Proxy Messages icon

Proxy Messages -----

A velocity plugin that will send messages to every player on every server in the network to notify w

## Usage
This plugin is only required to be on the proxy server. However, the vanilla "{player} has joined the game." messages will still appear. I reccommend using a plugin on all of your backend servers to remove this message. I created and built one for your convenience, but it has no correlation to the function of the proxy plugin. Use whatever plugin you like.

### Configuration
All configuration is proxy side, no need to copy configurations between backend servers.
In `plugins/proxymessages/config.yml` of your proxy server:
* global-network-join: enables and disables the join message that all users on the network recieve when a player joins the network.
* global-network-leave: enables and disables the leave message that all users on the network recieve when a player leaves the network.
* global-network-switch: enables and disables the switch message that all users on the network recieve when a player switches between servers on the network.
* join-message-options: a list of messages that will be randomly chosen to be displayed when a player joins the network. Any instance of `{player}` in the string will be replaced with the relevant username.
* leave-message-options: a list of messages that will be randomly chosen to be displayed when a player leaves the network. Any instance of `{player}` in the string will be replaced with the relevant username.
* switch-message-options: a list of messages that will be randomly chosen to be displayed when a player switches between servers on the network. Any instance of `{player}` will be replaced with the relevant username. Any instance of `{prev}` will be replaced by the server that the player is connecting from. Any instance of `{cur}` will be replaced by the server that the player is connecting to.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 20
First Release: Aug 14, 2024
Last Update: Aug 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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