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QuestCreator -----

The most powerful questing plugin ever seen for Spigot. [1.7-latest] [test server available]

QuestCreator v1.5.0-BETA
Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.

Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.0-BETA :

Introducing in-game quests GUI editor. It's now way easier to create, modify and customize quests. Trailer :

It's still a beta version. Please use github to report any bug you notice with it.

- Added : task MONEY to give money to the player.
- Added : parameter 'around' (location) and 'around_radius' (distance) for objective MOB_KILL.
- Addded : setting 'only_in_worlds' (list of world names) for restricting the quest to some worlds (if it's empty all worlds will work).
- Improved : you can now specify multiple mobs for objective MOB_KILL.
- Improved : parameter 'level' is now optional for objective ITEM_ENCHANT.
- Improved : you can now specify multiple items for all item-related objectives and tasks (beginning with ITEM_).
- Improved : all variables now have a default value of 0 (or "0") if there are no default values specified in questcreator_config.yml
- Fixed : forbidden actions names are now the same as inner used names.

Known bugs :

- The Quest Editor (/quests edit) might sometimes show incorrect values or "no value" for a task/objective. It's only a display problem, the actual settings are correct and the last one you set.

Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.3 :

- Improved : closest command detection is now much more accurate when a user is not typing a command correctly.
- Improved : some changes have been made to the GUI system.
- Fixed : some other bugs and general improvements.
- Potentially fixed : stackoverflow error appearing with gson while it was saving a map.
----------, Feb 2, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,637
First Release: Apr 8, 2017
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
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