(GCore) The YAML reader now supports "compact nested maps". For instance : https://pastebin.com/f3m1rAVE. All dashes will be replaced with IDs (a, b, c, ...) and will be treated as regular configuration sections. - make sure to check if no new YAML errors appear on loading (a backup of your files will be made automatically before attempting to load)
A bunch of list settings now support the compact nested map YAML notation. - Nothing will be changed by default in your files to avoid breaking stuff or confusion, but documentation was updated with that notation where it's allowed, and the editor will save newly created elements with that notation. If you plan to change some of the things in your quest to that notation, especially settings such as "goals" and other things that currently have an ID, be aware that dashes will be replaced by alphabetic keys (a, b, c, ...) on file load. The ID is not "removed" from configuration, it simply allows a more compact form to avoid using IDs and a lot of indentation in your files where you don't see the interest of using it, but they still exist internally, as automatic alphabetic keys. So, be aware that changing the order of dashes will change the element key, as well (for instance, if you swap two 'goals' settings in a quest, their ID will change, so progression of active quests will be swapped as well). For instance : https://pastebin.com/f3m1rAVE)
Improved :
(GCore) YAML key-values formatted as such "key:value" (without a space after the colon) are no longer tolerated.
(GCore) Global elements in lists are no longer referenced as "[email protected]: <some value>" but as "<key>: [email protected]". - this will be migrated automatically
(GCore) Required contents for the system GUIs will no longer be located under the "contents" sections but have their own config path (so that regular contents can use the compact nested map form). - this will be migrated automatically
(GCore) Optimized default files saving, resulting in faster loading times.
(GCore) Option 'refresh_ticks' on GUI item type DYNAMIC_BORDER_LINEAR.
(GCore) Reloading GCore now reloads all other GCore-dependant plugins.
#1748 Global branches can now be referenced by both their local config key or their global id.
#1839 An error with scoreboard synchronization.
#1846 Duplicate elements IDs (files) are now detected and logged on startup.
Required contents for the system GUIs will no longer be located under the "contents" sections but have their own config path (so that regular contents can use the compact nested map form). - this will be migrated automatically
Plugin resource usage should be distributed in a more relevant manner between GCore and QuestCreator.
Option 'delay_loading_seconds' will no longer be applied on plugin reload.
Fixed :
(GCore) #1868 An error preventing list elements written as a single value to be loaded properly, insode some element types (such as items).
(GCore) #1873 Enchantment storage meta wouldn't be loaded properly from config.
#1723,#1737 Issues with the WildStacker integration.
#1864 Stripped logs wouldn't be recognized properly.
#1865 Option 'allow_player_blocks' wouldn't work anymore due to threading changes.
#1862,#1863,#1878 Issues with the GPS integration, occuring when reloading QuestCreator.
#1854,#1871,#1873,#1877,#1879 Progression thread distribution wouldn't prioritize the main thread properly, causing lag spikes on some servers depending on the type of quests used.
#1885 Object PLAYER_BLOCK_FARM didn't work in <1.13 versions.
#1886 An error occuring on plugin disable, with the Citizens integration.
On start, quests weren't always set to progress on the proper thread, causing event cancellation settings to be ignored.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !