Please use GITHUB to get support !
You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new
Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.9-BETA :
Improved : now setting items default amount to 1 instead of 0. (snapshot)
Fixed : a NPE for reward TASK and added loading error logs. ( (snapshot)
Fixed : now clearing the chat message color before checking if it's alphanumerical, which was causing compatibility errors with chat plugins. ( (snapshot)
Potentially fixed : typing 'exit' in the chat doesn't cancel input. (snapshot)
Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.2 :
Fixed : commands were sometimes not working properly. (tested)
Potentially fixed : placeholders are sometimes not filled properly ? (snapshot)
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
snapshot means that I just added/improved/fixed the thing and tested means that I tested it.