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QuestCreator -----

The most powerful questing plugin ever seen for Spigot. [1.7-latest] [test server available]

QuestCreator v5.8.0
Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For QuestCreator v5.8.0 :

Added :
  • (#154) Setting 'items_needed' to objects PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK, PLAYER_BLOCK_FIRE, PLAYER_BLOCK_INTERACT, PLAYER_LOG_STRIP, PLAYER_MOB_KILL, PLAYER_MOB_SHEAR, PLAYER_MOB_TAME, PLAYER_PLAYER_KILL, PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT, so you can specify different items and the player can have only one of them for example.
  • Setting 'ignore_same_player_delay' to object PLAYER_PLAYER_KILL.
  • Setting 'random_max_amount' to object SERVER_BLOCK_PLACE, to place a random amount of blocks in the specified location (base + near or base + bound). It'll be ignored if it's greater than the total amount of blocks that can be placed.
  • (#10) Setting 'camera_mode_lock_view' and 'camera_mode_refresh_ticks' in config.yml to customize the camera mode.
  • (#57) Setting 'disabled_commands' for quest models to disable some commands easily during a quest.
  • Setting ENABLED_FAIL for quest cooldown.
  • Setting QUEST_CANCEL for goto's.
  • A quest selection when using command /qc stop without specifying a quest model.
  • Locale message MISC_QUESTCREATOR_JOINCLICKCHAT to customize the '[join]' chat button when invited to a quest.
  • Some default quests to the wiki.
Improved :
  • Renamed setting 'mob' to 'mobs' for objects PLAYER_MOB_DISMOUNT, PLAYER_MOB_KILL, PLAYER_MOB_MOUNT, PLAYER_MOB_SHEAR, PLAYER_MOB_SPAWN_EGG, PLAYER_MOB_TAME, so you can specify multiply mob types. If the mob match one of those in the list, the object will be progressed. If you use the in-game editor GUI, you'll simply have to re-add them to your objects. If you use the configuration files, you can simply move them as such :
  • (#189) More customization options for the confirmation GUI. You'll have to copy/paste (and eventually replace) this part in config.yml :
  • (#174) Now updating the remaining item in-real time in the GUIs instead of having to reopen it. When the cooldown is over, the next relevant item replaces the cooldown one.
  • (#174) Now reopening the previous GUI after confirming starting/cancelling a quest in a confirmation GUI, if the previous GUI wasn't from an activator cancel.
Fixed :
  • The sounds in the default example quests.
  • Object SERVER_ACTION_LIST will now skip unknown sounds instead of throwing an error.
  • (#191) An error occuring with entity events.
  • (#189) Couldn't use color codes in the confirmation GUI title.
  • (#188) Updated to latest MMOItems version.
  • Commands wouldn't run for NONE items in the custom GUIs.
  • Removed some forgotten debug logs.
  • NPCs were trying to spawn in QuestCreator, but this is now managed by GCore.

For GCore v7.7.0 :

Added :
  • (#66) Command '/gcore item read' to export the configuration data required for an item to a configuration file.
  • Operations abs(X), posOrZero(X) and posOrOne(X) for mathematical expressions.

Improved :
  • (QC #187) You can now specify a custom NBT tag to your items. Example here :
  • If the description of an object in the in-game editor GUI is too long, it'll be split so the item remains readable.
  • The description of elements will be displayed in parent containers and lists in the in-game editor GUI.
----------, Jul 18, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,637
First Release: Apr 8, 2017
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
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