Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

New taming task type, more options for enchanting and mobkilling, and quests debugger
Hello everybody.

This update adds a new taming task type, and adds more options to the enchanting and mobkilling types. Additionally, this update adds support for quest items from the ExecutableItems plugin.

All task types which end in 'certain' have been merged into their non-certain counterparts. For example, 'blockbreakcertain' and 'blockbreak' are now one task type. This was done as it makes a bit more sense to just have one task type with an optional field. To ensure everybody's configuration does not suddenly break, both names can be used to refer to the same task type. This also comes with a refreshed wiki for each task type. Rather than having all types on one page, each task type now has its own page. You can find them all here:

Additionally, extended problem descriptions can now be viewed by hovering over them on modern Minecraft versions. This should help if you do not understand a specific problem. You can also now give players quest items from a command, please see the wiki on how to do this.

To help with creating tasks, the quests debugger has been added. This is to help you if you find that a specific quest is not working, but no problems have been raised; the debugger will go through exactly what a task type is doing and print it out for you. Finally, an issue where quests progress files failed to load on startup has been fixed.

As always, view the commit log for a full list of changes.


Commit log since v3.12

0f428e2 - Add taming certain task type <Krakenied>
075419c - Move autostart check to start method (closes #390) <LMBishop>
7cea3ec - [ci skip] Update <LMBishop>
cf91503 - Add extended problem descriptions and MiniMessage <LMBishop>
86f2d42 - Fix plugin dependent task types Fixes <Krakenied>
252239e - Use computeIfAbsent exclsively on async thread (closes #404) <LMBishop>
9236145 - Use Paper supplied Adventure rather than shading <LMBishop>
f10a592 - Optimise imports <LMBishop>
611c8bb - Check quest still exists (closes #402) <LMBishop>
ed09b10 - Added items subcommand to give a specific amount of a quest item to a player. <MihaiChirculete>
43060c0 - Removed condition to be a player when using the "items give" subcommand <MihaiChirculete>
3b45ca1 - Changed param to match rest of the plugin style <MihaiChirculete>
4cf5e75 - Check if quest is started in menu (closes #396) <LMBishop>
2fa380b - Add quests debug command <LMBishop>
ba52997 - Add option to configure log history <LMBishop>
75377a3 - Add boolean return type to storage providers <LMBishop>
a69acc5 - Continue instead of return (closes #409) <LMBishop>
f15acd5 - Add some configuration options to debug report <LMBishop>
ccc2706 - Fix ConcurrentModificationException when player data is being loaded <LMBishop>
196410e - Add debug report & quest commands <LMBishop>
cd4dfb9 - Move applicable tasks to TaskUtils and add debug messages <LMBishop>
6551b69 - Refactor config validation for task types <LMBishop>
12ebaa5 - Merge task type certain types with regular types <LMBishop>
c9a47f7 - Add wildcard to debug command <LMBishop>
34f5f42 - Add specific enchantment & level to enchanting task (closes #408) <LMBishop>
ce4675a - Add item option to mobkilling (closes #403) <LMBishop>
77cded0 - Add executableitems quest item (closes #364) <LMBishop>
417a5fa - Add extended description to warning type <LMBishop>
fd8e806 - Bump version number <LMBishop>

More information
----------, Jul 7, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,872
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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