Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For QuestCreator v5.20.0 :
Added :
(#394) Goto types 'QUEST_SUCCESS_THEN_START [model_id]', 'QUEST_FAIL_THEN_START [model_id]' and 'QUEST_CANCEL_THEN_START [model_id]' to attempt to start a quest right after a quest is over.
(#393) GUI item type 'MULTIPLE_QUESTS [model_id],[model_id],...' to add multiple quests on the same slot. The first item that exists for this GUI will be added, and parameters for the GUI such as show_[status] will be taken into consideration.
(#392) Option 'copy_in_other_slots' for GUI content items, all slots specified will have a copy of that item (same look and behavior on click and potential update task).
(#384) Option 'reset_tokens_on_process' for quest pools (false by default) to reset the existing tokens of a quest pool on processing.
(#388) Option 'show_in_detailed_progression' for branches and objects (true by default), if it's set to false the branch/object won't appear in the quest detailed progression such as GUI and scoreboard texts.
(#268) Option 'check_active_quest' for condition QUEST_WENTTHROUGH_OBJECT. If set to true (by default), it will check the quest if it's active for the player, and otherwise just previous quests. If 'check_active_quest' and 'check_last_completion_only' are both true, then only the active quest will be checked.
Option 'force_deliver' to object PLAYER_MMOITEMS_CITIZENS_NPC_INTERACT.
(#288) Option 'time_limit_fail_goto' for quest models.
(#386) Option 'default_variables_values' in config.yml to set default values for individual variables (
Option 'max_concurrent_instances' for quest models is now -1 by default.
Command '/qc setpooltokens' to change the tokens of a quest pool manually. There are different parameters.
Fixed :
(GCore #11) A json loading problem.
GUI item type 'QUEST_GROUP' wouldn't display correct progressing quests.
(#387) Removed a forgotten debug log with DeluxeChat.
(#385) Quest placeholders can now be used in the quests GUI progress items.
Setting 'conditions' (list) was mandatory even though the parent conditions object wasn't mandatory.
Progress was sometimes displayed very slowly in actionbar or scoreboard.
Object PLAYER_JUMP would be progressed when climbing stairs, and jump potion effect wouldn't be taken into consideration.
For GCore v7.10.7 :
Improved :
Improved the look of the commands help menu.
Fixed :
(#390) Added missing materials HUGE_MUSHROOM_1 and HUGE_MUSHROOM_2.
(#395) Fixed material BEETROOTS to work in legacy versions.
(#395) Blocks with a variant such as BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE won't accept any custom durability in legacy versions, and that fixes the problems of colors not displaying for instance.
Fixed command '/gcore block mat' not working in legacy versions.
A bug preventing block states to be set.
(QC #377) Door type blocks couldn't be placed.
(QC #383) Now forcing color parsing for ItemData.
(QC #375) A bug where custom nbt wasn't loaded.
Using something different than a number in the -help:[PAGE] argument would cause an internal error.
Particle NOTE was displaying with an offset in 1.14.
Block state RAIL_SHAPE wouldn't work correctly.
Editor enum GUI selections are now much faster to calculate when switching pages.
Editor single material selection GUI had no back page.