Fixed certain mobs not dealing the correct amount of damage. Changing the config to be a flat damage addition instead of a damage multiplier.
Data can now be wiped from offline players, and added '/raremobs wipedata all' to wipe all data from all players.
Updated particle spawning to be more efficient.
Players can no longer pickup raremob fish with buckets, which would cause them to lose their raremob status.
Fixed a typo causing the plugin to check an empty list instead of a list of enabled world names, which caused raremobs to never spawn in certain cases.
DON'T USE THIS UPDATE! RareMobs will NOT spawn naturally
names weren't properly colored...
Now supports camel and sniffer mobs, added spawner whitelist for mobs that can only spawn from spawners (cavespiders) even if spawner spawn reason is disabled.
switched from using attributes to using damage events to avoid errors and clean up code
fixed another issue with damage modifiers throwing an error if the mob had a default of 0 damage.
Fixed damage modifiers so mobs will no longer be dealing zero damage when they're not supposed to
fixing an error in console
Damage modifiers will now apply properly
fixed an issue when the plugin would try to check distances between different worlds
Better performance for spawning particles
vastly improved gui performance when opening the inventory or switching pages.
Fixed head names not being the correct color when only partially discovered.
improved performance with particle spawning
optimized particle spawning to reduce lag
Nether roof multiplier wasn't being correctly gathered from the config
Fixed an issue with earlier versions not loading the heads from the heads.yml file correctly.
fixed an error when changing the names of rarities
fixed an error upon startup.
Fixed an issue where renaming a rarity would cause the old mobs of that rarity (under the old name) to not be able to find their rarity, although being considered raremobs, causing them to throw exceptions.
Removed some unnecessary lines in messages.yml.
Added an example rarity with explanations in config.yml
re-generate your messages.yml pls <3
You can now create your own rarities
You can now set specific spawn chances for each mob, per rarity. So you can have a default chance of 1% but make cows have a 5% chance of becoming rare, 10% chance of becoming unique, etc..
You can now breed two RareMobs (or a RareMob with a basic mob) and their baby will turn into either the mother's or the father's rarity. For example, a basic mob bred with a unique mob will have a 50% chance of their baby becoming a basic mob, and a 50% chance for a unique mob. Two legendaries bred together will have a legendary baby. For this option to work, BOTH of these options have to be set in your config.
Allow Breeding: true
Remove "BREEDING" from the list of disabled spawn reasons.
New chunks generating were causing their entities to have a 0% chance to become RareMobs as they weren't following the CHUNK_GEN spawn reason, it has been fixed so mobs will now follow the correct percentages when generating in a new chunk. If you'd like to disable this, add CHUNK_GEN to your disabled spawn reasons in the config
Fixed a potential issue with MythicMobs support, if you didn't have their plugin on your server.
Changed specific spawn chances to disabled entities, so any mobtypes in that list will not be spawned as raremobs ever.
You must regenerate your heads.yml file and messages.yml file or the plugin will not load correctly.
You can now fully change the format of all the heads in the GUI.
WARNING: You'll need to delete your messages.yml file and let it generate a new one or you WILL GET ERRORS. Make sure you save your messages.yml file somewhere so you can keep your settings
- You can now change the entire encyclopedia title in the messages.yml.
- You can decide to remove the mob's name from their title in the config.yml, so they will only display their rarity.
MythicMobs will now hopefully be ignored when the setting is true
Fixed tab-complete for /raremobs spawn showing the incorrect names for rarities
attempt to fix mythicmobs spawning as raremobs
second attempt
Tab-complete will now be unable to offer colored completions, crashing the client.
Using /encyclopedia <name> you can now view the encyclopedia of another player.
RareMobs will spawn with the names given to them in messages.yml (their gui head name, along with their given rarity name).
Fixed an issue where discovering a raremob would rename the head back to the original name.
Heads appearing in the encyclopedia can now be renamed using messages.yml
messages.yml will now automatically generate upon the plugin loading.
Added a Messages.yml file allowing anyone to change any of the messages and gui names/lore.
Fixed an issue where raremobs max health was getting set higher but they weren't getting healed to their full health amount, so they stayed at their base value.
Experience modifier will now work and raremobs will start dropping exp again
Added /raremobs wipedata <player> to wipe the data of a player's encyclopedia.
Fixed many tab-complete issues and optimized the code so it won't lag anymore when spawning raremobs.
Added rarity in tab-complete at the end of the spawn command.
You can now make the console run multiple commands when a player discovers a raremob. The commands won't run if the player has already discovered a raremob of that type and rarity.
Current placeholders:
%player% - get's replaced with the player's name
Fixed MythicMobs support and added EliteMobs support to disable elite/super mobs from becoming raremobs.
Added damage modifiers to the config.
Damage multipliers added to the config.
Fixed a few command issues.
Changed raremob sheep colors depending on their rarity
Added /mobdex alias for encyclopedia
Also added a '/raremobs killall all' option, to kill every single raremob.
No longer gives an error with MythicMobs, as I was using a super outdated version of the dependency. Fixed the lore in the GUI duplicating.
Added an option in the config: Disable MythicMobs: (true/false)
Making it so MythicMobs can / cannot be spawned as RareMobs
Won't let people purchase, not sure why