Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

Bug fixes
This update is a largely technical one fixing a lot of bugs and issues. It fixes a duplication glitch with the crafting task type, some issues with the with the smelting, distancefrom, and farming task types, and a rewrite of the menu system. It also adds more granular permissions for commands, see the wiki page.

For further details on what has changed, see the commit log below.

Commit log since v3.13.2

84a4b07 - [ci skip] Add distribution status to README <LMBishop>
0d439ce - Fix IAE in DistancefromTaskType <Krakenied>
c5fb1a8 - Bump shadow from 7.0.0 to 7.1.2 <Krakenied>
41da82c - Bump gradlew from 7.4 to 7.5.1 <Krakenied>
0c738b2 - Fix jitpack being stupid <Krakenied>
2799ccf - Make authlib non-transitive to hide an IDE warning <Krakenied>
94952f8 - Fix ShopGUI+ task types (breaking change) <Krakenied>
e0c4292 - Improve build workflow <Krakenied>
e1cca69 - Use citizensapi instead of citizens <Krakenied>
446de98 - Add color check Part of <Krakenied>
f80eb1b - Add missing config validators <Krakenied>
af4c850 - Remove redundant suppression <Krakenied>
fc2008a - Improve crafting task type Fixes <Krakenied>
5d9a3d1 - Fix smelting task type as well <Krakenied>
6be8d85 - Fix smelting task type older versions startup error <Krakenied>
3574d27 - Use enhanced switch statement <Krakenied>
8ed5f8c - More crafting task type detection improvements Fixes with ctrl pressed <Krakenied>
826da67 - Apply fixes to smelting task type as well <Krakenied>
41f0054 - Get task amount needed after checking the item <Krakenied>
5d7c0db - Move smelting task type item debug logging <Krakenied>
43588fe - Apply fixes to smithing task type too Add support for more than 1 result item <Krakenied>
0fea32c - Brewing task type rework Closes <Krakenied>
242f8b9 - Optimize adding aliases - use Collections#addAll <Krakenied>
2ef1b89 - Remove unused imports <Krakenied>
b191d97 - Store menu elements in Int2ObjectOpenHashMaps <Krakenied>
03f8ab7 - Use pattern variables <Krakenied>
eb5d68c - Use Collections#max to find max element <Krakenied>
a2c013d - Optimize walking mode validation Lowercasing the mode is not needed because of a config validator <Krakenied>
c279b19 - Some build.gradle changes and updates <Krakenied>
3861112 - Fix MythicMobsKillingTaskType config validators not being added <Krakenied>
2152026 - Bring support for older ShopGUIPlus versions back Fixes <Krakenied>
7cb36f6 - Optimize entity-related walking modes validation <Krakenied>
099519e - Optimize debug logging Fixes <Krakenied>
bf20ca9 - Add block shearing task type Closes <Krakenied>
606f421 - Optimize debug logging a little more <Krakenied>
2cad319 - Fix build badge <Krakenied>
5743352 - Add command permissions <snake>
c7bf2ba - Add option for automatically closing GUI (closes #480) <LMBishop>
7a18c1f - Refactor menu code <LMBishop>
52198a3 - Fixed result of PreStartQuestEvent not being used in further checks <Tom>
82af8a4 - Fix quests not being sorted <LMBishop>
bc11bfd - Some improvements to farming and block shearing task types <Krakenied>
bf186c0 - Additional material validation Closes, <Krakenied>
1451820 - Legacy pattern doesn't detect ยง symbol <Tom>
579287b - Use version specific methods to get item in main hand <Krakenied>
bc8938a - Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Do not show back menu element when category menu is null <Krakenied>
5a28efa - Bump version umber <LMBishop>

More information
----------, Feb 16, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,872
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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