Wiki pages got slightly improved, hopefully the information is a bit clearer and easier to understand.
There's still more to be done but take a look if you're interested
- Add option to protect AFK players from combat, works with Essentials AFK players (CMI support on premium version)
- Disabled by default, needs to be enabled in config
- Add Towny hook that disables PvP protection for players in a war
- Add option to block using totems of undying while in combat
- Add option to block interact only with specific blocks while in combat
- Add item in hand variable <item> available on the commands on kill section
- Some messages sent in the action bar, like when players are stopped from placing blocks, etc, now properly display in combat
- There is now an "Enabled" config setting to toggle the combat action bar, leaving the message empty no longer works. Simply set Enabled to false if you wish to disable it. This makes it consistent with other config sections that are also toggled like that.
- Fix error saving display names bigger than 255 characters
- New crowdin language updates
If you are satisfied with recent updates, I would appreciate it a lot if you left a nice review. Specially since there haven't been many recently.
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium