Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !
Added :
(GCore) Animations for NPCs ; still a beta feature, but it should look much better for most movements now.
#930 Quest placeholder {remaining_time} to display the remaining time (related the quest time limit), as well as PAPI quest placeholder 'remainingtime'.
#912 Projectile type 'SPECTRAL_ARROW' for object PLAYER_SHOOT_PROJECTILE.
#912 Renamed setting 'projectile_type' to 'projectile_types' for object PLAYER_SHOOT_PROJECTILE, now accepts multiple values. - this will be migrated automatically
Re-added permissions 'questcreator.gui.start', 'questcreator.gui.stop' and 'questcreator.gui.leave'.
Improved :
(GCore) Most placeholders will now format numbers according to the GCore config.
#942 Improved offline players manipulation commands handling.
#942 Command '/qc progress' will display complete information for offline players too.
#942 The following commands can now also be performed for offline players : '/qc completebranch', '/qc goto', '/qc start' (preconditions will not be checked).
Fixed :
(GCore) #843 Offline players command arguments would sometimes create fake players based on other arguments.
(GCore) #925 Loggers would sometimes take too long to catch up and completely block some operations.
(GCore) #935 Some command arguments weren't parsed correctly (such as operations 'add <number>').
(GCore) #947 An issue with the DeluxeChat integration.
(GCore) #956 An error occuring when comparing crossbow items.
(GCore) Some messages wouldn't always be sent to cc. when manipulating offline players.
#814 A problem with the GPS integration, preventing it to start.
#843 Quest pools wouldn't be reprocessed instantly after using the reset command.
#843 The PAPI cooldown placeholder would be incorrect.
#843 The '/qc resetpool' command wouldn't work in some cases.
#915 A problem causing the scoreboard to be disabled even if setting 'stop_scoreboard_if_no_content' was disabled.
#922 Object PLAYER_DISCONNECT wouldn't progress.
#938 Regular items would override next page items sometimes.
#941 Conversion to v6.0 wouldn't convert data due to backup folder renaming.
#943 Multiple quests with the same automatic activator wouldn't be allowed to start simultaneously.
#952 Activator particles would be sent in multiple worlds.
Updated to the latest version of VotingPlugin.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !