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RConomy -----

multi-currency economy plugin!

Welcome to RConomy! If you’re seeking a comprehensive solution for your server’s economy, you’ve found it. With support for single or multiple currency formats, sqlLite/MySQL integration, customizable messages, Vault support


  • Integration with PlaceholderAPI & Vault
  • Customizable Messages & Configuration
  • MySQL Database Support
  • Multi-Currency Functionality
  • BungeeCord Integration

/balance [user] - Permission: rconomy.command.balance - Check your balance or that of another player.
/baltop - Permission: rconomy.command.baltop - View the balance leaderboard for a specific currency.
/pay [currency] - Permission: rconomy.command.pay - Pay another player with your gems.

/eco add [currency] - Permission: rconomy.command.give - Add the specified amount of gems to a user.
/eco take [currency] - Permission: rconomy.command.take - Deduct the specified amount from a user.
/eco set [currency] - Permission: rconomy.command.set - Set the user's gem balance to a specified amount.
/currency - Permission: rconomy.command.currency - Display currency help.

Balance Placeholders
  • %rconomy_balance_<currency>%: Displays the balance of the player in the specified currency. Use "default" for the default currency.
Top List Placeholders
  • %rconomy_top_player_<currency>_<position>%: Shows the name of the player at the specified position in the top list for the given currency.
  • %rconomy_top_balance_<currency>_<position>%: Displays the balance of the player at the specified position in the top list for the given currency
I created my plugin, RConomy, as an alternative to GemsEconomy. The primary reason for this was the difficulty in scaling the code and navigating the structure of the GemsEconomy plugin. As a result, I rewrote a significant portion of the code and renamed the plugin. In the near future, I plan to release the source code as well as an API for developers to enhance its capabilities.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 53
First Release: Aug 17, 2024
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings