Player Settings icon

Player Settings -----

A settings system and in-game menu for players in your Minecraft server!

Version: 6.3.1
Can you add support for HubPvPSword? When holding sword all settings effects are removed!!
Author's response
Sure, I will keep it in mind for the next update :)

Version: 6.2.0
Great plugin. It recently went through a major rework and now looks and works really well.
The author is very kind in responding and quickly releases bugfixes/suggested features.
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words :)

Version: 5.1.0
It is exactly what I need, can you make one item can have multiple options (for example, the quality setting can be set to "high", "medium" and "low" 3 options), and add each option different items icon?

Version: 5.1.0
There are problems connecting with the Mysql of this plugin and I have put Mysql 2 different times and I get the same errors

Version: 5.1.0
Uhh its ok_______________________________________________________________________________________

Version: 5.1.0
Hello, where is the promised update? Below is my review, to which I received the response "that you will release the update within 3 days", ok, but.. it's been a month... I don't see any news(

It's a shame that you promised and even responded to my previous review, but did not fulfill it)

Version: 5.1.0
Hello, I downloaded your plugin, and I really liked it. I didn't find any bugs! But I have a request for you! Your plugin has a function to enable and disable flight, so when you enable this function, the flight works, but when you re-log in to the server, the flight is reset, and the indicator
in (gui) indicates that the flight is activated. You can force the plugin to display the flight immediately after reconnecting if it is enabled in the GUI settings. For example, as in the case of a chat, if it is disabled, then even after reconnecting to the server, the plugin understands that it is impossible to write to the chat. And another problem with hiding players, that is, if this function is enabled, then the players are hidden yes, but after the player re-enters, the players are again visible, although in the GUI settings, the hide function is enabled. This is very bad, I connected the plugin to mysql and threw it on 3 lobby servers. After moving from the first to the second lobby, the players still become visible, although in the GUI hiding is active. Make sure that the plugin forcibly hides players even after logging in to another server or re-logging in. Also do 1.16 (optional). In addition, I will add that after switching to another world, so that fly and hide players are automatically enabled, you have a disable feature in a certain world, so if you switch from a world where the configuration is disabled to a world where the plugin should work, fly and hide players should instantly complete their task depending on whether the feature is enabled in the GUI settings or not. I personally would like you to fulfill my preferences and then there will be generally all 5 stars!
Author's response
I'll look into those issues for you and solve them in the next update. Give me around 3 days and the new update will be out. Thanks for the review.

Version: 5.0.3
Author isn't responding, there are bunch of errors and nobody seems to solve them...

Version: 5.0.3
Plugin is broken and author didn't response even on github neither on Discord....

Version: 5.0.3
Muy buen plugin, por favor le podria pedir desactivar el stacker hacia la armord stand y npcs, que solo sea para los jugadores, espero su pronta respues muchas gracias y muy buen trabajo! :)

Version: 5.0.2
After quickly reconnecting to the server, it freezes and then throws an error connecting to the database. Please fix this. This is not possible to use when there is a lot of online traffic and players are coming.

Error (log)
Author's response
Hey, sorry for the trouble. I'll post an update soon with a fix. Thanks for reporting it.

Version: 5.0.2
Very good and light plugin. Work in 1.15.X now. Thanks for the update even if it was a little bit late :p Great job !

Version: 5.0.1
The error occurs, as I understand it, after a quick login to the server, that is, if the player logs in and then logs out and logs back in very quickly, an error occurs and the server starts to hang and gives an error below.

Please correct this error! I will be very grateful! The resource is very good!

Another mistake - if you turn off the display of players with players in the lobby, log out and log in to the server, the player will be displayed, but the setting will show that this function is active, and the players should not be visible!

I don’t know, maybe this is also with other settings, hiding the players. Even if you enable the plugin’s flight menu settings, it is issued and works, but after the restart it is no longer available although the flight function
ViaVersion is also on kernel 1.8.8 for support 1.13.2, why when entering / configuring the opening, the output kicks from the server with a disconnect.spam error

Please add to the configuration so that you can turn off the chat notification about enabling or disabling any parameter! setSetting (send) = true / false, getSetting (send) true / false. It really bothers me, and I would not want to see this information!

Version: 5.0.1
Good plugin!

Please, add placeholeder and button for back to main menu.

Thnk for u work!

Version: 5.0.1
Thank you! This is what i was looking for. This is the best player options/settings out there, thanks! :)

Version: 5.0.1
bad plugin dont work .
Author's response
Thanks for the constructive criticism

Version: 4.9.4
Nice, the best plugin of settings.... JUNGLECRAFT.ES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Version: 4.9.4
Very good playerSettings plugin , there is something that i wanted to ask, why when i put another world in the (worlds-allowed) it still says the plugin is disabled in that world? i did it correctly and all...

Version: 4.9.4
¡Esta genial el plugin! pero hay un problema que las opciones que la gente elige al salirse se le va y no guarda lo tengo mediante mysql sabes porque?

Version: 4.9.4
Im trying it in paperspigot 1.12, lets see if it works properly :u btw why is on bukkit caregory?

Version: 4.9.4
Excelente plugin, ¡la recomiendo mucho!, me encanto y espero que siga sacando futuras versiones de ese plugin, tengo un error el stacker no funciona al parecer bien pero lo demás sirve correctamente.

¿Podría agregar nuestra ip?

Version: 4.9.4
Could you add lore to the settings, like Speed, lore: You will have a lot of speed an example like, Thank you

Version: 4.9.4
Amazing plugin!!
Please add:
/settings [option] enable/disable.
/settings vanish enable
/settings vanish disable
/settings fly enable
/settings fly disable

/settings default [restart your config to default]

Add a flag to avoid player change fly option in the air.

Add alias or custom alias to open menu command.

Thanks men
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D.

Version: 4.9.4
Best PlayerSettings plugin!!!

Very good developer and very good support!!!!!

Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.9.3
The plugin is awesome

Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.9.3
Este plugin ni siquiera trabaja el comando /settings open.
Ni siquiera dice ningun error en la consola y no trae ni la cabeza del jugador , no es para nada bueno este plugin. No lo recomiendo en absoluto!
Te doy 2 estrellas por caridad , estoy muy enfadado con el creador del plugin , que revise este post
Author's response
Buenas miguelrebolo, el plugin no funciona ya que tiene soporte por mundo, esto significa que el plugin puede ser usado en algunos mundos y en otros no. Para que el plugin funcione, abre el archivo llamado menu.yml, baja hasta el final del archivo y ahi encontraras una lista llamada "worlds-allowed" que contiene los nombres donde el plugin funciona, necesitas ahí agregar el nombre del mundo donde quieres que funcione el plugin y debería funcionar.

Version: 4.9.3
Hello this plugin is amazing and useful in the server to manage something and it help the owner of the server. I think it can help more people in China. Can I upload it on chinese mcbbs
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D, yes you can upload it, I don't have any problems with that as long as you give me credits :).

Version: 4.9.2
Amazing plugin, neat configuration, no bugs and the integration with other plugins like Jukebox is neat! 5 stars :)
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D, hope it has helped you a lot, I have been on your server and it seems pretty good, keep up the good work :).

Version: 4.9.2

Excelente plugin, muchas gracias
por agregar el doble salto :3
~ Andres2555

Author's response
Gracias por la reseña :D

Version: 4.9.2
Me gustaria que tuviera para ocultar usuarios, asi los yts no tendrian problemas, ademas es muy necesario en grandes servers
Author's response
Gracias por la reseña :D, El plugin ya tiene una opcion para ocultar a los jugadores.

Version: 4.9.2
Hey, great plugin but I got some suggestions:
* Add a option for visibility: ''ON > Only VIP+/STAFF (specific permission) > OFF.
* Add a menu arrow item to get back to another menu. So we can type in a specific command and the "BACK-MENU-ARROW" will run the command to open another (main) menu.
* Add a option to set the double jump height and distance.

Other than that, this is a great plugin. :) Where does the plugin save the option datas from players when MySQL is disabled? :o
Author's response
Thank you for leaving an actual review :D, really appreciated, I will keep in mind all of the recommendations. When MySql is disabled the options are saved on a Class called "CustomPlayer," an instance of that class is created and stored in a Hashmap, an instance of the class "CustomPlayer" is created for every player that joins, then when the plugin is reloaded the Hashmap is cleared and all of the data contained is lost (It's the same when you have MySql enabled, but the difference is that the settings are saved into the MySql server before the Hashmap is cleared and that allows me to retrive the settings the player had before the server closed). If you want to know more in depth how the plugin works here is the source code In advance, thanks for the feedback and the review :).

Version: 4.9
Hay algun permiso para que los YouTubers no se oculten o lo puedes agregar por favor cinco estrellas porque no tiene bugs
Author's response
Gracias por la reseña :D, no entiendo muy bien lo que deseas que agrege, podrias especificar mejor en la discucion ?

Version: 4.9

Excellent plugin.
~ Andres2555

Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.9
Just awesome. Its perfect because it has SQL support and "Allowed-worlds" setting So you can only use the settings on the lobby world :)
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.8
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.7
Excellent update, Without a doubt... The best plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D

Version: 4.7
5 star, the best free plugin for options, costant update, 0 bugs,extremly configuration.
Add blood option and is perfect :3

Sorry for my bad english I'm italian
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D, I will not add blood, since it's really unnecessary, if you have a developer, tell him to add it, the GitHub link is on the plugins description ;).

Version: 4.7

hats not to love?

This is the best player settings plugin I have EVER used. It has a very wide customization preference and functional (unlike some :P). I would recommend this for any place with lobby/hub/waiting area. But really you can use it for anything.

The developer is extremely friendly and offers great support you run into any problems with the plugin (even if it is forgetting to set the world xD). The developer takes in most requests in his discord channel/PM/ect as long as it is not off topic to the plugin.

So if you are reading this and wondering of you should get the plugin? The answer is YES! Look at the ratings and my review of the plugin. This plugin helped me a lot and given the correct circumstances it could help you too.

Thanks for this awesome plugin lim_bo56! :D
Author's response
Thanks for the feedback :D, I actually never saw your review but thank you <3, I really appreciate feedback.

Version: 4.7
El mejor plugin de opciones que hay por aqui!
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, se aprecia mucho el apoyo <3

Version: 4.7
Excellent plugin .
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, feedback is greatly appreciated ;)!

Version: 4.7
Excellent plugin Excellent Developer!!!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 4.6
hace mucho tiempo
Mas Players Settings
daria igual al
mejor plugin

100% Pro
Sigue Updateando el plugin bro
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.6
WoW Bro, excelente actualización... No esperaba tan grande actualización... 5 stars =) ,Sigue creando nuevas actualizaciones.. Gracias por este plugin fantástico
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.5
Awesome plugins i can see that your hard worker :D can you pls make it compatiable with 1.11.2 thank you very much Cya i hope you reply
Author's response
Thanks for the reivew :D, I will add it asap.

Version: 4.5
Un error, cuando pongo pon mysql y porgo por default en true para que este automatico cuando me logueo no sirve. Arreglalo y te doy 5 extrellas. Buen plugin.
Author's response
Esto no es una review ;(, ve a la discusion y pon el problema que tienes con el plugin para ayudarte.

Version: 4.5
Amigo Muy Buen Plugin Mis Felicitaciones Para Ti Buen Trabajo Sigue Adelante Que Este Proyecto Es Uno De Los Mejores Que He Visto Saludos!
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.5
I love this plugin so much!, and the page, the page is so fancy man, keep up the nice work <3.......
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 4.5
Excelente plugin. pequeña y buena actualización.. =)
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.5
Otra vez, en serio amigo.. te pasas de bueno pero aun no puedo poner 7 estrellas 7w7 =( pero aún así tu plugin es genial y cada vez mejora hasta lo más mínimo!
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.4
¡Excelente plugin, excelente developer! este plugin es el mejor y lo mejor mejor de todo es que el plugin es gratuito y tiene muchas más opciones que el PlayerOptions la verdad este plugin es mejor que playeroptions, y eso que playeroptions es de pago... sin nada más que decir el mejor plugins de preferencias/opciones para tu lobby 5 estrellas no pongó 6 estrellas por que no hay
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, muchas gracias por la review, aprecio mucho este tipo de reviews enserio gracias!!1!

Version: 4.4
Please add 1.7 support for paper spigot 1.7x and 1.8x
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I'm not adding support to 1.7, why should it support a version that was realeased 2 years ago ? update your server version please.

Version: 4.4
great plugin, :) been searching for plugins like this for a while when I finally found one, this, the chosen one
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 4.3
Plis arregla el error en la MySQL! :)
Author's response
Esto no es una review :(. Escribe los errores en la discusion, no en las reviews.

Version: 4.3
Thanks for this citizens support! I like this plugin :D Please keep it up to date :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 4.2
Good plugin but i have some bugs with stalker in contact with npcs! Can you fix it... But it looks like it is not posible... But if you can, please fix ti :D
Author's response
Thanks for the reivew :D, I will :)

Version: 4.1
Tengo un problema! al colocar el comando /settings open el menu no abre mi servidor es 1.10.2 ayudame a solucionar & te coloco 5 estrellas!
Author's response
Esto no es una review :(. Escribe tus errores en la discusion, no en las reviews, si no, no te ayudare.

Version: 4.0
Great plugin and really lightweed! Suggestion allow more customization like launch power when you trow a player from stacker, and jump power, ecc.... ^^
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I'll keep it in mind for the next update.

Version: 4.0
Que Plugin Para Tan Maravilloso y Asombroso, y lo mejor es que este plugin es completamente gratuito y contiene lo necesario en un lobby. ¡¡¡el creador de este plugin es la leche!!! Sin dudas este es el mejor plugin para un lobby.. gracias por realizar plugins como estos..
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 4.0
i think this plugin need to be payed at least 4$ because is so good, usefull, easy to set and more other thinks.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I disagree with you, I believe this plugin should be free for everyone :)

Version: 4.0
Super fast bugs fixed and very nice updated, 0 errors and working flawless. I'd highly recommend. For people who don't know how to work with the plugin, have some errors or whatever, please ask for help before give a stupid review. It doesn't fare. I'm pretty sure that the Dev will support and help you!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I agree, there are people that just think that the plugin magically configures.

Version: 4.0
Highly would recommend. Dedicated developer. Sadly I can't say that about most developers these days on Spigot.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I really appreciate it, also your server is one of the most modern and original servers I have ever seen.

Version: 4.0
I would give this plugin a great view... if it worked. When i type /settings open it does nothing but give errors. Please fix, then i give better review.
BTW i using mc version 1.10.2 and i am wondering maybe i missing some kind of API or something?


Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, Please go in discussion so I can help you or join the discord server.

Version: 4.0
Hola soy yo de nuevo y quiero decir que cuando los jugadores intentan abrir el menu les dice esto: An internan error occurred while attempting to perform this command. Podrias solucionar el error
Author's response
Esto no es una review :(. Escribe tus errores en la discusion, no en las reviews, si no, no te ayudare.

Version: 4.0
Great resource (and dev). I hardly rate resources, but this one deserves it :P. Good job & keep doing what you do.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I really appreciate it, thank you so much :).

Version: 3.9
I just love it. It is well made and so simple but that's why it is so brilliant. well done mate. Please continue coding
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, yeah, I will keep coding forever

Version: 3.7
Maldito plugin asqueroso de mierdaaa no sirve Jajaja Na mentira Compañero Buen Plugin te la jugaste con este plugin sigue asiiii
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 3.7
bro.. this is bukkit.. not bungee.. add option for world.. pls..
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, Already supporting multi world :), check menu.yml on the bottom.

Version: 3.6
El mejor plugin de opciones para los usuarios :D. Realmente muy útil en Networks. Ahora el menú es mas dinámico y esto hace que mis usuarios se les haga mas fácil de usar. 10/5 estrellas.
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 3.6
Alfin es increible ya no se bugean al survir los jugadores. Es execelente mi opinion 10/10. Gracias por actualizarlo a la 1.10
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 3.6
This is the best for Lobby <3 I was searching for this a lot of time. BIG THANKS. If you can add and a disguise options it could be greate!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I would keep that in mind.

Version: 3.6
I'd like to say this is the best Player Setting preferences, you will love it. Especially the Dev very active and friendly. He is awesome. FIVE stars for this excellent work. : )
Author's response
Thanks for the awesome review :D, Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it, I would add the option to disable the stacker message tomorrow :).

Version: 3.6
Era hora! :D Increíble plugin! 100% Funcional y epic developer! +5 Estrellas! Increíble trabajo limbo :)
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, como que me tarde un poquito xd

Version: 3.5
Gran plugin alfin un plugin facil y eficaz en mi opinion es increible solo 2 problemas 1:cuando los jugadores se suben en otros jugadores se bugean 2:actualizarlo a la 1.10 pls
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, estoy trabajando en ello.

Version: 3.5
Exelente plugin TOMA TUS 5 ESTRELLAS :D , y una pregunta hay alguna forma de deja el chat activado ya que cada vez que alguien entra al lobby esta desabilitado, hay alguna forma?
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, estoy preparando una nueva actialuzacion, cuando la saque podras hacer eso ;)

Version: 3.5
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, si tengo skype, buscame como lim_bo66

Version: 3.5
Muy buen plugin, pero para mi es muy necesaria una cosa ---> MYSQL !!!
100 caracteres.... 100 caracteres....
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, estoy trabajando en ello.

Version: 3.5
Sigo esperando el día que diga: Add MySQL Support. Increíble plugin! :D
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, calma xd.

Version: 3.5
Awesome plugin, this is the best prefs plugin ive seen that gets close to mineplex and it is really cool, I have suggestions though.

One: Could you make it so only donators could get into the speed and stuff perk menu.
Two: I know that you can get into the speed perk menu but you need permission to use it but can you have it so permissions for everything.
Three: Also it doesnt disable chat, so someone would chat and it would show up even though it is disabled, But overall the best plugin ever
Thanks for making it, I love it <3 :)!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I will keep your suggestion to see if I add them :).

Version: 3.3
tienes skype? muy bueno tu plugin

me enseñarías a crear esos tipos de plugin porfa estoy enpesando en las cosas de plugin
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, mi skype es lim_bo66.

Version: 3.3
Buen plugin!, muy bueno 100% Recomendable.... :V
nose que poner :c :'v . sacaron el pacman de facebook :(
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, R.I.P pacman :'(.

Version: 3.3
Plugin does what it says, easy to configure I just noticed that it uses a custom system for the different versions inside the plugin to check which is which, which is very smart hehe. The best part of this plugin is that it is free and he has also taken into consideration to make this plugin more lightweight man what could we do with out the runnables. I hope other networks enjoy this plugin as much as I do, good luck for the future.

Thx Pixl
Author's response
Thanks for this awesome review :D <3, I do my best to get better this plugin, I continue doing this because of people like you that leave this great reviews, thank you very much :).

Version: 3.3
Nice but have a bug with you can drop the gui items pls fix it :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I'll do it right now.

Version: 3.2
this is a very nice and handy Plugin and has a lot of cool features! Keep updating. ;)

Author's response
Thanks for the review :D.

Version: 3.2
Perfecto! Increíble Plugin :) Solo faltaría MySQL <3
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, para la otra actualizacion le agregare SQL y si puedo para customizar los menus enteros :).

Version: 3.1
Pls add MySQL. 5 Stars! :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I will add SQL but I don't have much time, I will try to do it during this week and next week :).

Version: 3.1
Hello, the plugin seems like it wont download for me, but I give a 4 star because it looks awesome. It does download but then when I do /pref it doesn't show the menu. Please help!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, go in the discussion and tell me your server version so I can help you.

Version: 3.1
I'm using your plugin can you add me to the server lisiing my server is let me get a pic
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I will put it.

Version: 3.1
I speak french . Franchement tres bon plugin tres bien develloper merci de faire plusieur mise a jour cela me ferait plaisir :)
Author's response
Thansk for the review :D

Version: 2.9
Disculpa es que tengo un problema ya que yo quiero poner el plugin en mi server 1.8 y no me funciona
Me podrías dar alguna solución
Author's response
Gracias por la review, porfavor deja los errores en la discusion, si no, no te ayudare.

Version: 2.6
This plugin doesn't work, I don't know why but, I type /pref or /preferences and it doesn't do anything! Please help me ;(
Author's response
Thanks for the review, If you have a problem please put it on the discussion, otherwise I will not help you.

Version: 2.6
Literally one of the best plugins. Extremely active developer to help repair any issue with the plugin. Would truly recommend downloading this plugin for your hub sever.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, you are awesome.

Version: 2.6
Hola podrias hacer algo para que por default cuando entren los players se les deje activado el chat el stacker y la visibilidad? o simplemente que guarde las opciones de los jugadores en .db
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, en las proximas actualizaciones lo are.

Version: 2.6
Impresionante, tenía un error y el autor me lo ha solucionado en poco tiempo, el plugin está perfecto y hace todo lo que debe, 10/10, ¡sigue así, gracias!
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, siempre ayudo a todos si tengo tiempo ;).

Version: 2.6
quisiera saber si hay alguna config para que se oculten los jugadores.
te explico uso el plugin skywarsreloaded para el minijuejo skywars el problema es que cuando se ocultan los jugadores siguen invincibles en las arenas y cada arena es un mundo,alguna config o algo para resolver esto gracias
Author's response
Gracias por la review, actualiza el plugin, ya eh arreglado eso, y porfavor, antes de dejar una review reportando un error, ve a la discusion, si lo tienes actualizado ve a la discusion, dime y te ayudare.

Version: 2.5
Working in my server 100%. So good plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 2.5
Tengo un problema no puedo hacer que me funcione disculpa por las 3 estrellas pero es que realmente no lo pude probar , pero por que lo que lei y e visto es muy buen plugin nesesito que me ayudes tiene alguna dependencia algun java en especial o que.
Author's response
Gracias por la review, dime el problema en la discusion amigo, y te ayudare ;).

Version: 2.5
Esta bien el plugin pero tengo un problema :/ pongo los comandos y no los toma, pero el plugin si anda.
Te dejare la informacion de mi server para que veas el posible error: (Spigot 1.8.8)
Author's response
Gracias por la review , ok por que haces una mala review reportando un problema encima, si quieres ayuda dilo en la discusion, si no, no te ayudare.

Version: 2.5
I cant take all of items with the numbers im press 1,2,3..9 and take all items of the gui only hold the mouse in 1 item and press 1,2,3 or other number. Pls fix
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I didn't undersand you.

Version: 2.5
Good plugin howerver not fully customizable, i would suggest you to add an option to disable any of the option in the config, or permission for visibility, as i have another visibility plugin.. But its a good plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review, if you want you can edit the plugin, there is a source code for people like you that wants to add and remove things...

Version: 2.5
Buen plugin se ve super genial y tienen muchas cosas, Una cosa, ¿Si por ejemplo oculto los jugadores en un mundo seguirán desactivados si cambio de mundo?
Author's response
Gracias por la review, no, se activaran denuevo.

Version: 2.4
Estaría bien que se guardaran las opciones, que por ejemplo si ocultas los jugadores. Si sales y vuelves a entrar se guardara, por que es un poco coñazo, entrar a una arena y al terminar volver a esconder jugadores. Por lo demás perfecto, y espero que pronto lo tenga el plugin.

Author's response
Pronto agregare lo de SQL, solo dame tiempo, gracias por la review :D

Version: 2.4
Plugin excelente. Una idea podría ser que se puedan cambiar los items del inicio por ej: que pueda cambiar el farol por un comparador de redstone. Desde ya el plugin es genial y va en buen camino. :D
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 2.4
Es un buen plugin y muy esencial para la mayoría de los servidores, tengo una idea que espero que en un futuro se haga es que al entrar al hub o lobby te de un item donde se habrá esa interfaz :D por lo demás todo perfecto
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, puedes hacer eso con chestcommands :).

Version: 2.4
No soporta 1.8.8 tendrian que ponerlo que sea compatible para spigot 1.8.8, si hacen esto ya estaria, buen plugin...
Author's response

Version: 2.4
Hello and thank you for this plugin, I think that you need to add commands working for each player execute this for exemple a global command like (/... disableall) (/... enableall) and this for all the thinks seperated. Because I have minigames on my Hub and i execute this commands on the npc to remove the stacker, vanish... Start with update with the global disable command
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I will try to add it in the next update.

Version: 2.3
Working 100% Good plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 2.3
Good plugin and add SQL :) .
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, I will add SQL in the future.

Version: 2.2
Good plugin, but for one server, is not good, if i change world, all people are in vanish, is not work in only one world (I have check "world" in config.yml)
Author's response
I already solved it, Thanks for the review :D, and please if you have another error or suggestion leave it in the discussion

Version: 2.1
Excellent plugin and very active Author. I would say this is the best player/lobby preference for server. Keep good working! :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 1.9
Thank you so much for per world support! :D I needed it, and couldn't find another plugin that could do exactly this! :O
Author's response
Thanks again for the review :D

Version: 1.9
New updates, your plugin has improved a lot.
I hope you continue adding improvements :) , Atte.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D

Version: 1.8
Great plugin! :D Could use per world support though other than that it's all good! Please add per world support though! :o
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D, ok, I will make it per world...

Version: 1.8
Excelente plugin. Podrías agregar en los mundos donde se pueda usar? seria muy útil en servidores multiarena. Gracias :D
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D, lo hare por mundo...

Version: 1.7
Pueden Hacerlo Mas Similar A Los Settings De Cubecraft Como Ocultar Todos Los Jugadores,Solo ver amigos,Ver A Todos?
Author's response
Gracias por la review, perdona, pero el plugin es muy diferente, tal vez cuando aga el codigo publico, puedas cambiarlo tu a tu gusto :).

Version: 1.7
exelente esto es lo que estaba buscando grasiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss
Author's response
Gracias por la review :D

Version: 1.7
Looks awesome but whenever I do /pref it says an internal error has occurred, so nothing happens.

P.S. where should I put the error from the console.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :D (you should put the error in the discussion)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,136
First Release: Nov 15, 2015
Last Update: Jun 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
122 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings