Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.
I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3
For QuestCreator v5.8.0 :
Added :
(#154) Setting 'items_needed' to objects PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK, PLAYER_BLOCK_FIRE, PLAYER_BLOCK_INTERACT, PLAYER_LOG_STRIP, PLAYER_MOB_KILL, PLAYER_MOB_SHEAR, PLAYER_MOB_TAME, PLAYER_PLAYER_KILL, PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT, so you can specify different items and the player can have only one of them for example.
Setting 'ignore_same_player_delay' to object PLAYER_PLAYER_KILL.
Setting 'random_max_amount' to object SERVER_BLOCK_PLACE, to place a random amount of blocks in the specified location (base + near or base + bound). It'll be ignored if it's greater than the total amount of blocks that can be placed.
(#10) Setting 'camera_mode_lock_view' and 'camera_mode_refresh_ticks' in config.yml to customize the camera mode.
(#57) Setting 'disabled_commands' for quest models to disable some commands easily during a quest.
Setting ENABLED_FAIL for quest cooldown.
Setting QUEST_CANCEL for goto's.
A quest selection when using command /qc stop without specifying a quest model.
Locale message MISC_QUESTCREATOR_JOINCLICKCHAT to customize the '[join]' chat button when invited to a quest.
Some default quests to the wiki.
Improved :
Renamed setting 'mob' to 'mobs' for objects PLAYER_MOB_DISMOUNT, PLAYER_MOB_KILL, PLAYER_MOB_MOUNT, PLAYER_MOB_SHEAR, PLAYER_MOB_SPAWN_EGG, PLAYER_MOB_TAME, so you can specify multiply mob types. If the mob match one of those in the list, the object will be progressed. If you use the in-game editor GUI, you'll simply have to re-add them to your objects. If you use the configuration files, you can simply move them as such :
(#189) More customization options for the confirmation GUI. You'll have to copy/paste (and eventually replace) this part in config.yml :
(#174) Now updating the remaining item in-real time in the GUIs instead of having to reopen it. When the cooldown is over, the next relevant item replaces the cooldown one.
(#174) Now reopening the previous GUI after confirming starting/cancelling a quest in a confirmation GUI, if the previous GUI wasn't from an activator cancel.
Fixed :
The sounds in the default example quests.
Object SERVER_ACTION_LIST will now skip unknown sounds instead of throwing an error.
(#191) An error occuring with entity events.
(#189) Couldn't use color codes in the confirmation GUI title.
(#188) Updated to latest MMOItems version.
Commands wouldn't run for NONE items in the custom GUIs.
Removed some forgotten debug logs.
NPCs were trying to spawn in QuestCreator, but this is now managed by GCore.
For GCore v7.7.0 :
Added :
(#66) Command '/gcore item read' to export the configuration data required for an item to a configuration file.
Operations abs(X), posOrZero(X) and posOrOne(X) for mathematical expressions.