Checking Personal Playtime: Players can execute a simple command to view their own total playtime. The output will include formatted playtime in months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Viewing Top Playtimes: The command to view the leaderboard displays a paginated list of players ranked by their total playtime. Players can navigate through pages using additional command arguments.
Command Syntax:
/pt - Displays your play time
/pt [username] - Displays user's play time
/pttop [page] - Displays the top playtime leaderboard. Optionally, players can specify a page number to view different segments of the leaderboard.
/ptrewards [username] - Displays achieved rewards and time needed to achieve other rewards.
/ptreload - Server admins with this permission can reload the plugin's configuration files without a full server restart.
Code (YAML):
# General configuration lang: "en"# Set to your desired console language - see list in lang folder rewards:
enabled: true
# Master toggle to enable/disable the rewards system broadcast:
chat: true
# Whether to broadcast messages to the server when rewards are given discord: false
# Whether to broadcast messages to the Discord server-chat when rewards are given (requires DiscordSRV or EssentialsXDiscord) reward-cooldown: 60
# Minimum time (in seconds) between processing rewards for the same player playtime:
auto-save-interval: 300
# How often (in seconds) playtime data is auto-saved to the database page-size: 10
# How many players per page in /pttop track-afk:
enabled: false
# If true, afk-time is recorded causing play time to be paused when user is AFK afk-detection: 300000
# Time (in miliseconds) until player becomes AFK - default is 5 minutes commands:
enabled: true
# Enable/disable the /pt (playtime) command pttop:
enabled: true
# Enable/disable the /pttop command ptreload:
enabled: true
# Enable/disable the /ptreload command logging:
debug: false
# Enable debug logging reward-claims: true
# Log every reward claim to the server console
# Color configuration - use Minecraft chat codes (1.16 or below) e.g. &c or hex codes e.g. #FF5555 (1.16+) color:
integer: "#FFFFFF"# Numbers used in total play time interval: "#55FF55"# Words following integer e.g. month header: "#FFAA00"# Color of the top bar in /pttop footer: "#FFAA00"# Color of the bottom bar in /pttop list-item: "#FFFFFF"# List number on /pttop error: "#FF5555"# Any error message success: "#55FF55"# Any success message user: "#FFFFFF"# Any username earned: "#FFFFFF"# Reward message e.g. "...has earned" reward: "#FFFFFF"# Name of reward