Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !
Fixed :
(GCore) #1197 Default maps elements wouldn't check correctly for placeholders, missing the default elements, causing some results to be cached in most cases where there wasn't anything other than a default case.
(GCore) #1199 Control lines were added to the diverge GUI item lores even when empty.
(GCore) Empty lines weren't skipped in replacers when processing text lines with just a placeholder and the placeholder returned a list of text with one empty line.
(GCore) Item type DYNAMIC_BORDER_LINEAR wouldn't be cached properly and cause issues when multiple players were in the same GUI at the same type.
#1134 An error preventing the use of the QUEST_COMPLETED_OBJECT condition.
#1164,#1182,#1183,#1214 A mistake with the mcMMO overhaul integration, preventing to enable it.
#1186 MMOCore party would consider the leader as a coop player, duplicating it.
#1187 Option 'wait_for_player_radius' would skip to the next object when the player was lost for the first time.
#1193 Preventing the empty string '' to be taken into consideration for option 'disallowed_object_commands' in config.yml
#1194 Errors when tab-completing command '/questcreator goto'.
#1203 An error preventing the reset of physical activator's dialogs sometimes.
#1211 An error preventing the use of the '/questcreator edit <editor>' command.
#1213 Player walk/spring distance objects would take jumps/falls into consideration.
#1222 Start notify wouldn't be sent in some cases where a start_delay was configured, matching exactly the thread's tick delay, in some cases.
#1225 Smokers wouldn't progress quests.
Removed forgotten useless text.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !