Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For QuestCreator v5.12.0 :
Added :
A complete Chinese (Taiwan) translation by 踢米米 !
Option 'console_detailed_debug_informations' to display the plugin log in console as well for faster quest debug.
Improved :
Adapted to GCore GUI changes.
Refactored some code about how quest progression is checked ; due to this refactoring, option "mandatory" for branches was removed, some improvements have been made and some bugs have been fixed.
Quests can now continue if there aren't any active branches but still active individual branches.
Individual branches can now be started in a SERVER object as long as that server object was called directly in a chain started by a PLAYER object (so for example if there's no 'wait' or something like that that pauses the progress for some time, after the last player object is progressed ; for example, this will work :
Fixed :
(#231) Quests were started automatically asynchronously when players joined.
(#229) Updated to latest McRPG.
Server objects progression was sometimes checked asynchronously after an asynchronous event successfully progressed a quest object.
Now properly cancelling Citizens NPC interact event if no quest is progressed and an activator is triggered.
Command '/qc progress -admin' wouldn't show hidden objects/branches progression.
(#225) Forbidden action PLAYER_CHAT didn't work.
(#218) Option 'cancel_event' couldn't be used on PLAYER_CHAT objects.
(#221) Quest queue wasn't working properly.
(#222) Condition MMOITEMS_ITEM was only working with amount 1.
For GCore v7.9.0 :
Added :
A complete Chinese (Taiwan) translation by 踢米米 !
Improved :
Minor GUI changes.
Fixed :
Items would be taken in inventory sometimes when clicking items in GUIs.
(#4) A bug preventing data profiles to be saved correctly.