Redstone Proximity Sensor | Create Amazing Contraptions! icon

Redstone Proximity Sensor | Create Amazing Contraptions! -----

The power of Proximity Detection in a Redstone Torch!

Added Neutral Entities Trigger, Tab Completion and new args for rps command.
  • Neutral Entities (You can examine my Mobs mini-library to find out what I classify as Neutral, hint: Dolphin, Enderman, Fox, Iron Golem, Llama, Panda, Pig Zombie, Polar Bear, Snowman, Trader Llama, Wolf)
Language nodes:
  • lang_button_net_lore
  • lang_button_neutralentitiestrigger
  • lang_restriction_permission_command
Config nodes:
  • defaultNeutralEntityTrigger: false (add manually if you need it or delete config and have it recreate itself)
/rps command:
  • added 'list' arg (same as /rpslist, which still exists)
  • added 'ignore' arg (same as /ignorerps, which still exists)
  • added tab completion on /rps

Nothing visually changed for end users besides whats been added above. I renamed a few of the java packages so github and still tweaking the new Mobs Behavior API I created in the last version that will help me in the long run add new entity triggers.

Next big update will be a rework of the menu as well as the config file. The desired effect is to be able to toggle basic stuff like what already exists, as well as other uncommon stuff like Monsters, Animals, as well as Group Types like Underwater, Nether, Undead. Lastly I want to be able to create a menu that you can specify a single type of entity, like only Pigs for example. Adding player names would also be an interesting concept.

The config file has horribly named keys like "defaultVehcileEntityTrigger", it will soon be broken down into types like default.triggers.vehicle
----------, Jul 17, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,973
First Release: Feb 4, 2016
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
26 ratings
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