RealisticWorldGenerator [1.8.8 - 1.17.1] icon

RealisticWorldGenerator [1.8.8 - 1.17.1] -----

World Generator, Redefined | a fast, high customizable, beautiful world generator.

New Trade API, improved terrain generation, bug fixes and general information
──────║ Changes
[ Additions | Improvements | Deletions ]

» Added custom Trades api (WIP)
» Improved terrain generation which should give a little generation speed boost, not much though

──────║ Fixes
» Fixed that the last layer of a biome would not be loaded and therefore the default layer would be generated instead.
» Fixed that cartographers could cause a server crash (treasure map trade was removed / replaced for now).

──────║ Notes
Hello everyone,

many of you might not know about what is going on behind the scenes in our two person Java team right now so I wanted to publish a little bit of information in this update post.

A lot of already asked if RWG is abandoned and to make it short, no it's not.
We are still providing full support for RWG and are still working on the v5 rewrite.

However we both don't have that much time in our lives right now and there are also other internal projcets we have to work on as a company which means progress is really slow.
It didn't really help that the rewrite was started over 3 times already.

The first time was because of how complex it was, we tried to make it in a way that it is fully modular and could easily be ported to any platform (for example forge / fabric and so on) however that turned out in a mess.
The second start over was because of 1.15 which added 3D biomes to the mix.
The last start over was the api changes that came with 1.17 and the ability to add fully custom biomes in 1.16.

Right now there still isn't much to show, just systems bunched together, no real generation to be seen in the world but we're working on it.
Also I want to say that the rewrite will include several features that RWG was missing over the years.

The v3 to v4 update was not a rewrite of everything, it was more or less a port and because of that took considerably less time especially because we never had to start over. v5 could've been released already if we would've decided correctly on how we want it to work from the get go.

All in all v5 will have several new features that v4 and older did not support but that we wanted to have and some of the new features that were added with newer versions like the fully custom biomes.

If you want to stay up2date on any information we release regarding the rewrite feel free to join our discord where we will release screenshots and information about v5 once we feel comfortable doing so.
We hope to get the rewrite into a showable state this year but due to us not having that much time in general we sadly can't really promise anything right now.

Hope you have an amazing rest of your week and thanks for taking your time to read this post :)

Kind regards
Laura and your SyntaxPhoenix Team
----------, Feb 8, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,290
First Release: Dec 22, 2015
Last Update: Apr 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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