#2116 Placeholders "%questcreator_quest_<quest>_uptime%" and "%questcreator_quest_<quest>_uptimemillis%".
Improved :
#2098,#2113 The loading of config elements (quest models, GUIs, etc) will now be delayed to after the server finishes loading, in the case where some integrated plugins are not yet enabled by the time QuestCreator initially loads. - this means that the "delay_loading_seconds" will no longer be necessary, and will no longer be recognized
Fixed :
(GCore) #2086 An issue with the "RAW_COPPER_BLOCK" material.
(GCore) #2096 An issue with inventory clicking, when using clicks not recognized by spigot.
(GCore) #2118 An error preventing to select any enum value on next pages of the in-game editor.
#2062 Time frame "MONTHLY" wa s not working properly.
#2099 An error preventing the usage of the editor objects edition feature.
#2121 Quest items in the player inventory would not be unlinked after quest completion.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !