Change log:
- Made all traps now able to go thru non-solid blocks (grass, flowers, water, etc)
- Traps now work on multiple worlds
- Small bug fixes regarding GUI's
Change log:
- Fixed an issue on 1.19 about the GUI not opening
- Fixed an issue on 1.19 regarding the Remote Detonator crashing the server on use
To Do:
- Fix the claymore facing the wrong direction on 1.19 (i hope this version burns in hell)
Change log:
- Added the
Upgrades section in the GUI
- Added the
Remote Detonator upgrade item to the Upgrades section
- Modified the
/rtrap give command, now you can give
RaidTraps items to other players using
/rtrap give <item> <player name> - Added
/rtrap help for those who may need it
- Modified trap data
- Updated config.yml
- Made all traps placeable on any side of a block!
- Fixed a bug with the Landmine not exploding nearby Landmines upon explosion.
Change log:
- Optimized file size by almost 7x!
- Fixed sounds not working for the Timed Explosive
- Small preparations for the next update that may include trap upgrades
Change log:
- Traps no longer explode when they have nothing below them, instead they fall down.
- Fixed a bug with the timer defuse type and the chance one not displaying the correct values.
Change log:
- Added support for 1.19.x
- Added trap "
Timed Explosive", explodes after a timer
- Added new defuse method "
TIMER", currently only works for the "
Timed Explosive"
- Modified config.yml
- Optimized sounds
Change log:
- Added trap: Landmine
- Created a folder specially for trap data named "data"
- Modified config.yml
- Fixed Proximity Mine explosion being below the trap itself