This is an late Alpha Release. Crashes are very unlikely in this version. Still we do not recommend to use it on public servers!
- /rwg regenerate - Regenerate your rwg-worlds without restarting your server, you will never have to restart your server after changing some settings in your rwg configs
- Added chances to each tree / structure per biome - that means that the "main tree / structure" chance is only a "standart" chance, so it will be added to trees or structures which hasn't a difined chance. It's per biomes per tree / structure
- All features that are disabled in 1.14.x will be enabled in 1.13.x (the last versions it was disabled in both versions)
- Structures / Tree didn't get pasted
- This version has an new option named "threads" in the config.yml, these option is for the count of threads that rwg should have to execute different task (for schematics it's unlimited). Standart amount it 2 and you can only define between 1 and 6 threads.