Quizy Combat Log icon

Quizy Combat Log -----

Dont Let Them Leave

️ QuizyCombatLog


QuizyCombatLog is a powerful and lightweight combat logging plugin that prevents players from logging out during PvP combat. With customizable features and messages, it helps maintain fair play on your server.

⚡ Features
• Multi-combat system (tracks multiple opponents)
• Customizable combat duration
• Configurable inventory drop system
• Action bar timer display
• Command blocking during combat
• Configurable unblocked commands
• Custom messages with color support
• Death handling system
• Combat log punishment system

️ Commands

/qcl help - Shows help menu
/qcl reload - Reloads the plugin configuration
/qcl combattime <seconds> - Sets combat timer duration
/qcl inventorydrop <true/false> - Toggles inventory drop on combat log

  • # Combat Configuration
  • combat:
  • # Duration of combat tag in seconds
  • duration: 10
  • # Whether to drop player's inventory when they combat log
  • inventory-drop: true
  • # List of commands that can be used during combat
  • unblocked-commands:
  • - "show"
  • - "123"
  • - "qcl"
  • - "help"
# Custom Messages Configuration
combat-started: "&4&l⚔ &8» &7You have entered &d&lcombat&7! &8(&7Do not log out&8)"
combat-ended: "&2&l✔ &8» &7You are no longer in &dcombat&7!"
command-blocked: "&4&l✖ &8» &7Commands are &ddisabled &7during combat!"
player-combat-logged: "&4&l☠ &8» &d{player} &7has combat logged!"

# Action Bar Configuration
format: "&d&lCOMBAT &8» &f{time}s"

## Features Explained

### 1️⃣ Multi-Combat System
- Tracks multiple combat opponents simultaneously
- Independent timers for each combat engagement
- Shows lowest remaining time in action bar

### 2️⃣ Inventory Protection
- Configurable inventory drop system
- Option to keep inventory on combat log
- Prevents item loss when protection is enabled

### 3️⃣ Command Management
- Blocks commands during combat
- Configurable whitelist for allowed commands
- Prevents teleportation and escape commands

### 4️⃣ Visual Feedback
- Action bar timer display
- Custom color-coded messages
- Combat status notifications

## Permissions
description: Allows access to admin commands
default: op

description: Allows reloading the plugin
default: op

## Installation
1. Download the plugin
2. Place in your plugins folder
3. Restart the server
4. Configure in config.yml
5. Reload if needed

## ⚙️ Default Configuration
The plugin comes with a balanced default configuration suitable for most servers. All settings can be customized in the config.yml file.

## Support
For support, bug reports, or feature requests:
• Join our Discord: [Your Discord Link]
• Create an issue on GitHub: [Your GitHub Link]

## Notes
- Compatible with Spigot 1.8+
- Lightweight and optimized
- Regular updates and support
- No dependencies required

## Usage Example
When a player enters combat:
1. Combat timer starts
2. Action bar shows remaining time
3. Blocked commands are disabled
4. Combat ends when timer expires or player dies
5. If player logs out during combat:
- Inventory drops (if enabled)
- Death occurs (if enabled)
- Server broadcast message

## Tips
- Configure unblocked commands based on your server's needs
- Adjust combat duration for balanced gameplay
- Customize messages to match your server's theme
- Use color codes for better visibility

## Updates
Stay tuned for regular updates and new features!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31
First Release: Dec 15, 2024
Last Update: Dec 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings