Random Enchanted Rewards for AuraSkills icon

Random Enchanted Rewards for AuraSkills -----

Adds enchanted item rewards on specified level-ups in AuraSkills.

The Random Enchanted Rewards Plugin is designed to enhance player progression by rewarding them with randomly enchanted items as they level up their skills using the AuraSkills (Aurelium Skills) system. This is currently running on Minecraft 1.21.

Just Added:
  1. Support for minecraft versions 1.20 - 1.21

  • Skill-Based Rewards: Players receive randomly enchanted items every set amount of levels they progress in any AuraSkill. Screenshot 2024-07-18 145933.png
  1. Farming - Iron-Netherite Hoe
  2. Mining - Iron-Netherite Pickaxe
  3. Fishing - Fishing Rod
  4. Excavation - Iron-Netherite Shovel
  5. Foraging - Iron-Netherite Axe
  6. Archery - Bow + Crossbow
  7. Fighting - Iron-Netherite Sword
  8. Defense - Iron-Netherite Helm, Body, Legs
  9. Alchemy - Potion
  10. Enchanting - Book
  • Item Rarity System: The plugin features a weighted rarity system that determines the type of item players receive:
  • Higher chance for Iron and Gold items.
  • Lower chance for Diamond items.
  • Very rare chance for Netherite items. Screenshot 2024-07-18 151810.png Screenshot 2024-07-19 223951.png
  • Configurable Options: Configure various aspects of the plugin, such as item rarity weights, maximum enchantments, and enchantment level increase chances through a config.yml file. Screenshot 2024-07-19 213328.png

  • Easy Reload: Admins can reload the plugin configuration without restarting the server using the "/rer reload" command. Screenshot 2024-07-19 213244.png
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 116
First Release: Jul 18, 2024
Last Update: Jul 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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