Quick note: thanks for waiting for that long and for your comprehension during my exams ! Here's finally the update and I'll be more active from now on. The changelogs are also a little more easy to read. ^^
GCore v7.3.0
Added :
(QC #95) Integration for HeadDatabase for items (you can use option 'head_database_id' for items (no need to set an item type) or import it from the in-game editor for QuestCreator).
Improved :
Finished moving client-side NPCs from QuestCreator to GCore (the npcs.yml file as well).
Materials will now be sorted by alphabetical order in the in-game editor GUI.
Fixed :
(QC #105) Fixed buggy sounds and added beacon sounds, also updated the sound list on the website.
(QC #141) Fixed problems with ageable blocks state/age detection (mainly with nether warts).
The in-game edition GUI for numbers wasn't displaying -1 and 1 at the correct slot.
Better checks will be performed to check if a Mat exists in this version or not.
Added missing old Mat CROPS.
Added missing Mat WITHER_ROSE.
NPC protocols aren't available below 1.9 so the plugin will now notify it instead of trying to register it.
Potentially fixed :
(QC #103) NPCs weren't loading.
Known bugs :
Status CROUCHED and SWIMMING for NPCs don't seem to work in 1.14.
QuestCreator v5.5.0
Added :
(#77) A conditions.yml file where you can create conditions and just reference them anywhere (for every condition list, you can either specify a list of reference or a list of "local" conditions). You can edit the global conditions in the in-game editor and also toggle the mode for every condition list (either reference or local).
(#83) A confirmation menu when clicking quests to start/stop them in a GUI.
A Brazilian Portuguese translation, by ImCrashy.
(#84) Option 'progress_chance' for quest objects.
(#77) Option 'progress_conditions' for quest objects.
(#90) Option 'goto_individual_branch' for PLAYER objects, allowing the player who completed the object to start a branch which is individual for him. More informations about this here : https://bit.ly/2RqXaUV (GitLab wiki).
(#111) Option 'caught_tolerance' for object PLAYER_FISH (set to "FISH" by default), to specify if grabbing items on the ground, entities and/or regular fishing is allowed.
(#131) Option 'particle_offx' for activators BLOCK, NPC, CITIZENS_NPC, ENTITY, PRECISE_ENTITY.
(#131) Option 'particle_offz' for activators BLOCK, NPC, CITIZENS_NPC, ENTITY, PRECISE_ENTITY.
(#117) Option 'force_stop' for pool quests to stop quests before processing the pool.
(#117) Option 'force_reset' for pool quests to reset quests before processing the pool.
(#97) Option 'color' to 'mob' parameters.
Option 'items_error_message' to objects PLAYER_CITIZENS_NPC_INTERACT, PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT and PLAYER_BLOCK_INTERACT, shown when the player is trying to interact but missing the required items.
(#114) Parameter '-silent' (or '-s') to commands '/qc goto', '/qc journal', '/qc reset', '/qc resetpool', '/qc setcompleted', '/qc stop'. If this parameter is specified, no result message will be sent to the target player if it's not the sender. Output (error/success) messages will still be sent to the player/console who executed the command.
Improved :
Renamed condition ITEM to ITEMS, since it allows multiple items.
You can now use command '/qc journal' with argument '-player' to toggle the quest journal of a player.
The activator menu won't open when the player tries to progress objects PLAYER_CITIZENS_NPC_INTERACT, PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT and PLAYER_BLOCK_INTERACT.
Corrected some things in the Chinese translation (by Met).
The quests will now take into consideration the pause time (amount of time the quest was paused for) when checking if quests must be expired.
Fixed :
(#124, #101) An error would be thrown when breaking blocks.
(#122) Choices for object DIVERGE couldn't be sent in some cases.
(#118) Citizens errors spamming console.
(#116) Particles wouldn't be centered on some targets (NPCs, entities).
(#109) Object SNEAK wouldn't progress correctly.
(#115) Added parameters 'exact_match' and 'check_durability' to the home wiki page.
(#107) Object PLAYER_BREAK wouldn't progress with AutoSell.
(#90) Objects WAIT, WALK will now only perform location checks for concerned players (with 'only_for_role' or individual player branch).
(#128) Activator FIRST_CONNECT was not written correctly in the wiki.
Import button for items was missing in editor GUI.
(#129) Action 'TITLE' for object SERVER_ACTION_LIST was stripping a space from the subtitle.
(#126) Object PLAYER_ITEM_CONSUME would count the amount of items in hand for progression, and not one, when the player eats an item.
Conditions settings were not displayed at the correct slots in the in-game editor.
(#135) An error occurring after a player joined the server and the quests progress was checked.
Back arrow in in-game registration editor GUIs were redirecting to the main menu.
Model registration couldn't be created from the in-game registration editor GUI.
Object type selection wasn't sorted alphabetically.
Object type selector was buggy sometimes when new option items would be added.
(#147) Number settings couldn't be loaded in some cases.
WorldEdit objects had version caps.
Quest registration, activators, and groups couldn't be removed with the in-game editor GUI.
Potentially fixed :
(#125) Problem with fishing custom items.
(#117) Quests weren't resetting in quest pools.
(#104) Problems with objects PLAYER_ITEM_PICKUP and PLAYER_ITEM_DROP.
Known bugs :
Object SERVER_WORLDEDIT_SCHEMATIC_PASTE doesn't seem to work, and it's most likely a WorldEdit bug.
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster! The link is on the plugin page
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication! <3
If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested!