1) this plugin/script has been done to DEATH. We do not need more of these in the community.
2) its poorly written. 8 events which could have been 1
3) you do a player perm check, and since the console isn't a player, the console can now no longer get plugin information. Very helpful when trying to manage your server from console, thanks.
TIP: use `sender` instead of `player` in your perm check, to account for console
4) you can still do `/ver <hit tab>` to see a list of all plugins. So at the end of the day, this doesn't actually stop the player from seeing your plugins.
5) and this is the BIG one. Plugins/scripts like these are 100% useless as you can literally just negate the permissions for the plugin/version commands in your permission manager (ie: PEX/LuckPerms) and the players cant use said commands.
Long story short:
This script is useless and provides nothing new to the community.
If you want to publish scrips, make ones that people would actually use.