Discord#600 : option 'activators_dialog_auto_start_distance' for quest models, to automatically send the first dialog line when the player is in a certain radius.
Discord#587 : command /qc menu -active, to open the active quests menu using a command.
Discord#548 : text 'textDivergeLineSplit' to customize the line split text to be added in front of DIVERGE_CHAT choices when they're too long (by default '&r ').
A few examples in the documentation.
(GCore) Discord#415,#613 : Option 'allow_protocol_guis: true' in config.yml to allow disabling the ProtocolLib integration if you're encountering problems.
Improved :
Renamed 'amount' to 'goal' for simple item matches, to avoid setting confusion with item objectives. This will be backed up and converted automatically, and documentation was updated.
Decreased the default delay of bossbar/title sending in config so it's synced with the actionbar.
Discord#614 : handling the reload command better for some things to prevent user confusion.
Fixed :
Discord#548 : conditional choices weren't recalculated for GUI/chat objects, preventing them to progress if the condition was fulfilled after the object was initialized.
Discord#604 : object DIVERGE_OBJECTS wouldn't work correctly.
Discord#552 : A MySQL formatting issue preventing data to be saved in some cases.
Discord#561 : particles wouldn't be calculated because of the HolographicDisplays task overriding the particles one.
Discord#591,#602 : setting max_completions couldn't be set to -1.
Discord#606 : a bug occurring when max_completions wasn't set.
Discord#595 : a bug where XP and levels would be swapped for condition MCMMO_LOGIC.
Discord#593 : a minor bug happening with the Citizens integration.
Discord#589 : all messages of npc dialogs objects wouldn't be sent.
Discord#588 : a migration mistake causing "goal" to be written instead of "amount" for item matches - this was actually renamed to "goal" everywhere for consistency.
Discord#599 : an error where items wouldn't be recognized in some cases.
Discord#548 : error messages wouldn't be sent when clicking an unavailable choice for DIVERGE_GUI/CHAT.
Discord#610 : the coop GUI wouldn't open on click and had some incorrect config items.
Some issues with the Magic integration.
A bug where the same object looping could crash the server.
The quest journal NBT was incorrectly built, causing the players being able to drop it.
Not all physical activators dialogs would be reset automatically.
Some GUIs wouldn't be closed on plugin reload.
The 'start quest as coop' option wouldn't be shown sometimes.
Corrected default 'start as coop' control text.
The coop disband message would send when starting the quest.
A few mistakes in the documentation.
(GCore) Discord#608 : a MySQL formatting issue preventing data to be saved in some cases.
(GCore) Discord#609 : a critical data saving bug causing data to not be saved when disconnecting.
(GCore) Discord#601 : a bug causing some scoreboard lines to be removed when updated.
(GCore) Discord#576,#594 : many issues with permissions.
(GCore) Discord#593,#584,#586,#593,#603 : a few issues related to the bossbar.
(GCore) Discord#605 : an error occuring when brewing potions.
(GCore) Discord#550 : an error occuring on chat sometimes.
(GCore) Discord#598 : added more detailed logs to investigate an issue happening with NBT.
(GCore) A bug preventing to use the back item slot even if it was disabled.
(GCore) An error occuring when registering ignited blocks.
Misc :
Updated documentation cache to be at most 10 minutes.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !