QualityArmory Vehicles 2 icon

QualityArmory Vehicles 2 -----

Adds cars, planes, boats, and helicopters to minecraft with custom models.

Version: 2.3.8
Amazing plugin!
Congratulations to the developers! It is very easy to handle and there are no bugs. Worth the purchase! ❤️️
Author's response
Thanks for your review! This means a lot for me

Version: 2.3.8
Going to have to rate this poorly seeing as the discord verification for spigot is not even working so I cannot get support. When I am given support and can get the tank's cannons to fire I will change my review to more positive. Not very nice to direct people to discord for support, only to then let them deal with a bot that clearly is broken.
Author's response
Always sad when someone is not honest, there are no pending verification requests on my server. If any issue occurs my team is always available to assist :)

Version: 2.3.7
When I try to join Discord, it says the link is invalid. Please update the link.
Author's response
I've updated the discord link

Version: 2.3.6
Very good plugin The only thing I would add is a tutorial on how to add more car models
Author's response
Hello, you can find it in our plugin documentation.

Version: 2.3.6
Well, it's been a few years since I bought this and redownloaded today just thought I'd try to bring it up to a deserving five! Has worked like a charm since purchasing, 0 issues from the get-go! I Appreciate the authors time and effort!
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your kind words, this means much to me.

Version: 2.3.6
not suppurt in discord cant verify
please help me to verify in discord cant please
Author's response
There are no pending verification requests, please don't lie..
If you still need assistance ping me in the discord server

Version: 2.3.5
Plugin works as intended. If it doesn't, ask Lorenzo. He'll fix it. I see some negative reviews here. I am not sure why, as Lorenzo is always quick to provide support when contacted on Discord. If you're going to write a negative review, it just means you didn't attempt to get support first, because Lorenzo has been keeping this plugin and Quality Armory going for years - long after anyone who has used this since the "old days" would have expected him to.
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your kind words, this means much to me.

Version: 2.3.4
Do not buy it under any circumstances. Better buy yourself a Coke.

A brief summary of the plugin:
The plugin is good, but if you have tps less than 19 and online more than 5 - you will suffer. Technical support will not help you because they know about this problem but are not going to do anything about it.

What happens at a small tps:
Cars start spawning like animals all over the map. Cars start to move super weird. You can not normally get in the car. And a lot of other things.

I'm waiting for a "contact support" kind of response under this comment xD
Author's response
Hello, what is your discord name? I'll be happy to assist you

Version: 2.3.4
it doesn't work, after I got into the vehicle, it disappeared.. please advise me
Author's response
Thanks for your review! I’m sad to read this review, please join our discord server and I’ll be happy to help you to solve the issue

Version: 2.3.4
plugin not working as intended at all, been trying to ask dev to fix the issue for 2 weeks , nothing yet...
- vehicles cannot move straight , if u drive them they just shift far left or far right by there own
- vehicles are un controllable , (the vehicles drives u , not u drive it )
- mounting the vehicle is extremly difficult and luck

I will change this feedbakc once evrything is fixed .. i delates my server opening 3 times for now because of that
Author's response
Thanks for your review! I’m sad to read this review, please join our discord server and I’ll be happy to help you to solve the issue

Version: 2.3.4
it's a good plugin, but it makes models move arround basically, i really wished that planes could fire guns and drop tnt, tanks could fire etc, would make it perfect!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Regarding your suggestion, it is already implemented. Feel free to get in touch with me on discord and i’ll assist you

Version: 2.1.1
This plugin is great with Awesome Developer and has fast support that the author responds you immediately
Author's response
Thanks for your review <3

Version: 2.1.1
Great resource, Dev (lorenzo) is really worried about improving the plugin, fixing bugs and fast support on discord. The only complaint that i have is that updates take too long, but i understand, it is not an easy work; updates are quite complete, and come on: He has a life behind. Highly recommend :]
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review <3.
I work hard to keep the plugin updated

Version: 2.1.1
Amazing plugin, works perfectly in 1.18. I've tried several vehicles plugins and this one is my favorite by far. Would highly recommend :)
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review <3.
I really appreciate it

Version: 2.1.1
I LOVE THIS, But how to ban the fuel system,I just want to drive the car freely,Pls tell me!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review <3.
You can disable the fuel check by setting RequiresFuel to false in the vehicle configuration file

Version: 2.1.1
This plug-in has been updated for such a long time. I always thought that the performance problem about it has been solved. When I complained about the server lag today, I unexpectedly found that there are great performance problems in this plug-in. I have completely lost confidence in this plug-in
Author's response
Again, again and again. You are bumping the same false review every month. I hope doing this makes you happy <3.

Version: 2.1.1
Parabéns, o plugin está excelente, eu me divirto muito com ele kkkkkk
Inclusive estou montando um servidor de dayz e outro de battleroyale, ficará sensacional rs.
Se puder colocar modo queda lentamente para os aviões e helicóptero.
coloca para ele ter suporte com o Oraxen por favor rs.
Author's response
Translation: Congratulations, the plugin is excellent, I have a lot of fun with it lol

I'm even setting up a dayz server and a battleroyale server, it will be sensational lol.

If you can put fall mode slowly for airplanes and helicopters.

Put it on for him to have support with Oraxen, please lol

Thanks for your review. It’s almost impossible to integrate the resourcepack with the oraxen one because there is no api for doing that.

Hello, the plugin is good, it doesn't have as many errors as before, but I have a problem, I don't know if it can be fixed or it has a config, the thing is that the cars at the moment of getting off and this one has momentum the car moves slowly forward and does not stop moving forward
Author's response
Please do not use the review section to report errors, pm me on spigot or use the discussion tab

This plugin is amazing! The author is a damn legend who responds immediately to questions and adds requested features in no time!
Author's response
Thanks for your review. I work hard to give users the best experience I can.

Version: 2.0.1
plugin is great but the console is full of bugs from this plugin((( version 1.16.4
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your review. All bugs have been fixed in the latest plugin version

Version: 2.0.0
The plugin is great (although it is being done anew), but we are all waiting for a correctly working version for 1.16.5.

Version: 1.0.81c
Have to go into each vehicle file and separately disable fuel, such a long process I wish you added a faster way. Good plugin overall, sometimes I get errors from it.

Version: 1.0.81c
Its cool but can you please make the vehicle sound less obnoxious? Its the same sound looped every half a second with a high raising pitch.

Version: 1.0.81c
this plugin is amazing, however it still has a lot of bugs, it is hard to get where to click in order to enter the vehicle, i've spent up to 5 minutes clicking arround a plane trying to figure out where to click, vehicles default speed is insanely fast, i cant put them back on my inventory and a few more minor errors, i have seen other reviews saying the plugin is unusable, this is flase, the vehicles work as expected, the bugs are not game breaking

Version: 1.0.81c
this console spam always appears when you get out of the car

[02:21:56 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to QualityArmory v1.1.176
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at me.zombie_striker.qg.handlers.AimManager.onMove(AimManager.java:79) ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor23.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1(EventExecutor.java:69) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(TimedEventExecutor.java:80) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:70) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:607) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.baseclasses.AbstractVehicle.tick(AbstractVehicle.java:516) ~[?:?]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.baseclasses.AbstractCar.tick(AbstractCar.java:79) ~[?:?]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.Main$3.run(Main.java:422) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:99) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:468) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1293) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:377) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1208) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:996) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0(MinecraftServer.java:173) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_241]
[02:21:56 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to QualityArmoryVehicles v1.0.81
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.Main.onMove(Main.java:1431) ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor31.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1(EventExecutor.java:69) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(TimedEventExecutor.java:80) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:70) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:607) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.baseclasses.AbstractVehicle.tick(AbstractVehicle.java:516) ~[?:?]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.baseclasses.AbstractCar.tick(AbstractCar.java:79) ~[?:?]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.Main$3.run(Main.java:422) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:99) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:468) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1293) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:377) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1208) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:996) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0(MinecraftServer.java:173) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_241]

Version: 1.0.81c
There are too many problems with this plugin, but the author only fixed a few of them. Many of the bugs I submitted the author did not fix them at all

Version: 1.0.81c
the plugin is good, however there are bugs but it still doesn't break the game, it should give a star because there is literally no support for this plugin, but I'll be kind

Version: 1.0.81c
has a ffair few issues but is also brilliant at the same time, I hope to see this improved but I'm happy enough with it for what I paid

Version: 1.0.81c
it's a good plugin, but it's full of bugs. Duplicating vehicles and other bugs are very common

Version: 1.0.81c
i think this is a good plugin for some servers, i dont like the plugin at all. Why?
1. Has a lot of issuse
2. Its not working!

Version: 1.0.81c
Fantastic plugin, I love it.
Great discord support. I’m very happy for my spent money

Version: 1.0.80
While its a good plugin and technically it works, there is 0 documentation and the support discord doesn't help very often, questions go unanswered for days and when they are answered by the helpers they just @ the dev who doesn't respond.

Buy this plugin if you are willing to learn it without knowing what's what

Version: 1.0.80
Best plugin for vehicles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 1.0.79c
Zero support from author, and is NOT fully customizable. One of the main things is you can't change the ID's of the vehicle. Wouldn't recommend purchasing now.
Author's response
Yes, you can change the ID of the vehicle. There is literally an ID: entry in the vehicle's yml file.

As for the support, I apologize. I haven't been as active as most likely should have been, but I do have helpers that do respond to questions, and I don't see anything that hasn't been responded to in the QA-vehicles channel.

Version: 1.0.78
Its great! I have never had an issue with it. It has a lot of default vehicles and adding new ones is pretty simple

Version: 1.0.78
There are too many problems with this plugin, but the author only fixed a few of them. Many of the bug I submitted the author did not fix them at all

Version: 1.0.73
Plugin works but has bugs. Support is non existing. Many bug reports and question go unanswered in his Discord and on the discussions page.

Version: 1.0.72c
Beautiful plugin !!! The top on our server as a decoration element, no bug with performance optimizing, I recommend it 100%;) Thank you artist !!

Version: 1.0.69
vehiculos muy bugueados, da lag a los usuarios, ademas necesita paquete de texturas

Version: 1.0.65
Almost perfect plug-in, just missing the option to disable vehicles in specific worlds

Version: 1.0.65
Working on Paper 1.15.2 as expected. Well done and maintained. Did never regret buying it.

Version: 1.0.62
Poorly maintained plugin over the last few months. I have reported the issues on his discord though so we'll see if it gets fixed. However, the quality of his updates has just been incredibly poor.

Every time he patches something, more things break. A new feature also breaks. When a new mc version comes out, (e.g, 1.15), the plugin becomes broken and is unusable.

I highly discourage from buying this plugin, it doesn't really have a future anymore tbh. Unless you are willing to stay within versions 1.12 and below, then yes this plugin will still work (on older plugin versions)

Version: 1.0.60
nice plugin, but the newest version ps. 1.0.60 wont work on 1.12.2 paper server so i went back one version
Author's response
What exactly does not work? Are there any errors in the console?

Version: 1.0.58
Developer says that he fixed bugs but when the server restart the vehicles disappear, i tried to talk with him on discord much time, 0 responses, very bad

Version: 1.0.58
Great, but I didn't find the texture pack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Do you have QualityArmory installed as well, or just QAV?

If you have it as well, the resoucepack URL is in the QA config.yml.

If you just have QAV, the url to the resourcepack should be in the config.yml.

Version: 1.0.58
i have a problem, the plugin is good but the command /qav garage not function is so bad

Version: 1.0.58
Very nice, worth buying but can you set an option to rent a car? Maybe a command or something. And lambo is little bit laggy but overall GREAT!

Version: 1.0.57b
Editting review current upgrade works. But the vehicles dont rotate. Anyway that can be fixed.

Version: 1.0.56
a nice plugin.. but i can't set the amount for the vehicles.. pls fix or send discord link

Version: 1.0.56
3 questions
1. Suggestions for skull skin loading: it can be closed
2. Set up offline storage garage - log in again and other people will see the armor rack, which they can't see.
3. The vehicle is often unable to drive - but the interface can be clicked

Version: 1.0.56
nothing works on 1.13.2 after .049, It's funny to me the people that say NO REFUNDS are the ones that never respond on discord or in direct message but are quick to take your money. As a person who shells out alot of $$ overhead to run a server, Don't waste your time or money on this. Bogs your system down. Pain in the ass to combine the resource with one you currently have. Then when you do have it in u have to find what version will allow /qav to even register when typed. God forbid you want a version where ur vehicle rotates. Then your shit out of luck cuz the DEV - who obviously is updating this plugin - will just ignore you. better off Going to Fiverr to have a Dev recreate it. at least u get revisions. Never in my life have i left a bad review. Gues there is a first for everything.

Version: 1.0.55
Good plugin but if you click in the vehicle menu the whitelist item the server lag, you should load the gui with player heads asynchronously

Version: 1.0.55

[15:50:32 INFO]: [QualityArmoryVehicles] Enabling QualityArmoryVehicles v1.0.55
[15:50:32 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling QualityArmoryVehicles v1.0.55 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.ExpansionHandler.registerExpansionHandler(ExpansionHandler.java:344) ~[?:?]
at me.zombie_striker.qg.exp.cars.Main.onEnable(Main.java:53) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:263) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:338) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:420) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:467) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_14_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:381) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:474) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:290) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:876) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-214]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_221]
[15:50:32 INFO]: [QualityArmoryVehicles] Disabling QualityArmoryVehicles v1.0.55

Version: 1.0.53
Happy to see you back! Really appreciate your effort in keeping this plugin alive

Version: 1.0.52
WOW! Amazing plugin.
This is what my server need!
Thank you so much. :)))))

Version: 1.0.52
it a good plugin but the shop is it not working on version 1.0.50

Version: 1.0.50
Very great plugin, love it, but is there any way to disable the sounds? it will get very annoying.
Author's response
Sounds are going to be updated soon, so it will hopefully be a bit better. But until then, you can disable the engine sounds for vehicles by going into the vehicle's yml file, setting "AllowUserModifications" to true, and setting "playDrivingSounds: false" to false (or adding this line if it does not appear)

Version: 1.0.49c
Absolutely amaizing vehicle plugin! I love it. Its so simple yet there is so many thing to do with it. I have a problem though i cant drop tnt by pressing F when i have it in the trunk of the B-2

Version: 1.0.49c
I am using the plugin and every model is just rabbit hide. the texture pack is downloaded
Author's response
Which resourcepack did you download? Do you have the one that supports both QA and QAV, or the one that just supports vehicles? You can check which one you are using in the resourcepack menu.

Version: 1.0.48
I love the plugin and so does my developers, It is very well built and works well with quality armory. My only question is, Is there a way to add items such as the motorcycle and or revolvers to essentials kits? Otherwise great plugin.
Author's response
Most likely not. I've never worked with essentials kits, but the system would need to be able to store that the item has the Unbreakable NBT tag/ Custom-Model-Data tag in order for QAV to register the item as valid.

Version: 1.0.47
How to refuel my vehicle? Please help me someone. .........................................
Author's response
To refuel your vehicle, Shift+Rightclick your vehicle. The GUI for the vehicle should open. Go to the top right and click on the coal (the fueltank). Then, drop all of the fuel (coal, blazerods, lava, ect.) into that gui

Version: 1.0.47
all i want is not working you have something of a discord .

Version: 1.0.45
What's the command for creating Custom Vehicles? Also how do I upload a model, Can you use .obj?
Author's response
1) You currently cannot create new vehicles *types* by command. You will need to create a new YML file in the vehicles directory for the server and provide the needed information.

2) You will need to download the resourcepack and add the model to the resourcepack, along with correctly assign the model to the correct Id.

3)I don't think minecraft allows for .obj to be used. I believe MC only allows .json files.

Version: 1.0.45
Ok but can Have better Refueling system this not working good
Ok but can Have better Refueling system this not working good

Version: 1.0.45
Hey, is there an Option, too, to add my own cars when i add them in the QualityArmory Texturepack and do some changes in the Vehicles Folder? And do you have Discord? When yes, whats your Name.
Author's response
Yes. To add new vehicles, you will need to create a new YML file in the vehicles directory and provide the information you need. Then, to add custom models, you will need to download the resourcepack and add the models you want and assign them to the materials you want.

And I do have a discord. You can find a link to my server on my profile.

Version: 1.0.45
What a great plugin! While other plugins of the sort are stuck on 1.12, this one's way more frequently updated. Much appreciated.

- With the GUI, which is intuitive already, I would recommend removing the passenger seat button as, assuming it's open for players to join the ride, they're able to right click the vehicle anyway, and the passenger seat button doesn't actually work (for me) as of this plugin's version, 1.0.45, testing using Spigot on 1.13.2 with ViaVersion

Would love to see:
- Weapons on/for vehicles (for those that don't know you're able to use QA weapons that don't require iron sights in the vehicle without damaging it)
- More size variants (for example there's a nice boat now but maybe from a tiny one to a cruise ship, and similarly with trains)
- Hitbox fixes

Version: 1.0.44
Good plugin works good GG... No problem! No lag! Cheap worth more! Continuous to update s is super!

Version: 1.0.43b
If I look with another vehicle plugin then it is much better with driving because the steering is easier and the driving because at QAV, steering is really bad
Author's response
Hello GamerJoep_

Sorry to hear that the plugin did not function like you expected. Do you mind explaining what part of the steering you did not like so I could try to improve it?

If you felt that the turning happened too fast or not fast enough, you can adjust the turn rate for a vehicle in the vehicle's YML file.

Version: 1.0.43
The developer is really kind and this plugin is the best thing ever. <3

Version: 1.0.41b
This plugin used to be great before all the updates to 1.13.

Vehicles don't move forward, you can only spin them, and an even greater issue: The plugin doesn't respect world guard regions! Players could place vehicles in my spawn, pvp arenas, anywhere they wanted.

I hope this plugin gets fixed soon as this was a huge feature on many servers.

I'll be happy to change my review if these issues are ever resolved.
For now - DO NOT BUY if you are on 1.13+

Version: 1.0.41b
Vehicles do not move forward, no matter how many times I attempt to fix it. Downgrading/upgrading p-lib does nothing. Clean server does not fix it.
The config doesn't work, and will force download the resource pack no matter what.
The developer is incredibly hard to get a hold of, and if you eventually do get a hold of them, they're avoidant.

Version: 1.0.40b
Wonderful plugin with a great author who is quick to fix issues. I cannot thank the author enough for a working & updated car plugin.

Version: 1.0.40b
absolutely amazing plugin :D really makes a great difference to our server - thanks so much for adding the SW stuff again!

Version: 1.0.39
We've been using this plugin for a long time, sadly we've updated to 1.13.2 and doesn't seem like we'll be able to use it for a while, until the latest protocolLib issue is fixed.

- No we cannot downgrade protocolLib as most plugins that we use require the latest version.
I would report this issue on the GitHub if there was a link for it, also a discord for help support would be awesome.

All and all - if you are using this plugin for anything less then 1.13 I HIGHLY recommend it, but for now I do not recommend for over 1.12.

Hope you get it fixed fast!

(Updated) I tried to downgrade my protocolLib to see if it would fix the non moving issue. It did not.

For 1.13.2 WorldGuard is also not working, players can place vehicles anywhere they want.
Author's response
In v1.0.40, I've added a new command "/qav debug_pl". This will print out a message to show whether steering packets for the vehicle are being sent to the server. Try driving a vehicle after running the command.

If it says that the packet was detected, then there is an issue with some part of the internal steering code, and some more debug tests may be needed to determine what the problem is.

If it says that there were no packets detected after trying to drive the vehicle, then try running the command while riding a horse. If it works it says it detects the packets for horses, but not for vehicles, something is blocking the packets from being sent for armorstands (If you use something that filters packets, Like BungeeCord or protocolhack/viaversion, they could be automatically filtering it out). However, if it does not detect the packets for either horses or vehicles, then the issue may have to do with the interactions between the server and PL, and some more testing may need to be done.

Version: 1.0.39
Hi, this is a VERY good plugin, very recommended, but one problem: I recently updated my Protocollib and it doesn't move the vehicles. Plz tell me whats wrong.

Version: 1.0.36f
Unfortunately this plugin very buggy. I was quite cautious about buying it, but took the leap and was greatly disappointed. Players using normal diamond tools turned into planes, vehicles won't move. Very clunky and you can get very gltiched when standing near a vehicle.

Developer also doesn't seem too active, considering someone reported these issues yesterday and still hasnt even received a courtesy response. Hasn't been active in his own Support Discord for almost two weeks.

Very rarely write a poor review, but honestly I just want to warn others before they consider purchasing. (Furthermore, I have all the up to date plugins required.)

Will gladly change my review upon developer response.
Author's response
First, sorry for the long delay/inactivity. I've had a lot happening over the past month, and simply could not handle the added stress of managing all of my plugins. Hopefully I will be able to get back to updating my plugins soon.

For the first issue, (diamond tools being converted into vehicles), do you have QA installed as well, or do you only have QAV? If QA is enabled, QAV will use QA's item handling system instead of its own to avoid conflicts. Next, Is it that *existing* tools were converted to vehicles, or are new items (crafted/spawned after installing QAV) also being converted as well? If it's the latter, what happens before it transformed (Do you need to use RMB/LMB, or does it just automatically change)?

As for vehicles not moving, there have been reports that the newest version of ProtocolLib somehow breaks the vehicles. I've tried it and could not replicate the problem, but see if using an older version of PL fixes the problem?

(Also, I'm assuming there are no errors when this happens. If there are, could you post them?)

Version: 1.0.35
I love this plugin so much! So many features, does not lag at all, and it's so much fun. Most importantly, the author is so great! They respond to everything and fix stuff in an instant! Great work!

Version: 1.0.34
awesome plugin, it works ok in 1.13.2, the only issue i found is that it doesn't work with last version of protocollib, at least for me. causes the vehicles to freeze in place. downgrading plib version will solve de problem.

Version: 1.0.34
The cars and things are realy cool! But i cant drive in it!!!!!!!! >:( money back or an solution
Author's response
Sorry for the long delay.

The newest review posted that they were experiencing a problem with ProtocolLib. Could you try downgrading your protocol lib version to see if that is the issue?

If that does not work, are there any errors in the console when you try to drive the vehicle?

Version: 1.0.32
With just a bit of practice all vehicle types can be controlled pretty precisely, helicopter seems to work best in terms of travel precision. The vehicles are nicely detailed.

Version: 1.0.28
love it! no lagg works perfect!

my players are loving it!!!
thank you for this plugin

Version: 1.0.26c
Works with 1.13.2 just fine, no lags, easy to use and great support from the Developer himself.

Version: 1.0.23
Great plugin! Works fantastic. No lag. Worths every penny!
I was wondering, is there any possibility of me adding new car models?
Author's response
Yes. To add new vehicles, I'd recommend you use the tutorial below. Although it shows how to add guns, it's almost the exact same process, the YML files are in the /qualityarmoryvehicle/vehicles/ folder

Version: 1.0.22C
The plugin is very good. It's the best vehicle plugin that I know.

And the support is very good.

Thank you for such a very good vehicle plugin.

Version: 1.0.22C
i have buyed the plugin but if i set the plugin in the server i don't get the vehicles files in the file can you help me ? discord: GamerJoep_#4004
Author's response
Are there any errors in the console on start up? If so, can you post them?

Are any of the other files being generated? Does the /vehicles/ folder exist? Does the messages.yml exist? Does the vehicledata.yml file exist?

Version: 1.0.16
Awesome plugin, I was fascinated, thank you very much!

I would like to know if there is any kind of list for / QAV?
Author's response
Yes. You can view all vehicles either by using /qa shop (and you will see all the models in a gui), or you can use /qa give [press tab] to see all the names of the vehicles.

Version: 1.0.13B
Nice plugin!
Is there any chance to make this plugin work on 1.8?
Thank you for this plugin!
Author's response
I don't think so. 1.8 did not support having multiple textures/models for an item, so the models for the vehicle would have to basically replace an item for every car that I add.

Version: 1.0.12H
Excellent but we need more API. Can you add more events? Like VehicleMoveEvent, VehicleEnterEvent, VehicleExitEvent etc.
Author's response
These events have been added to 1.0.13. They are VehicleChangeSpeedEvent instead of move (since that is already a Bukkit event), VehicleTurnEvent for when a vehicle turns, PlayerEnterQAVehicleEvent and PlayerExitQAVehicleEvent for when they enter and exist vehicles or passager seats.

Version: 1.0.10
Really fun, good developer response when there is a problem. Thanks! Turned off fuel though as it was just easier for now without. Easy to customize as needed.

Version: 1.0.7D.
Vehicles work great. Since this is a fairly new plugin, I do/did expect to see some stuff that still needs work. Serves my purpose. Support is very good. (I wish I could be more helpful and actually respond to the author's quick replies.)

Version: 1.0.7C
One of the best plugin ever ! Just, the maniabilty are so hard on a low speed... It's normal? Possibility to fix it (1.11.2)? Police Car and SemiTruck are so cool, may be add a Taxi later?
Author's response
For cars, the rotation of the vehicle reacts the same way real-world cars do, in that the turn rate is proportional to the speed of the car (Except when the car is still: You are able to turn regardless of speed if it is still to allow for better control in case you crash, are stuck) If you want turn rates to be constant, set "allowUserModifcations" to true and set "useStaticTurning" to true in the vehicle's YML.

Taxi's are cool. I have a bunch of other vehicles planned, so it may take some time, but that will be added in a future.

Version: 1.0.7C
500/5 stars!
You are the best developer that I know!
Always giving attention for new ideas and fixes!
Your plugins are awesome!!
This plugin will take you to the top!

All these stars for you:


Version: 1.0.5
I thest on 1.12.2 Spigot server, and i can spawn the vehicles, but if i go to car, and i go any direction, all players disconnected, but server not frozen.. very nice work...
Author's response
When players disconnect, what is the reason displayed? Is it that they time-out, or that they receive a bad packet?

Also, have you tried it on a test server (with no other plugins)? Do other players disconnect even when that Is the only plugin on the server.

Version: 1.0.4B
This is literally a FANTASTIC plugin. Overall, the plugin is very new, and for being this new it is extremely impressive. I really, really recommend this to anyone whom wants to add 3D modeled vehicles to their server(s).

Fantastic, impressive work.

Version: 1.0.3
Amazing plugin and even better support, I got problem and author helped me and fixed my issue in less than 10 minutes.

Version: 1.0.2
Thanks for Plugin.

Amazing Plugin.

Exellect Plugin.

Nice Plugin

Good Job!!!

Version: 1.0.0
Works fine!
Plugin does what it promise
I really like that Heli, flying over that world!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,525
First Release: Aug 5, 2018
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
91 ratings
Find more info at wiki.lorenzo0111.me...
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