command /admintool [
permission: admin
aliases: adminstuff, administratortool, atool, etool
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is "butcher" or "butch" or "kill" or "killer":
if name of player's tool contains "
&cadmin&fTool": set name of player's tool to "&aSuper Butcher &f| &cadmin&fTool" else: give stick named "&cadmin&fTool" to player send "&9Charles» &7Here is your &dsexy &7admin's stick :D" to player
on right click holding stick: if name of player's tool contains "&cadmin&fTool": cancel event if player has permission "admin": if name of player's tool contains "&bFreeezer": set name of player's tool to "&aDe-&bFreezer &f| &cadmin&fTool" stop if name of player's tool contains "&aSuper Butcher": set name of player's tool to "&bFreeezer &f| &cadmin&fTool" stop if name of player's tool contains "&aDe-&bFreezer": set name of player's tool to "&aSuper Butcher &f| &cadmin&fTool" stop else: set name of player's tool to "&aSuper Butcher &f| &cadmin&fTool" stop
on left click holding stick: if name of player's tool contains "&cadmin&fTool": cancel event if player has permission "admin": if name of player's tool contains "&aSuper Butcher": if player is sneaking: loop all entities in radius 5 of target block: if loop-entity is not player: kill loop-entity add 1 to {_entities} else: loop all entities in radius 0.7 of target block: if loop-entity is not player: kill loop-entity add 1 to {_entities} if {_entities} is 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've killed &f%{_entities}% &7entity for you!" to player if {_entities} > 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've killed &f%{_entities}% &7entities for you!" to player if name of player's tool contains "&bFreeezer": loop all entities in radius 5 of target block: remove slowness from loop-entity apply potion of slowness of tier 50 without any particles to the loop-entity for 999 days add 1 to {_entities} if {_entities} is 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've frozen &f%{_entities}% &7entity for you!" to player if {_entities} > 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've frozen &f%{_entities}% &7entities for you!" to player if name of player's tool contains "&aDe-&bFreezer": loop all entities in radius 5 of target block: remove slowness from loop-entity add 1 to {_entities} if {_entities} is 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've thawed &f%{_entities}% &7entity for you!" to player if {_entities} > 1: send "&9Charles» &7I've thawed &f%{_entities}% &7entities for you!" to player
on command: if command is "pl" or "plugins" or "bukkit:pl" or "bukkit:plugins" or "help" or "bukkit:help" or "versions" or "ver" or "bukkit:?" or "bukkit:about" or "about" or "?" or "version": if player has permission "admin.plugins": stop else: cancel event if {server::test_server} is true: send " " to player send "&6&lCustom Features" to player send "&7• Dungeons" to player send "&7• Adventure Apparel 3D &8(Backpacks & Waist Tools)" to player send "&7• Dynamic Ambient Sounds" to player send "&7• Mob Variants, New Bosses & Loot Balloons" to player send "&7• New Items & Accessories" to player send " " to player send "&f&lOther features" to player send "&7• GUI Menus: Command Panels" to player send "&7• NPC's: Citizens" to player send "&7• Other plugins: Aura Skills 2.0, Player Auctions, BetonQuest, ChatManager, Crazy Crates" to player else: send "&cYou don't have necessary permission for this command!" to player
command /setspawn: permission: admin trigger: execute player command "setwarp spawn" execute player command "mv setspawn" send " " to player send "&f You have set the location of spawn!" to player set {location::spawn} to location of player
command /givecustomitem [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]: permission: admin trigger: if player-arg is set: set {_player} to player-arg else: set {_player} to sender if arg 3 is set: set {_amount} to arg-3 else: set {_amount} to 1
set {_item} to {item::%arg-1%} give {_amount} of {_item} to {_player}
on tab complete of "/givecustomitem": set tab completions for position 1 to {forge::items_list::*}
command /getitems: aliases: getitem permission: admin trigger: open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&2Special Items" to player
set {_nr} to -1 loop {forge::items_list::*}: if {forge::item::%loop-value%::rows} is set: add 1 to {_nr} set slot {_nr} of player's current inventory to GenerateBackpack(loop-value)
set {_nr} to 6 loop {forge::items_list::*}: if {forge::item::%loop-value%::rows} is not set: add 1 to {_nr} set slot {_nr} of player's current inventory to {item::%loop-value%}
set slot 3 of player's current inventory to {item::pinata} set slot 4 of player's current inventory to {item::skeleton_key} set slot 5 of player's current inventory to {item::dracula_key} set slot 6 of player's current inventory to {item::desert_key}
function GenerateBackpack(type: string) :: item: if {forge::item::%{_type}%::rows} is set: set {_item} to {item::%{_type}%} set {_n} to nbt compound of {_item} set int tag "item_id" of {_n} to random integer between -999999999 and 999999999 return {_item}
command /testserver: permission: admin trigger: if {server::test_server} is not true: set {server::test_server} to true send "&aTest server mode enabled" to player load yaml "plugins/AdventureCore/test_server.yml" as "test_server" set yaml value "test-server-enabled" from "test_server" to {server::test_server} save yaml "test_server" stop if {server::test_server} is true: set {server::test_server} to false send "&cTest server mode disabled" to player load yaml "plugins/AdventureCore/test_server.yml" as "test_server" set yaml value "test-server-enabled" from "test_server" to {server::test_server} save yaml "test_server"
on load: TestServerToggle()
function TestServerToggle(): load yaml "plugins/AdventureCore/test_server.yml" as "test_server"
if yaml value "version" from "test_server" is not set: set yaml value "test-server-enabled" from "test_server" to false
if yaml value "test-server-enabled" from "test_server" is set: set {server::test_server} to yaml value "test-server-enabled" from "test_server"