOW actions for other commands and grant them to users you wish to have those commands.

Note: a common mistake is forgetting to double escape backslashes "\" as YAML itself uses them as as escape characters
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,871
First Release: Jan 29, 2022
Last Update: Aug 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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