# Is it possible to accelerate on a trident using riptide enchantment or fireworks # Default: true allowRiptideBoost: true
allowFireworkBoost: true
# Is it possible to enchant the elytras on the anvil # Default: true allowEnchantments: true
# Is it possible to repair elytras with the help of unification # Default: true allowUnificationRepairInAnvil: true
allowUnificationRepairInCraft: true
allowUnificationRepairInGrindstone: true
# Is it possible to repair elytras on the anvil using phantom membranes # Default: true allowRepairWithPhantomMembrane: true
# How many percent of the maximum durability will be repaired with a single phantom membrane # Default: 25 repairWithPhantomMembranePercent: 25
# Will the sound of an item breaking be played when the elytras breaks # Default: false playDestroySound: false
# How much durability will be removed from the elytras per second # Default: 1 damagePerSecond: 1
# The elytras will disappear from the player's inventory if they break down # Default: false permanentDestroy: false
# Is it possible to glide on elytras? The value is false to completely prohibit flight on elytras # Default: true allowElytras: true
# Is it possible to slide on the elytra during the rain? # Default: true allowElytrasWhenRaining: true
・/reelytras reload - plugin reload.
・/reelytras info - plugin information.