Get The Current Time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds
and the Date including Year, Month, Day and Day of the Week.
perfect for Datapacks where you can not access the Real Time.
The Values will be written into a score called "time" and for the players:
time_h = Current Time in Hours
time_min = Current Time in Minutes
time_sec = Current Time in Seconds
date_year = Current Year
date_month = Current Month (from 1 to 12)
date_day = Current Day
date_week = Current Day of the Week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday)
Show Time in Actionbar:
title @a actionbar ["",{"score": {"name": "time_h","objective": "time"}},":",{"score": {"name": "time_min","objective": "time"}},":",{"score": {"name": "time_sec","objective": "time"}}]