Discord#622 Physical activators now support coop quests starting for instant-confirm GUI. - you need to add this in /questcreator/config.yml : https://pastebin.com/YyEPP84y
Discord#622 Argument '-coop' for the '/qc start' command, to initialize a coop quest.
Discord#619 You can now add '_<branch>' after quest placeholders 'objective_name', 'objective', 'objective_progression', 'objective_goal' and 'objective_progression_percentage'.
Discord#619 You can now add '_<progression part id>' after placeholders 'objective', 'objective_progression', 'objective_goal' and 'objective_progression_percentage'.
(GCore) Command '/gcore itemread' to export the held item to configuration.
(GCore) Option 'logspam_item_nbt: false' in config.yml to print more debug logs related to items and nbt tags.
Improved :
Discord#639 Changed setting 'mob' to 'mobs' and 'factions' for MythicMobs objects (see documentation). - it'll be migrated automatically
(GCore) Discord#670 Greatly improved the placeholder parsing and caching system. Not all placeholders were parsed in all situations, and it was getting confusing for proper maintenance, because of two internal features basically doing the same things. Merged them for consistency.
(GCore) Discord#634,#665,#705 Greatly improved and fixed many issues with NBT handling.
(GCore) Discord#662 All parsing errors should now consistently display in console.
(GCore) Greatly improved the migration system, for consistency.
(GCore) Now displaying plugin version in main logger.
(GCore) Now displaying which texts are missing when loading texts. Added option 'dont_log_missing_editor_texts: true' in config.yml, to ignore editor texts.
Fixed :
Discord#592 Now migrating correctly condition type MMOITEMS_ITEM.
Discord#685 Only the first line of notify messages wouldn't be migrated.
Discord#617,#635,#660,#708 Item type PLAYER_ITEMS_FISH wouldn't work.
Discord#627 Fixed command '/qc journal open' not working.
Discord#641 Placeholder {detailed_progression} wouldn't be migrated to {objective}.
Discord#644 An error occuring when data wasn't loaded.
Discord#651 Added debug logs to investigate an error.
Discord#654 An error occuring when parsing quest description.
Discord#659 Removed text 'textDetailedProgressionObjectivePlaceholder' and now using PlaceholderAPI texts to parse any all-line object for consistency.
Discord#667 Object PLAYER_WAIT would progress too fast.
Discord#674 Some issues with 1.8 versions.
Discord#678 The coop invite message wouldn't be sent.
Discord#679 Player names wouldn't be parsed in coop GUIs.
Discord#680 Placeholder 'allcompletions' wouldn't be parsed correctly for groups.
Discord#588 Some actions wouldn't be performed synchronously on user data load.
Discord#624,#657 Activator types AUTO and POSITION wouldn't work.
Discord#673 Bucket type MILK wouldn't be recognized.
Discord#642 Object type PLAYER_BLOCKS_IGNITE wouldn't work.
Discord#647 All notify elements weren't always coherent with each other.
Discord#683 Quest {description} placeholder would always be parsed as one line.
Discord#684 Placeholders {objective_progression}, {objective_goal} and {objective_progression_percentage} will now display branches/objects with no name.
Discord#687 Multiple block placements (such as beds or doors) wouldn't progress quests.
Discord#694 Setting 'position' wouldn't be checked for player move objects.
Discord#697 Time limits wouldn't work properly.
Discord#681 Object names/progress names would incorrectly be migrated to short/long_name. - this will be reconverted automatically to name_short/long
Discord#700 Durations would sometimes throw 'missing config' errors even if they were optional settings.
Now copying old object configuration when converting unknown objects.
Now migrating correctly items_needed to 'goal' instead of 'amount', directly in the V6 migration.
Some cancel chats wouldn't reopen the GUI when editing in-game.