READ THIS - QuestCreator v2.0.0 - The biggest update that changes everything (in a good way)
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Changelog for QuestCreator v2.0.0 :
You should definitely read this changelog !
Hi, everyone !
The 2.0.0 beta build is f-i-n-a-l-l-y over !! It should not have taken that much time but I precisely didn't has much time to code in my free time.
It changes a lot of things, mainly the way the quest flow works. It's w-a-y better and easier now !
Before 2.0.0, the flow was very linear and was really blocking or annoying to create big quests with multiple dialogs choices and directions, etc.
So, 2.0.0 introduces the "branches" system : you can now easily manage different the different "paths" that the player can take. You can also have multiples objects running at the same time, and also different branches running at the same time, which means that you can create "secondary objectives" (that can be optional or not).
Another important fact, objectives and tasks are no longer differentiated. Now, everything is an "object", and differentiated by "PLAYER" or "SERVER" object. For example, you have the object PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACE (an objective for the player) and SERVER_BLOCK_PLACE (a task for the server).
There are also some other changes, including better items implementation, with unbreakable and nbt, etc.
You can take a look at the new default example quest to have a better look at how it looks like.
THE WIKI HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REWORKED ! You DEFINITELY should take a look at it, to have a clear comprehension of the new system.
The plugin will move all your current files to an "old" directory, and also try to automatically convert quests to the new system. Note that it will not detect all the branches and directions, but PRECONDITIONS are no longer a thing. So, you will have to rework the flow of your quests.
PLEASE do a backup of your /plugins/PyrCore/ folder before installing the new version. There should not be any problem, but you never know !
Added : object type GROUP, so you can create grouped objects (so multiple objects running at the same time). (
Added : object type SERVER_MESSAGE_LIST, so you can create multiples messages send with delays between messages without having to create a thousand empty objects with just messages. (
Added : object type 'SERVER_WORLDEDIT_SCHEMATIC_PASTE' to load schematics from files and paste them in-game. (
Added : quest activation type 'NPC [npc interact id]' if you want the quest to be started only by interacting with the NPC (this has nothing to do with NPC assigned quests in npcs file). (
Added : quest activation type 'AUTO_START_WORLDGUARD_REGION' if you want the quest to be started automatically if the player is in a region. (
Added : quest activation type 'AUTO_START_FIRSTCONNECT' if you want the quest to be started automatically when the player connects for the first time. (
Added : requirement type XP_LEVEL that checks the current player's level. (
Added : condition type 'quest_wentthrough_object' that will check if a player went through an object (so basically completed it) of a quest, either the current running quest or previously completed ones). (
Added : setting 'max_concurrent_instances_queue' to quest configuration files. When the plugin tries to start a quest but max concurrent instances are reached, it'll now have a queue system and try to start the quest again when an instance is over. (
Added : setting 'quest_players_only' to object 'SERVER_PARTICLES_DISPLAY' to display the particles only to the quest players. (
Added : config files 'questcreator_npcs.yml' that will allow you to customize NPCs (that part was previously in the main config) and 'questcreator_blocks.yml' that will allow you to customize quest blocks (or signs). (
Added : you can now differentiate the particle type depending on status of player's quests and customize 4 particles types (available, in progress, in cooldown, completed) for NPCs and quest blocks. (
Added : command /quests status [quest] [player] to check the current quests. This is planned to be an admin command so all details (such are hidden objects and branches) are shown. (
Added : command /quests progress [quest] to check the current quests. This is the 'player version' of the status command, so not all details are shown and secret branches/objects are hidden. (
Improved : now sending the DIVERGE choices to all players (but the creator is the only one that can click on them). (
Improved : now displaying the remaining distance for PLAYER_WALK object. (
Improved : now all the players need to sneak to complete the PLAYER_SNEAK object. (
Improved : better logs for errors when loading quests. (
Improved : you can now specify a location setting for every player quest object. It can be either a location (without/within/outside a specified range) or a zone/worldguard zone. (
Improved : you can now specify a message/sound/post_message/post_sound for every quest object. (
Improved : now displaying all the detailed objective for all objects (GROUP or not). You can choose a custom short name for every object with adding the 'progress_name' setting. (
Improved : the GUI is now only closed after clicking on a quest if it is successfully started. (
Improved : several aspects of the in-game quest editor, now much easier to use, especially for texts. (
Improved : changed API events and generated javadocs for developers (check the wiki). (
Fixed : unexisting event still being loaded for spigot 1.9.0. ( (
Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.6 :
You should definitely read this changelog !
Improved : adapting to 1.13. (
Improved : all locales have been cleaned up and all placeholders have been replacer from $PLACEHOLDER to {placeholder} and some of them have been changed or removed, which are easier to replace technically speaking and might also feel easier to read to some people. Also a lot of unused/invalid messages have been removed.
You should either reset your locale files by deleting the locale folder located at /plugins/PyrCore/locale/. (snapshot)
Improved : now using the official spigot API to check for updates instead of my own website. (
Improved : better sound implementation. (
Improved : better items implementation, with NBT and durability/unbreakable, etc. (
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.