Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For QuestCreator v5.9.0 :
Added :
(#208) Command '/qc resetnpcs (-q:QUEST) (-o:OWNER) (-all) (-silent)' to reset the NPCs referenced in a quest, or all quests.
(#176) Integration for NuVotifier (object PLAYER_NUVOTIFIER_VOTE).
(#176) Integration for VotingPlugin (object PLAYER_VOTINGPLUGIN_VOTE).
(#195) Options 'gui.confirm_gui.enabled_for_quest_start' and 'gui.confirm_gui.enabled_for_quest_cancel' in config.yml (both true by default).
(#181) Option 'goto_start_branches' for quest objects, to easily start extra branches after ending an object.
(#196) Options 'time_limit_reminder_actionbar', 'time_limit_reminder_bossbar', 'time_limit_reminder_title' and 'time_limit_reminder_chat' to quest objects, to send reminders of the objects time limit.
(#193) Option 'allow_coop_leave_until_remaining_coop' to quest models, to allow coop players to leave the quest until this amount of coop players are left (default : 1). This also comes with a confirmation GUI in config.yml : ; although there are now default values for confirm GUI items, it's still good to add it in your config.yml file.
(#159) Option 'error_message_type' for conditions (default LIST). If it's set to RANDOM, then one message in the multiple lines will be sent, instead of the whole list of messages.
(#196) Setting 'time_limit_reminder' in config.yml to customize when the object time limit reminders should appear (default [1,2,3,4,5,10,15,30,60,180,300,600,900,1800,3000,6000]).
(#193) A misc text to inform the player if the quest is a coop quest or his quest (in the GUIs, for active quest items).
(#200) Messages MSG_QUESTCREATOR_SAMEBLOCKDELAYERROR and MSG_QUESTCREATOR_SAMEPLAYERDELAYERROR for when the player tries to do an action but that action is prevented by "ignore_same_..._delay".
Improved :
(#181) Renamed option 'goto_individual_branch' to 'goto_start_individual_branches'. You'll have to update that in your quest models files if you were using the individual branches options before. Just CTRL + F in multiple files.