Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

Bug fixes and technical improvements, new task types, new wiki home
Hi everybody,

This update has a whole lot of bug fixes and technical improvements. To list a few, the Essentials task type breaking on certain versions has been fixed, the breeding task has been improved for server running 1.10+, the walking task now works properly for vehicles, and there have been various performance optimisations made.

Additionally, this update adds a few new task types: replenishing, playerpoints_earn (for the plugin PlayerPoints), and ecobosses_killing (for the plugin EcoBosses). There are also new options for several other task types: blockbreak can now query PlayerBlockTracker (an alternative to CoreProtect), shearing can now be used on entities other than sheep and can be restricted to specific colours, and most tasks which require an item has a new 'exact-match' option.

Finally, the Quests wiki has a new home at, and documentation is now distributed with the source code. Previously undocumented task types (such as blockshearing and smithing) have now been properly documented, among other missing options.

A special thanks to @Krakenied on GitHub for the majority of these changes! And apologies for my own absence, as usual I am busy at university; however, I have quite a bit of time now over summer to set aside for Quests, so updates and support should be a bit more regular.

(P.S. For those asking, Quests is already compatible with Minecraft version 1.20.x)

Commit log since v3.13.3

9399366 - Replace fastutil Int2ObjectOpenHashMap with hppc IntObjectHashMap Closes without significant plugin JAR file size change <Krakenied>
e06d3f0 - Fix ShopGUIPlus task types Fixes <Krakenied>
5e552ee - Fix Essentials task types Closes,, and <Krakenied>
efa6d10 - Improve world validation <Krakenied>
59dbcfb - Improve breeding task type 1.10+ versions support <Krakenied>
8cb5b45 - Set block variable before the loop <Krakenied>
4d61a74 - Add allow silk touch option Partially closes <Krakenied>
2c36268 - Remove unnecessary import <Krakenied>
cbbb2fa - Bump paper-api to 1.19.4 <Krakenied>
ab318d1 - PlayerBlockTracker support Closes <Krakenied>
1fb59f1 - Fix PlayerBlockTracker event calling order <Krakenied>
9b186a3 - Fix the event order after task types registration <Krakenied>
97e4ae6 - Fix and improve listener plugin comparing condition <Krakenied>
b110eae - Optimize TaskUtils#getApplicableTasks method <Krakenied>
04c62a2 - Update gradle to 8.0.2 <Krakenied>
04527a2 - Fix MMOItems and Mythic Lib repo <Krakenied>
34a84d7 - Fix CaveVinesPlant not being handled properly <Krakenied>
a37bb72 - Handle vehicles movement separately Closes <Krakenied>
042368e - Add PlayerPoints support Partially closes <Krakenied>
e45785c - Do not register BrewingTaskType for unsupported server versions Closes <Krakenied>
cab640a - Fix frogs and turtles breeding <Krakenied>
b8ef517 - Fix build <Krakenied>
7f72147 - Update gradle to 8.1.1 <Krakenied>
330a71e - TaskUtils improvements <Krakenied>
2e3883f - Use matchEntity method in breeding task type <Krakenied>
4fa851f - Implement replenishing task type <Krakenied>
6f88c39 - Register replenishing task type <Krakenied>
9e7fb30 - Add support for shearing other entities (i.e. mushroom cows and snowmen) <Krakenied>
a77f978 - Building task type refactor <Krakenied>
3f029ab - Interact task type refactor <Krakenied>
b5d0db2 - Mining task type refactor <Krakenied>
e5e3e87 - Mob killing task type refactor <Krakenied>
c7a5e4e - More TaskUtils improvements <Krakenied>
8ba64ad - Command task type refactor More TaskUtils changes <Krakenied>
b8ede73 - Add nullability check <Krakenied>
97ab313 - Refactor mythic mobs killing task type <Krakenied>
189414e - Add missing condition <Krakenied>
4d19504 - Improve brewing stand player detection <Krakenied>
a848ab3 - Quest items refactor <Krakenied>
7e8328d - Add exact match option to brewing task type <Krakenied>
c306daa - Add exact match option to consume task type <Krakenied>
ada3f9a - Remove deprecation <Krakenied>
5b587a8 - Add exact match option to crafting task type <Krakenied>
2393dc0 - Add exact match option to fishing task type <Krakenied>
4211526 - Add exact match option to interact task type <Krakenied>
9a227de - Add exact match option to mob killing task type <Krakenied>
1880b7f - Add exact match option to smelting task type <Krakenied>
d9d2ed4 - Add exact match option to smithing task type <Krakenied>
e855c4b - Set exact match in TaskUtils <Krakenied>
5176fe2 - Improve getConfigBoolean method <Krakenied>
924bba7 - Use getConfigBoolean method <Krakenied>
0086abe - Do not color mythic mobs killing task type mob name Improve matchString performance <Krakenied>
0a78d93 - Add support for custom PlayerBlockTracker forks <Krakenied>
bf939b6 - Bump paper-api to 1.20 <Krakenied>
4949060 - Bump paper-api to 1.20.1 and HikariCP to 5.0.1 <Krakenied>
3755926 - Remove unnecessary deprecation <Krakenied>
a6d0369 - Improve breeding task type description <Krakenied>
6d1cd5f - Update gradle to 8.2 and shadow to 8.1.1 <Krakenied>
114d7c2 - Improve build workflow <Krakenied>
f2b6f3c - Improve inventory task type detection <Krakenied>
4c9a7d8 - Add exact match option to inventory and citizens deliver task types <Krakenied>
0aac85f - Migrate docs to GitHub pages <LMBishop>
a5395de - Update links to wiki <LMBishop>
fb1dda5 - Add missing task types to documentation <LMBishop>
112fe6c - Add ecobosses_killing task type <LMBishop>
8fd02cb - Fix missing dependencies for EcoBosses <LMBishop>
cc557de - Bump version number <LMBishop>

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----------, Jul 7, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,872
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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