Pronoun icon

Pronoun -----

Allow your players to set custom pronouns. Can be used on tab, in chat, or anywhere else you like!


Pronouns is a plugin that allows your players to change their pronouns.
PlaceholderAPI is required to install this plugin.


/getpronouns - Gets a player's pronouns, Example: /getpronouns jeb_

/setpronouns - Sets both of your pronouns, Example: /setpronouns They Them

/resetpronouns - Resets your pronouns

/setpronounsother - Sets both of a players pronouns, Example: /setpronounsother Notch They Them

/resetpronounsother - Resets a players pronouns


pronouns.get - Allows the player to run the /getpronouns command

pronouns.set - Allows the player to run the /setpronouns command

pronouns.reset - Allows the player to run the /resetpronouns command

pronouns.admin.setother - Allows the player to run the /setpronounsother command

pronouns.admin.resetother - Allows the player to run the /resetpronouns command


%pronouns_FirstPronoun% - Shows the player's first pronoun (She)

%pronouns_SecondPronoun% - Shows the player's second pronoun (Him)

%pronouns_Pronouns% - Shows the player's pronouns (They/Them)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 60
First Release: Aug 24, 2024
Last Update: Aug 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings