PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+Bungee/Velocity support] icon

PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+Bungee/Velocity support] -----

Ultimate admin tool to fully vanish from the server and spy on potential rule breakers

Version: 2.9.16
Awesome plugin but need really really 1. Discord support 2. more involvement from the author, waiting 2 weeks for answer which was "yes" is annoying. Lot of suggestions - ignored

1. Velocity version doesn't include bungee settings like custom messages for vanish and auto vanish on join
2. Proxy vanish message "Player %luckpermsprefix%X vanished on server %servername% (%date%)
This is disaster!!!!!!!! I won't auto update of version - I WANT AUTO UPDATE OF CONFIG NO MORE!!! THIS SHOULD BE #1 IN ALL PLUGINS!!!!!!!
4. Problems when im on vanish and make /v reload or /tab reload - vanish has been turned off - this is the bug because i should still on vanish
5. something like /vanish info for admin where you can check database connection, plugin version some additionally messages - this is missing

Plugin is awesome - i recommend but without active support this plugin will be dead. Developer will ignore my review and won't add this (i think) but leaving this for future. If you want this plugin - think twice before buying. But recommended when you want vanish "proxymode" (vanish on lobby move to other server - still on vanish)
Author's response
Thank you for using PremiumVanish and making many feature suggestions!

However, please note that I can not add all features that are being requested.
There are two reasons for this:
- After continually adding features to this plugin for many years (The config file is already so full with features that I am worried about people getting overwhelmed), I am getting to a point where adding certain types of features creates more bugs than features due to complexity (In particular those that require portions of the engine to be rewritten).
- I am currently investing most of my time into maintaining the current state of the plugin and fixing bugs. I am at a point where I prioritize bug fixes and updates related to game changes over feature additions. I believe most people want a plugin that works out of the box and does not introduce bugs through new features they do not need.

As for the auto update of the config, as the command says, there is no need to use the command for this: Simply copy in the new settings from the default config file in this resource description if needed.
No need to redo all settings.

Finally, I disagree that the plugin is dead. I have been maintaining this plugin for almost a decade and am still releasing updates regularly to make sure it stays up-to-date.

Version: 2.9.14
Works just fine to my minecraft network, the velocity/bungee with connected mysql is perfect! It hides the staff from players if they want to, just as intended. Thank you for that really nice plugin ^^

Version: 2.9.14
The plugin works exactly like it says it should work and is most definitely the best vanish plugin out there.

However, there is an issue with PV and EssentialsDiscord chat not working together like they should. Showing vanished players joining the game in the Discord chat, even though they are vanished. Along with this, players vanishing in game doesn't show them leaving in the Discord side either.

Lastly for the negative, there seem to be links for some kind of support, but those links don't seem to work at the current moment.

Otherwise, PV seems to work perfectly without EssentialsDiscord and is definitely better than Essentials's vanish.

Version: 2.9.13
Plugin works in every way except for the fact that I still appear in tab when vanished. I clicked the hyperlink in the plugin description to "private message" the author of the plugin, but it's a dead link and there's no discord link provided, so I seemingly have no way to contact the author for a solution to my problem. I will happily change my rating to 5 stars if there is a way to resolve my issue.

Version: 2.9.11
Best vanish plugin I've ever used, a lot of features are missing from most plugins, but they are here

Version: 2.9.9
Never ever had an issue with this plugin, its the best invisibility plugin out there!

Version: 2.9.9
I wish i could disable the message "you are invisible to other players" but otherwise it's excellent

Version: 2.9.8
Honestly, the best vanish plugin on Spigot. I've been using it since ~2018 and have had 0 complaints, the developer was also very helpful with any issues I had.

Version: 2.9.7
I was looking to replace VanishNoPacket. I tried the free version and was sold. I bought the premium and didn't look back. This has some of the best bells and whistles a vanish plugin needs.

Version: 2.9.3
Honestly at the moment this is the best plugin for vanish that I have ever found! I hope the author will continue to take care of it.

Version: 2.9.2
The best vanish plugin on SpigotMC. Period. The developer is always on top of things, always provides support and always fixes anything that may come up.

This has worked flawlessly for me for several years, and even in the minor off chance an issue arises due to a major update, it’s fixed immediately.

All in all very intuitive and quite frankly perfected vanishing plugin. The layered permissions are absolutely awesome! <3

Version: 2.9.2
Excellent plugin, I have tried different vanish plugins during the years and landed on SuperVanish and eventually upgraded to PremiumVanish for the additional features.

Version: 2.9.2
Great plugin, great support. Finally the plugin has support for velocity! Plugin dev is really fast with fixing bugs, thank you!

Version: 2.9.0
With velocity support finally implemented, there isn't a plugin better for vanishing players than this one. Years of consistently quality updates

Version: 2.9.0
This plugin is a must have for every server! The developer is always helpful and fixes everything that you report. Also the plugin has finally velocity support!!!

Version: 2.8.16
good plugin world recomend to anyone one fecture request is a velocity support woruld be greate

Version: 2.8.13
I think Premium Vanish is the best vanish plugin on the market, I've used it for a very long time and have never had any issues, the plugin is perfect and has many useful features that are very customizable. PV also has frequent updates which is a bonus. Worth every penny and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a decent vanish plugin.

Version: 2.8.10
Hello! You plugin is great, but I have a suggestion: could you add in the config an option for the refresh time of placeholders? For example, %premiumvanish_bungeeplayercount% would take couple of seconds before updating. It would be great to be able to change the refresh inverval, like %bungee_total% from extension Bungee from PAPI. I tried to send you a privat message, but It won't let me do it. However, keep up the great work!

Version: 2.8.9
I’d give a kiss if I could, amazing, quick updates and a lot of care put into this plugin!

Version: 2.8.8
Zmieniam opinie, uzyskałem pomoc po dłuższym czasie i napisaniu opini, Plugin bardzo dobry do sieci BungeeCord

I am changing opinions, help after this time and writing opinions, Plugin very good for the BungeeCord network

Version: 2.8.8
A very useful plugin, worth the money
Bungee support is done perfectly
But we need 1.20.1 support

Version: 2.8.8
This Plugin is so nice and helpful for Bungeecord. But we need the 1.20.1 Update, i get a so long error! LG Nico

Version: 2.8.8

What am I getting from a plugin that does not work on all servers.
Author's response
Hey, sorry for the absence. As it says in the resource description, if spigot is older than 1.16.5, then there can be database connection issues if you use a MySQL database of version 8 or higher, since those newer versions of MySQL weren't supported back then. I've looked at the error you sent me by PM and this is most likely the cause.
One option is to change to an older version of MySQL, so the older spigot servers can connect as well.

Version: 2.8.7
The best. Nothing to say, so easy to configure (very short, but you can edit everything!) Was not a waste of money, would recommend. Great job, thanks for the work!

Version: 2.8.7
Worth every penny, a must have vanish plugin, really configurable and almost pin point perfect

Version: 2.8.3
Perfect vanish plugin, especially when using BungeeCord as it sychronises your vanish state cross-server.

I would recommend this plugin if you are looking for a cross-server vanishing plugin!

Version: 2.8.3
The best vanish plugin out there. Everything customizable and fast support. Has everything for your player spectating needs!

Version: 2.8.0
Works great, plugin developer is the best when it comes to help, only thing I wish they had is a discord support server!

Version: 2.7.19
The plugin has performance issues, especially since it is even worse than SuperVanish in terms of performance. All attempts to contact the developer were unsuccessful
Author's response
Sorry that you are experiencing lag. Please provide a timings report in your PM so I can take a closer look at what causes the lag. I've just released an update that improves the performance of the ProtocolLib packet listeners significantly.

Version: 2.7.17
Best vanish plugin out there, keeps everyone fully hidden and has lots of customization.

Version: 2.7.17
One of the best plugins ever, it has a lot of features that other vanish plugins don't have, like not hiding in tablist and not sending a leave message while still being invisible. Definitely worth the price-

Version: 2.7.14
[10:44:01 WARN]: [PremiumVanish] Task #43 for PremiumVanish v2.7.14 generated an exception
com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException: Field index out of bounds. (Index: 2, Size: 2)
at com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier.writeInternal( ~[ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier.write( ~[ProtocolLib.jar:?]
at de.myzelyam.premiumvanish.bukkit.features.NightVision.sendAddPotionEffect( ~[PremiumVanish.jar:?]
at ~[PremiumVanish.jar:?]
at ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$1( ~[purpur-1.19.jar:git-Purpur-1685]
at ~[?:?]

Version: 2.7.14
Great plugin, but how can I hide vanished player's pets or prevent them to teleport with their owners while they are vanished?

Version: 2.7.13
My only comment and thing that holds it back from being perfect is that on a survival server when when players sleep it will do "1/10" players sleeping for example and there's only 9 visible players because one is vanished. As well as if You're OP you automatically get pv.keepfly and solid chance I'm simply missing it however I cant find a command to disable it. So I just log but that would cancel being able to do pv.joinvanished for my specific usage. Would love to see that it get changed to where there is a command to turn on or off. Or just simply make it so you have to assign it and OP don't get it by default.
Author's response
I've just released an update that addresses the "1/10" players sleeping issue. The other issue can be fixed with negated permissions with most permissions plugins.

Version: 2.7.13
I can definitely state that this is the best vanish plugin on the market I've ever seen. MySQL compatibility and the fact that my staff doesn't have to enable vanish on each and every server, but turn it on once and it remains like that, have helped the work of my staff a lot. The only thing I might regret is that the plugin requires the use of ProtocolLib, which I didn’t want to put on each server separately, but that’s how it works flawlessly. The (very easy to use) developer API and has helped me a lot, I'm currently using it in 3 plugins as an additional feature. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Version: 2.7.12
Honestly the best vanish plugin I've seen on SpigotMC. It makes the lives of you and your staff members much easier.

Version: 2.7.10
Honestly, I love PremiumVanish. It has made me and my staff's lives so much easier, and has become one of, if not, my favourite staff plugin on Spigot. This plugin goes beyond my expectations, and is so simple, but can be made even more secure by simply tweaking the settings. Once you genuinely understand the basics of the plugin, it's super easy to see how outstanding this plugin truly is. For anyone on the fence of buying this plugin, I only have one thing to say: "Get off the fence!"

Version: 2.7.9
PremiumVanish is a Great admin plugin to watch players without them knowing, tho premiumVanish can't seem to hide you when players are sleeping as they will fx see 1/3 insteed of 1/2, other than that It's great.

Version: 2.7.9
PremiumVanish is the best vanish plugin on SpigotMC! It has many great features that are easy to use and can help your staff members perform their duties effortlessly. I always like to give at least a few reasons to buy something, so here we go:
1. It has more features than SuperVanish that can ultimately make your life a lot easier.
2. It's perfect for large server networks that have multiple servers.
3. Frequent updates that may add new features or fix bugs.
The only real downside that I can spot is that it doesn't auto-update its config files. It means that you're either required to manually go through the config files and add new lines or reset them and configure them again(basically copy-paste everything from your old ones). Also, not every update will change the config files, but it would be awesome if an auto-updater is into the plugin.
Overall, that's everything I have to say for this plugin. You won't regret buying it if you have multiple servers or generally want to support the developer.

Version: 2.7.7
Best Vanish Plugin! Very customizable and I really like the ability to change your vanish level.

Version: 2.7.4
Honestly one of the best plugins for vanish. It beats essentialsX's vanish system by a long run. It's super high quality, produces no lag, config(s) are super easy to use and understand. It's amazing and I wish I made this purchase sooner. It's a CRUCIAL and ESSENTIAL plugin for your server.

Version: 2.7.2
please help me why when im writing the /pv -t command it says me "PlayrHider must be set to Interception in the config for the -t flag to work"
what it means?

Version: 2.7.2
Working plugin, and it does very well what we ask it to do! I recommend it !! ^^

Version: 2.7.2
The plugin works perfectly, however, updating it is a pain. Every time there is an update, it is NEEDED to create a new config file (there actually is a command for that) and reset all our custom config, which we have to move again manually, and if we compare it's sometimes just to add one single option of customization.
Why not simply automatically add something that looks into the config and adds it, + changes the configVersion instead of recreating it?

Version: 2.7.1
I've been using this on my server forever and would suggest it to any new (and old) server owners out there. It's a must-have IMO and the developer is really helpful in giving detailed explanations on how to get the most out of the plugin.

Version: 2.7.1
Best vanish plugin. With additional tools for staff! Im using this with bungee and it seems working well

Version: 2.7.0
Hello all, for the next PremiumVanish update I would like the following function: and that is that you can set that the fly mode is restored to the original. So if you had fly on before the vanish, that you still have fly after the vanish and if not, then not after the vanish.

Version: 2.7.0
Came from Super Vanish after a year of usage to Premium Vanish. There are tons upon tons more options to work with. An optional scoreboard on the user you're watching, to better vanish physics. It just seems like an overall better plugin for vanish over Super Vanish. I was also able to change the alias from /pv to /sv like I and my team is used to! Which is great!

Version: 2.7.0
Amazing plugin, does exactly what is written on the Spigot page. Easy to set up, works on my 1.12.2 server, bungeecord and a 1.17 server. Highly recommend.

Version: 2.6.16
Great plugin!
it does everything you need to stalk the potential cheaters without them knowing.

the feature for switching to gmsp with keybind is awesome.
the feature for permissions based layering is also very helpfull so you can still keep an eye on the lower ranked staff :)

Version: 2.6.13
Great plugin! itd be nice if it hid achievements too tho since that gave it away

Version: 2.6.13
Amazing Plugin. Many useful features in the config file that are nice to have. Plugin Works Well 10/10

Version: 2.6.13
This Plugin is the best Vanish-Plugin I had ever seen.
It is easy to configur and use.
I highly recommend this Plugin
MfG Banexplain a. i_r0k_

Version: 2.6.13
Well Worth the money!
almost works the way i want right out the box, just had to tweak a few things. but a brilliant plugin with lots of features and no console errors!
I use paper 1.16.5 and it works great for me!!

Version: 2.6.12
Great plugin! Highly recommend this plugin, my staff love it and it has tons of features and support for other plugins + the author gives great feedback!

Version: 2.6.11
Ive been using this plugin on a seasonal pvp server for long as I can remember, and this plugin works flawless. You can dissapear as you would doubt about your own existence sometimes. You want to dissapear as a ghost, and check things out. This is the ghost plugin for you. I've never seen a ghost. Have you?

Version: 2.6.8
Hands down the best vanish plugin there is. Developer is also very responsive and caring to even the most complicated of issues you may experience in your custom environments. Highly recommend this to anyone looking for a professional and legit vanish plugin.

Version: 2.6.6
Excellent plugin, just i have a question, how i can fix this problem, in the TAB list I keep seeing 1 more in the players online, if you see in the image say 4 players online and in the list is only 3, so the players know 1 more is in vanish mode. sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand my problem XD

Version: 2.6.6
Amazing plugin!
Does exactly what it says on the page!
1 critique, mobs still target you and people can still do commands with your name, even if it isn't in tab complete.
9/10 Great plugin!

Version: 2.6.5
Great Plugin! It has so many features and is easy to use. Must have for every server admin.

Version: 2.6.0
Vielen Dank, das du meinen Vorschlag mit der -t flag umgesetzt hast. Ich finde das plugin sehr sehr cool.

Version: 2.5.23
Responde a cada una de las necesidades que otros plugins no podian. Es imposible que los usuarios puedan verte y soluciona errores de compatibilidad que tienen plugins como CMI o SuperVanish, definitivamente un plugin esencial para tu servidor.

It responds to each of the needs that other plugins could not. It is impossible for users to see you and it fixes compatibility errors that plugins like CMI or SuperVanish have, definitely a must have.

Version: 2.5.23
Great plugin! But i have a question, how can i connect the premium vanish on a Spigot Server to the Premium Vanish in the Bungee server?

Version: 2.5.22
A must have plugin for any Minecraft server/network. Really helps the mods and admins do their job.

Version: 2.5.22
Great plugin! Cant seem to message you on here, having an issue, this is the main error:

[ERROR] [PremiumVanish]: Failed to prepare the tables, does the SQL-User have permission to do so? There will be more errors and issues until this problem is solved if the tables don't exist.

[WARNING] [PremiumVanish]: Unknown exception occurred!

[WARNING] [PremiumVanish]: Please report this issue!

[WARNING] [PremiumVanish]: Message:

[WARNING] [PremiumVanish]: Unknown error 1813

Please message my discord for more info
Thanks man :)
Author's response
Hey, I've sent you and the other users below a PM. I think it's a Spigot bug because I have been receiving PMs continuously (but maybe a few less than usual). If there are any more issues with contacting me via PM please create a post in the discussion section ("Discuss This Resource" in the sidebar) instead. I generally prefer Spigot over Discord for plugin support though.

Version: 2.5.22
Great plugin, but I'm getting issues and I can't even DM the author, like it says multiple times in the resource description. @MyzelYam, if you see this, please DM me on Discord (Jackk#3018) or here on Spigot :)

Version: 2.5.21
Guten Tag,
Ich habe leider den bestehenden Fehler dass ich sie nicht per PM anschreiben kann. Auch nicht über Ihren gesendeten Link. Bitte senden Sie mir über Discord eine Freundschaftsanfrage damit wir falls möglichst mein Problem besprechen können. Anderseits können Sie mir einfach eine PM hier schicken.

SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft - Error You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Version: 2.5.19
This plugin is amazing and the author is responsive and supportive. Many useful features in the config file that are nice to have - the plugin just works! 10/10~

Version: 2.5.17
This plugin is by far worth the money. It is efficient and trustworthy. It has features that no other Vanish plugin has. Very self-explanatory, just buy it, you will not regret it. Thank you very much for providing this plugin. :)

Version: 2.5.17
The plugin is excellent, but I can not configure commands that are executed at the same time: "VanishCommands:" What is the syntax because I can not and the same for: "ReappearCommands:"

Please help me !

Version: 2.5.16
Lag spikes every 30 seconds with 250 online players

Author's response
Hey, can you please send me a DM with a /timings report? I'm sure we can get this figured out.

Version: 2.5.15
Author is v responsive
And its super intuitive, not hard to use.
10x better than any other vanish plugin.

Version: 2.5.15
Amazing plugin with some very unique ideas. Easily customizable and hooks into everything I have. Developer is very friendly and works with you on any situation you have. Wonderful job!

Version: 2.5.15
Great plugin overall, just not able to remove the "<player> join silently." message

Version: 2.5.14
Developer is super active and fixes issues you have in a reasonable time and is friendly the plugin is the best in the business for vanishing

Version: 2.5.14
As expected, the plugin works really well and is highly configurable for any instance.
The developer is incredibly knowledgable and trustworthy.

Please keep in mind, with PV2.5.14 (Bungee/Cross-server usage) of PremiumVanish will require MySQL 5.7- it does not work with 8.0+

Version: 2.5.13
Works pretty well. My server isn't popular and it's affecting Players Online on server list on BungeeCord

Version: 2.5.11
Works well on my Minecraft network and helped my staff to stay vanished from potential hackers! Thanks for making this.

Version: 2.5.11
Hey, but how can I prevent other players using /tpa or /msg /tell, if they enter my name below, they can still find me
Author's response
Hey, if there are commands from other plugins which dont directly support vanish plugins, you can use the CustomCommandMessages feature in the config.yml (bungee configuration.yml in case of bungee commands) to fake a "Player not found" message.

Version: 2.5.11
Amazing plugin, i love the fact that it support nametagedit, 10/10 reccomend.........

Version: 2.5.11
Used the free version for over a year. Decided to upgrade. Defenitely is worth the money. Both work fine but the premium version is not expensive and gives a much better experience with more features. I recommend buying this resource, a must have for any serious server owner.

Version: 2.5.10
Amazing plugin, it's as good as the ones all those youtubers use for trolling! the config file is legit as big as spigot's config file

Version: 2.5.10
Totally worth the time and money.
I use it for multiple servers behind a BungeeCord and it syncs up between the servers.

The API is also great. I use it for cancelling quit/join messages as i don't use the normal quit/join messages method.

Version: 2.5.10
One of the greatest plugins I've bought and used. The configuration is very extensive and contains almost every feature I could have thought of and more. Plus, it's already been updated to 1.15. I haven't had an issue with it, other than conflicts with other poorly coded plugins. Definitely worth the price.

Version: 2.5.10
This plugin has no DiscordSRV support unfortunately. 5 stars if it had though ..
Author's response
There is DiscordSRV support, DiscordSRV checks for vanished players using PV's API directly and fake join/quit messages can be sent using the Vanish/Reappear commands section in the config and the "/discord broadcast" commands. Please create a bug report if that's not accurate.

Version: 2.5.3
I was just looking for a simple Vanishing plugin... until I found this. It has features I didn't know I want, but now I don't want to miss them anymore. :-) You start using PremiumVanish and it does really feel like a premium plugin - worth FAR more than the amount you pay.

Using it on all servers of our bungee network, which includes different Minecraft versions - working perfectly fine on both 1.12.2 and 1.15.x.

So, if you're looking for a Vanishing plugin as well, just stop searching and invest that small amount of money here to get something good and thus support an obviously great developer. 100% recommended!

Version: 2.5.3
Excellent Developer
It is extremely more complete
than I thought, I loved it
✰✰✰✰✰ 5 star Very well deserved

Version: 2.5.2
Great plugin, Please update to 1.15. Plugin halfway works in 1.15 but i know you can get it working ASAP.

Version: 2.5.2
Awesome plugin This plugin is very good vanish players dont know Im on the server keep updating this plugin! <3 from Czech Republic

Version: 2.5.2
Really good plugin! I recommend this plugin, It was worth the money it's really great and customizable!

Version: 2.5.2
Awesome plugin I've been using PremiumVanish now for a long time only issue with it (this is why I'm giving 4 stars) is that on 1.14.4 the night vision potion effect does not work.

Version: 2.5.2
Awsome plugin, Great for catching hackers on my server and staying hidden, it’s totally worth buying

Version: 2.5.2
By far one of the best plugins on the market. Developed by a well respected developer who has listened to my suggestions and fixed all issues I've experienced. If you're a SuperVanish user, support MyzelYam's dedication and purchase PV. The additional features are worth every single penny.

Version: 2.5.1
Used to love this plugin, but now it just won't work. Reached out to dev but they have not responded in a week.
Author's response
Sorry for the late response. Regarding your error, it happened inside of an invisibility module and is not breaking. It's caused by a bug in ProtocolLib and needs to be fixed on their end (make sure your server and ProtocolLib is up-to-date). Those issues are common since ProtocolLib relies heavily on server-internal code. PV does still work since it has alternative invisibility hiders. I just released an update which adds a clarification text to errors that happen inside of those modules. I'm still constantly trying to make PV work for everyone in its entirety, but the server-internal code needs constant attention especially when being used on outdated servers.

Version: 2.5.1
The best plugin ever, i am very choked, good work and good dev. In addition to that the plugin is really not expensive at all

Version: 2.4.9
This is an amazing plugin, it's a must-have for any Minecraft server if you want to catch hackers! Very glad I purchased this one because it's virtually impossible for anyone to know I'm on the server.

Version: 2.4.9
Amazing. Will recommend to friends. I love this plugin so much. Keep up the good work!

Version: 2.4.5
Amazing plugin! Works perfectly and it is worth the price! 10/10 in my opinion.

- Ryder

Version: 2.4.3
Amazing vanish plugin! Great support, active developer, etc! Works great. Thank you for making it!

Version: 2.4.1
Amazing plugin! I definitely recommend, it works on Spigot 1.13.2!

As for LaughNgamez's poor review below mine, it is inaccurate. The issue should be reported to the Essentials's developers to add support for PremiumVanish. Not the other way around.

The issue was that in 1.13 using Essentials or EssentialsX, a player can use /bal <otherPlayer> and in the tab complete list of options, it will show the vanished player's name. As the /bal command is the issue, someone will need to report this bug to EssentialsX Github and ask them to add support for PremiumVanish to prevent this.

Version: 2.4.1
Dev doesn't seem too active which is always concerning for a product you pay for.

Has a blatant exploit to see players who are vanished with essentials. Had to have my own fix made. It's a cool plugin but ultimately with that exploit and no ETA on a fix I can't recommend anyone buy it for the time being.

Version: 2.4.1
Amazing plugin, there is nothing wrong no bugs worked out of the box. Highly recommended you should check this plugin out, if you ever tried supervanish this is like a massive upgrade. 5 Stars for me

Version: 2.4.0
Great Feature over all that why I supported this one and be using it. Keep up the good work.

Version: 2.3.0
Great Feature over all that why I supported this one and be using it. Keep up the good work.

Version: 2.2.0
This plugin has exceeded my expectations! The price works with the quality that you receive.
I fully recommend it to anyone whether you are running a single server OR a network. This plugin will help you and your staff team stay diligent and keep a watchful eye on your players.

I used BungeeTablistListPlus and it integrates well with it hiding me from my players and staff. The leveling system allows it so my Moderators can see other mods but not any rank higher. My admins can see mods and admins but can't see me! So I can spy on my staff and make sure they are doing their job properly and so they don't bug me while I do server stuff.

The developer is amazing. I was experiencing a bug while using it on my BungeeCord - Players could tab-complete me and know that I was on. After probably a week or so after I reported and a few updates, he finally fixed it (Guess it was a hard issue to fix because it took a few updates to resolve)

I absolutely recommend this plugin for new servers and owners or for experienced owners with a long-running server. Keep going Myzel - I hope to see more from you!

Keep up the good work :)

Best Regards,

Version: 2.2.0
Amazing plugin and more amazing Developer! He helped me out with some questions I had, hes willing to help you out and hes actually caring. I will recommend premium version of this to everyone!

Version: 2.1.1
Excellent plugin for the price, I love the leveling system, it really helps out a lot with my servers ranks.

Version: 2.1.1
Goof working plugin, Active Dev, Always helped my with issue's or questions. Definitely recommendable vanish plugin, it is worth the price in my opinion.

Version: 2.0.16
Amazing Plugin! Couldn't be any better. Although; Please add vanish perms. So like staff get gamemode perms in canish but not when not in vanish. Also; any changes in vanish(blocks etc..) if reversed

Version: 2.0.15
Great plugin, the maker is very active and helps you with every thing and fixes bugs really quick. Love it you should defenitly buy this plugin :D

Version: 2.0.14
I have to admit, the Author did a great job on this plugin! Get it its worth every penny, I use it on my Bungeecord Network and works great with Global Tablists. The Author also gets back to your comment in quick time! Fully customizable and works great! 5 Star from me. Looking forward for more out of this guy!

Version: 2.0.12
Fixed an issue , within 24 hours friendly Developer Easy to use and full customize

Version: 2.0.10
Fixed an issue I had, within 24 hours by releasing an update to suit my servers needs, best vanish plugin on the Market.

Version: 2.0.9
Plugin is okay, I bought it specifically for no hide in tab-list feature, How ever there are a couple of bugs I have noticed with this plugin and a few features not working correctly. When a player does vanish, It moves them to the bottom of the tab-list.
Author's response
You didn't give me a chance to help you, please talk to me about this in a pm. I haven't noticed issues with players changing position in the tablist so far, maybe you are using some kind of incompatible plugin. Vanished players are hidden in the tablist for players who arent allowed to see them anyway by default, so why does this matter?

Version: 2.0.4
I've been using SuperVanish and more recently PremiumVanish for over a year now and must say it's one of the best vanish plugins thats not bloated with extra useless features. It does exactly what it needs to do and the layered vanish levels is great for different staff rankings. Not to mention the author is always very helpful and always answering questions in the discussion no matter how many times he's already answered them.

Version: 1.9.6
Awesome plugin!
Badly enough only working for 2 servers on MySQL....
I don't understand why.. Prob with my hosting... But keep up the good work!

Version: 1.9.6
It's amazing plugin. Easy to install and easy to use. I would definitely recommend anyone to buy from him !!!!!!

Version: 1.9.6
Read the documentation, configurate the files, start it - and this plugin is running error free in a bungeecord network! One of the very rare plugins which has a very professional developer! Congratulations!

Version: 1.9.6
Amazing plugin with a lot of great features. I would definitely recommend anyone to buy from him!

Version: 1.9.6
Plugin is great, author is great. 5$ for a great plugin and 5$ for a great developer. There really is nothing more you can ask for, this is something that's needed on any server and I highly suggest anyone to buy this.

Version: 1.9.6
Amazing dev, msged him about an error I had and he was able to help me quickly. Would highly recommend.

Version: 1.9.6
Developer ist einer der Unzuverlässigsten Devs die ich jemals erlebt habe! Geht nicht auf wünsche ein und jetzt auch absolut kein Support mehr! Direkt nachdem der Preis nach oben angepasst wurde! Nein danke NIE WIEDER! Rate jedem davon ab dieses Plugin zu kaufen!
Author's response
You have not sent me a single private message and I think we both know that you are just unhappy with how our other project turned out :)

Version: 1.9.4
Perfect plugin that worked when all the other vanish plugins did not. Easy to install with optimal tiered permissions. Unexpected bonus: Player information and inventory spy. Truly a must-have for your server.

Version: 1.9.0
I've been doing the server owner thing for a about 9 mos. now, so still newish but know enough to say that this dev is definitely one of the more patient, helpful, and knowledgeable ones around, not to mention on top of their code. Updates are steady and bugs are minimal, and it's a solid, dependable, and versatile resource with plenty of options but not a lot of fluff. Overall very highly recommended, and the purchase is well worth it.

Version: 1.8.5
Amazing purchase, the green text over the hotbar is amazingly helpful, and the scoreboard is awesome too! Great Work :)

Version: 1.8.5
Totally worth the buy. This is simply the best Vanish Plugin out there. Developer is also really helpful.

Version: 1.8.4
Great plugins, lots of really good, cool features. 11/10 would recommend. Friendly and helpful developer(Even when I am a dick) xD

Version: 1.8.4
Could I ask for anything more? This plugins is WELL WORTH the $5 I paid for it bungeecord support is great and its essentially endless with what you can do with it. The config file is loaded with I would say 70+ different options and you can edit every message to your liking. I would give this 6 stars if that was a thing.

Version: 1.8.2
I think this plugin is great. I use it on my network. Is it possible to add compatibility with BungeeTabList?

Version: 1.8.2
Love this plugin. works really well!! I can troll all my staff member with it as they can see me plus normal players justa good plugin bu there is one think and that is does it work in 1.7.10?

Version: 1.8.1
Nice plugin! But I some ideas and question's: Is there a way to add custom symbols like "┃" (Unicode: \u2503)? That could be very nice because the messages look better with custom symbols. Also, add a permission to don't get teleported back when you leaves the vanish mode and I want to change the gamemode on vanishing for a group (example: The owner gamemode will be changed to the creative mode and the spectator gamemode will be changed to the spectator mode)
[Sorry for my bad English, normally I speak german..]

Version: 1.8.0
I can only say nice work!
The plugin is well made,
ans is perfect for servers!

Keep up the good work!

Version: 1.7.2
This dev is incredibly responsive and considerate. The plugin itself, extremely useful and configurable.

Within 24 hours of the previous review. He fixed the bug, and even made the accommedations for special requests, and even included the backwards support that I did not expect.

Version: 1.7.2
Thanks for the plugin! Hoping to make the server public soon, and this will help! Keep up the great work man!

Version: 1.6.11
Long overdue review of the one and only plugin I use across all the servers on my network. Simply the best vanish plugin with Bungee support out there right now!

Version: 1.6.8
Best vanish plugin up to date. Definetly worth the purchase. Been using it for months now. The plugin may have some minor issues however like the pv.see node not applying correctly. But I believe these will be eventually solved.
Author's response
I didn't know that there are issues with pv.see, I'll check it again and make sure that it works properly :)

Version: 1.6.8
I have an issue that there aren't enough stars to give.

I requested the network vanish and got exactly what I want.
Great plugin, great support and communications.
Money well spend on this plugin.

Version: 1.6.7
Very useful and elegant plugin. Developer was quick and efficient with providing support. Definitely worth the purchase for any server owner!

Version: 1.6.4
Great plugin, and awesome developer. Very easy to install on a Minecraft server and probably the best vanish plugin available.

Version: 1.6.4
I reconsider my review since the plugin has been fixed and improved. All work now perfectly. The author is very conscientious and worked a lot. It is now the best vanish plugin that I have ever used !

Congratulations and thank you for your work.

Version: 1.5.1
I modify my review because of a lot of issues. This plugin works randomly.... It could be a great plugin but needs strong fixing on BungeCord feature and MySQl. I remove it from my network until a stable version is released. I lost too much hours trying to get it working without succeed.
Author's response
I offered you closer support on skype and it seems to be working for all the other people. I do agree though, the MySQL features can definitly be improved and I'm constantly working on it but I don't have too much time right now.

Version: 1.5.1
It is Amazing! i bought and tested it Yesterday and haven´t found any Bugs or anything! i can only say JUST BUY IT!

Version: 1.5.1
Very cool and fun plugin!
I love how it keeps you hidden across a BungeeCord server!
Good for catching hackers ;)

Version: 1.5.1
Fast replies to bugs with updates to fix things. Great developer, great plugin.
My first bought plugin, NO regretsfor spending money on this.

Version: 1.3.4
Been using this for months, and is great. Recommend for any server admins that require a vanish plugin.

Version: 1.3.2
Just bought this plugin, my first bought ever plugin.
I'm impressed how easy it is to set this up and use it.
Well made, well documented, WELL DONE.

Version: 1.2.5
awesome plugin! i have been using it for a few weeks and a lot better than VNP. Well worth the price!

Version: 1.2.5
The plugin works great, I wanted to initially use it for /glist but it works much better than I thought, will be using in the future.

Version: 1.2.0
Excellent plugin for a fair price if you love vanish no packet you will love this one more I switched my server over to it.

Version: 1.2.0
Very good vanish plugin! Easy to use and understand! Keep on updating this plugin and adding more features! :D

Version: 1.1.0
Really nice vanish plugin and the developer delivers good support. Been waiting for a good vanish plugin for ages but this one is definatly the best one with i hope upcoming cool features. :)

Version: 1.0.0
This plugin is pretty nice, it works fine, and it makes spectating a lot easier than before. The support is also very good. :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,968
First Release: Nov 10, 2015
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
147 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings