New | Messages and GUI items to represent these permissions. Please edit your config.
Code (YAML):
messages: ... quest-start-permission: "&7You do not have permission to start this quest." quest-category-permission: "&7You do not have permission to view this category." quest-category-quest-permission: "&7You do not have permission to start this quest since it is in a category you do not have permission to view." command-quest-admin-start-failpermission: "&7Quest '&c{quest}&7' could not be started for player &c{player}&7. They do not have permission." command-quest-admin-start-failcategorypermission: "&7Quest '&c{quest}&7' could not be started for player &c{player}&7. They do not have permission for the category which the quest is in." command-quest-admin-start-failother: "&7Quest '&c{quest}&7' could not be started for player &c{player}&7." command-quest-admin-category-permission: "&7Category &c{category} &7 could not be opened for player &c{player}&7. They do not have permission to view it."
Code (YAML):
gui: ... quest-permission-display:
name: "&6&lNo Permission" lore: -
"&7You do not have permission for this" -
"&7quest (&6{quest}&7)."