Player Economy icon

Player Economy -----

Player Economy is a easy to use Skript Plugin for the perfect economy for your players!

Version: 1.0
I haven't even run this code, and I can spot a few errors.
Based on what is written here, I'm assuming you had ChatGPT write this for you?

Anyone who knows basic Skript would easily be able to spot the fake crap in this script.

<pause:going to test>
ok, as expected 8 errors.

This is just crap. People like you make the Skript community look bad.

Version: 1.0
Not working. Error with loading. PLS REPAIR. But if the skript realy working with adding economy.. It's good

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86
First Release: May 2, 2024
Last Update: May 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings