RandomBlockBattle Minigame icon

RandomBlockBattle Minigame -----

YML | MySQL | MultiArena | Spectate | Party | NPC | PlaceholderAPI | Leaderboard

RandomBlockBattle is a plugin where players break blocks in an arena, craft items, and fight until only one player remains.



  • randomblockbattle.admin - Admin permission
In-Game setup:
Note: After setting everything, please reload plugin by /rbb reload to apply all changes!

Arena Setup (For each arena):
  • Create arena in new world by /rbb create
  • Set arena's lobby location by /rbb setlobby
  • For each player spawn do /rbb addspawn
  • If you made a mistake in players spawns, simply do /rbb delspawn (This will remove the latest added spawn)
Arena Signs

Setup join signs for RandomBlockBattle by this pattern:


If you want to create Leaderboards for RandomBlockBattle, your server needs to have installed HolographicDisplays plugin. To simply create a Leaderboard, use command /rbb lb create where type can be one of these:
  • WINS
By doing command /rbb lb select you will select Leaderboard closest to your location. Now you can manage this Leaderboard by command /rbb lb delete which removes this leaderboard or /rbb lb teleport which moves that leaderboard to your location. You can also refresh all Leaderboards by doing /rbb lb refresh.

%randomblockbattle_wins% Displays how many time player has won
%randomblockbattle_played% Displays how many times player has played
%randomblockbattle_kills% Displays how many times player has killed
%randomblockbattle_deaths% Displays how many times player has died
%randomblockbattle_status_{arena}% Displays status of {arena}
%randomblockbattle_arena_players_{arena}% Displays status of {arena}
%randomblockbattle_arena_min_players_{arena}% Displays the minimum number of players for {arena}
%randomblockbattle_arena_max_players_{arena}% Displays the maximum number of players for {arena}
%randomblockbattle_arena_total_players_{arena}% Displays the total number of players currently in {arena}
%randomblockbattle_players% Displays the list of players currently in all arenas






For support, please use only resource discussion

Terms of Service
By using this plugin, you agree to the following terms, which may be updated by the author at any time.
  • All payments are final and non-refundable.
  • Redistribution or resale of this plugin is prohibited.
  • You are not permitted to modify, decompile, or extract any part of the plugin's source code.
  • Support is provided exclusively to legitimate customers. We cannot offer support for plugins obtained through unauthorized or illegal means.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1
First Release: Feb 21, 2025
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:00 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings