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Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.7-BETA :
Note : all the IDs must now be integer numbers.
This apply for : requirements, rewards and flow elements.
You'll see warning logs when loading quests (server start).
- Added : you can now clone elements in the editor GUI.
- Added : you can now delete and clone rewards, requirements and quest flow elements from the quest in the editor GUI.
- Improved : some back-end concerning the way plugin detects the progress of quests.
- Improved : now exporting less useless/default informations with the editor GUI, resulting on smaller quest files.
- Improved : added more clear debug log when a requirement or a reward failed to load.
- Fixed : some players could not progress in the quest if there were doing the same quest as somebody else (
- Fixed : the locations were not loading correctly if they were edited from the GUI editor (
- Fixed : an issue that could appear when loading some quest details (related to items).
- Fixed : the editor GUI correctly opens if you modify elements list like requirements, rewards or flow.
- Fixed : sometimes the NPC_MOVE_WAIT task wasn't sometimes completing properly and preventing the flow to go on.
- Fixed : removed debug log.
Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.13 :
- Fixed and improved minor things.
Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.3 :
- Adapting to PyrCore 3.2.13.
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.