Added possible fix for invalid vehicles for menues
Fixed NPE for invalid vehicles
Added Police Vehicles
Added "Unmarked van"
Added "enable_RequirePermsToDriveType", which will require players to have "qualityarmoryvehicles.candrive.XXX" to drive vehicle XXX
Added fix for CE
Removed debug code.
Added a fix for
Added fix for 1.13 and wallsigns
Added Vehicle Health
Added Collision boxes for all vehicles. First step to a decent terrain height detector for large models.
Added Ability to limit vehicles spawned per player
Added permissions to determine how many vehicles a player can spawn (default is 1, OP is unlimited)
Added shops!
Added the ability to open shop using signs (default sign is [QAV-Shop] for the first line of sign)
Added fix for unbreakable tag for vehicles in menus
Added optional feature for "unlockable vehicles". Vehicles bought will be added to a "garage", which allows the player to spawn the vehicle as many times as they want (even if it breaks)
Added Shopping carts
Fixed heli blades breaking
Fixed material used in enum for vehicles with different material types
Fixed naming for materials
Added ability to specific material used for vehicle
Added Trunks
Added ability to pickup vehicles
Fixed CoalBlock issue with tanks
Fixed armorstands not being invisible
Fixed coal-conversion
Fixed player-body rotation with vehicle for some vehicles (applys only to vehicles where player's body is viewable in 3rd person).
Fixed planes actually increasing speed by going up (without pressing space)
Fixed issue where vehicle's armorstand could get stuck in a hole, with a block infront/inside the vehicle, and it would not be able to go up.
Added fix for old vehicles or vehicles not stored in the list.
Allowed CoalBlocks to be used as fuel.
Fixed fuel consumption for Helicopters and Planes
VEHICLE SYSTEM REWRITE: A majority of the code has been rewritten to make sure that all data regarding vehicles are stored together
Added Breaking for cars (use [Space])
Added Motorcycles
Added Semi-Trailer Trucks
Fixed Lada Niva model.
Fixed Lada Niva filename (was originally "ladanivda" with an added 'd')
Fixed Wheel height
Increased MaxSpeed
Set it so plane velocities take into account changes in pitch. Flying down will no longer make the plane fly faster than the max speed
Made acceleration and maxAcceleration customizable in the vehicles yml.
Added ability to stop certain damage for certain vehicles
Added fix for if passagers are far away from the car
Added Whitelist for vehicles. Only players added to the whitelist can drive/ride the car
Added custom menu to configure parts of cars. Currently, only configures whitelist
Added Messages.yml
Added ability to have turning scale with speed of car if specified
Added Fuel Requirement to cars. This can be disabled in the car's yml file. Vehicles require coal to work
Added Cadillac-Series62
Renamed file to represent the actual plugin's name
Fixed files continually updating with no change
Fixed issue where planes, boats, and helis were treated as Cars
Fixed issue with AOB for setPassager
Fixed issue where setpassager would not find the nearest vehicle
Added permissions.
Vehicle models will be updated (requires update for QualityArmory)
Added ability to customize or create new vehicles
Fixed offset when placing cars
Fixed displaynames for vehicles.