RediCloud A redis based cluster cloud system for minecraft.
If you find any bug, it would be nice of you to report them on the discord or GitHub.
What is RediCloud?
RediCloud is a cluster cloud system for minecraft which is based on redis. The best thing is there are no master and wrappers. That means you can easily connect a node to the cluster. Everything you have to do is to setup the redis connection.
Features ! The cloud is still in development. Not all planned features are listed. If you are missing a feature or have an idea, join the RediCloud discord. !
- redis for communication and storage - node clustering (decentralized) - start minecraft services (spigot , bukkit, paper based forks) - start proxy services (bungeecord , waterfall, velocity) - minestom impl also usable - version handler api (auto update) - online files / version (live update without cloud restart) - console + commands - dynamic and static services - templates (clustered via sftp) - api for developer (modules/plugins/connectors) - mc version: 1.8 - latest support - custom server versions (like custom paper) - auto java version detection - multi java versions support (versions: 8-21) - modify program arguments and jvm flags for each group / server version - easy dev plugin test -> test-framework - module system - report server crashes - log server exceptions to node - suspend system (suspend time outed nodes...) - server version support (auto update, pre versions...) - static server transfer to other nodes - smart server start (retry other nodes on failed start) - print server error directly to node console (loop, spam protection) - clean console design - Small further details (designs, small functions) can be changed per property, no code editing needed! - updater command - ...