GCore v7.4.0
Added :
- Operation rand(X) for mathematical expressions.
Improved :
- The library to manipulate and display NPCs has been improved, and it's now way clearer in code. NPCs behaviors are on their way !
- The NPC navigator has been made a little smoother, especially when there are multiple steps (multiple navigators called one after the other).
- Improved events PlayerCraftedItemsEvent and PlayerVillagerTradedEvent.
Fixed :
- Command '/gcore npc setstatus' would change the NPC equipment.
- Couldn't open some listing menus in the in-game editor.
- Added a few missing legacy Mats.
- An error occurring when checking unknown Mats for NPC pathfinding in legacy versions.
QuestCreator v5.6.0
Added :
- A log file, when advanced debug is enabled, the plugin will log all of its actions in /QuestCreator/plugin_log.log (so it doesn't spam your console and it's easier to track).
- (#152) Option 'general_error_message' for conditions lists, if it's specified then this message will be sent when the conditions aren't complete instead of all the individual error messages for the conditions in the list.
Improved :
- For some GCore NPCs objects, whenever an unknown NPC is referenced, the plugin will not throw any error and simply won't progress the object.
- (#152) Progress conditions have been improved and the check is now made at the very end after all the other checks have been made, just when the object is ready to be progressed.
- (#152) Progress conditions now recognize parameter 'take_after_completion' ; if it's set to true, they'll be taken AT EVERY PROGRESS STEP when the object is progressed.
- (#152) Progress conditions will now display their error message when they're not complete.
Fixed :
- A startup error occurring when trying to move npcs.yml to the GCore directory.
- A bug occurring when disabling plugin tasks on disable.
- Updated missing perms on the wiki.
- Object PLAYER_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARD will also check for previously awarded achievements.
- (#153) Now loading conditions before quest models.
- An error occurring when loading quest models.
- (#160) Object PLAYER_VILLAGER_TRADE couldn't be detected.
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster! The link is on the plugin page 
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication! <3
If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested!