Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players icon

Quests [1.8-1.21] | Set up goals for players -----

Allow your players to do quests in return for rewards

New task types, new quest item types, bug fixes
Quests is still looking for user feedback (final call)! Please consider volunteering some of your time (no more than five minutes) to fill out a quick survey about your experiences using this plugin: (Please note: if you have already completed this survey, please do not submit it again, thank you!)

The above survey will be closed within a week of this update.
  • Added some new task types: consume, bucketfill, bucketempty #226, #237
  • Added some new types of quest items: mmoitems and slimefun #221
    • These are native integrations with each respective plugin which should have the following benefits:
    • Allow for easy configuration of items from other plugins in inventory task etc. without adding unnessecary bloat to the plugin
    • Allow the third party plugin to compare the itemstack, rather than quests doing the comparison, hopefully making it more accurate since quests will only directly check the ItemMeta, which could be different depending on how specialised the third party plugin is
    • Prevent having to reconfigure the quests every time an item is changed in the third party plugin
    • See the wiki on how to define these items:
  • Fixed bug where /q a moddata command would not recognise players #232
There are no configuration changes in this update.
----------, Aug 17, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 92,872
First Release: May 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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