- Teleport issues
- DFU load (no more legacy call)
- bstats can be disabled (in config)
Tested versions:
- 1.8.8
- 1.19.4
- 1.20.2
- 1.20.6
- 1.21.3
Remove unused bukkit versions
Remove some import from src
Support 1.20.3-1.20.5 (unfortunately not tested, I hope paper versions won't throw any error)
- add newer server-version
When the plugin resets player's inventory:
- add maximum health
- fixed original-inventory disappearance
Fixed nullpointerexception in Kit class
Add Beta message to Autoset command
- Fix empty kit (when the event started without kits, event stopped)
- Position conditions changed (just 1 position available, all participant teleports to exist location)
- Backup level/xp,
- Add combomode to arena (hitdelay)
- Add leave button
- Add Metrics
- Check config, announce conditions changed, from modulo to list
- Add invtoggle command
- Changed command descriptions
- Changed editarena subcommands (use tab)
- Improved stability
- Add getTop10Wins to api
- Add DuelDeathEvent to api
- Add toplist command
- Remove default permission from view command
- Readable view command
- Fix empty-kit load from file
- Remove save command from editarena
- Remove armor when a participant joins
- Fix delkit command
- SumoNextRoundEvent will be renamed as DuelNextRoundEvent from api. Now you can use both not with the next update
- Fix location null
- Modified reload cmd
- Add /save reminder to every editarena cmd
- Extend api
I have written a more readable command descriptions
Fix NullPointer when the PlayerDeathEvent is called
Add delarena and delkit commands
Add parameters to tabcomplete
Modified api a litle
- add more options to config
- add comments to config
- more transparent staff message
- when the event stopped, it didn't set player's original inventory back, it has been fixed
Fixed some bugs
Fixed placeholder problem from (sumo-nextround-success-text), please use this: {user1} vs {user2}
Fixed some bugs
Fixed placeholder problem from (sumo-nextround-success-text), please use this: {user1} vs {user2}
Config's placholder (sumo-nextround-success-text) has been fixet, please use this:{user1} vs {user2}
Fix some bug
Updated lot of functions, recoded over then 60%.
- fixed performance bugs and inventory saves
- Queue was rewritten
- Fixed respawn bug without saved inventory
- Add modulo to waiting message
- Commands were rewritten
- Add some bukkit events for api
- Modified listeners
- Fixed some bugs
Fixed some performance bugs and I extended the config and commands.
This update fixed some errors and it has more performance now than before. Added /event list and menu command.
Fix command help, added events(Bukkit Events for api), added custom inventory api etc...
Event plugin has got an problem. If you used spigot, it crashed. This fixed.
Fix some bugs and upgrade commands
Fixend randomized opponents array error.
My plugin can start 1v1 event. It doesn't hook other plugin. It can make alone in the server. This is the first BETA version of the plugin, so some errors may occur. If you found errors, please report these. Contact on discord: Dysaido#3162.