EDIT: one bug that resets running quests was reported with this patch - please don't download it until more is known
Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For QuestCreator v5.16.0 :
Added :
A partial Polish translation by Matrikx !
(#314) Option 'goto_if_not_valid' for 'progress_conditions' ; if specified and the progress conditions aren't valid, it'll be called and skip the current object.
(#300) Option 'progress_chance_fail_cancel_event' for object ; if specified and the progress chance isn't valid for an event, the event will be canceled.
Improved :
The current values of the global variables are now displayed in the edition GUI.
Fixed :
A console error occurring when a BLOCK activator wasn't configured correctly.
(#313) Activators type wouldn't be changed.
(#306) Some editor stuff (activators/conditions/...) wouldn't be updated until plugin reload.
(#305) Global variables were being removed from the file.
(#302) Invalid items were added in the type selection GUI.
(#303) A startup error shouldn't appear anymore.
(#297) Option 'generate_example_quests' wasn't working if set to false.
(#293, #295) Command '/qc queue' wasn't registered correctly, causing the '/qc stop' command to be overridden.
(#292) The scoreboard could throw errors on reload.
Default actionbar was uncolored.
(#285) Now removing quests in progress that have invalid data (JSON can't be loaded, previously throwing huge errors in logs).
Too many bugs ;-; me bad coder
For GCore v7.10.2 :
Fixed :
(QC #294) Material EMPTY_MAP wasn't recognized.
Some editor menus wouldn't update the thing, or simply not changing it at all when changing type.
Some editor menus had no back arrow when changing type.