About PremiumLevels
PremiumLevels is a fully customizable levelling system for your Spigot/Bukkit server.
- /premiumlevels reload » Reloads the plugin's configuration.
- premiumlevels.config » Allows the player to use the /premiumlevels reload commands.
Code (Text):
# Should the experience notification be displayed?
display-experience-notifications: true
# Should the level notification be displayed?
display-level-notifications: true
# The message displayed when a player gains experience.
experience-notification: "&8&l[&a+%experience% exp&8&l]"
# The message displayed when a player gains level(s).
level-notification: "&2&lPrem&a&lium&8&lLev&7&lels &7&l>> &aYou have leveled-up to &2level %level%&a !"
# The maximum level that a player should be able to reach.
maximum-level: 100
# The message displayed when the command provided is invalid.
unknown-command: "&c&l[!] &cUnknown Command."
# The message displayed when the sender of the command does not have the permission to execute the command.
no-permission: "&c&l[!] &cYou do not have enough permission to do this."
# The message displayed when the configuration of the plugin is reloaded.
plugin-reload: "&2&lPrem&a&lium&8&lLev&7&lels &7&l>> &aPlugin Reloaded."
This is the config.yml file : You may choose to edit it but the default version of this configuration fits most servers.
Code (Text):
# Experience needed to level up to the next level.
# Ex.: 1: 50 means players will need 50 experience to level up from level 1 to 2.
1: 50
2: 100
3: 210
This is the levels.yml file : You need to edit this file to add your personalized leveling experience!
Looking for help with PremiumLevels? Join the AnimalPlugins
discord for support with the plugin!
Metrics collection
PremiumLevels collects anonymous statistics via bStats.