PlaceholderAPI icon

PlaceholderAPI -----

A resource that allows information from your favorite plugins be shown practically anywhere!

1.8.4 improved BungeeCord placeholders, added support for RedisBungee, added SkillAPI placeholders

Improved BungeeCord placeholder system:

You no longer need to define what servers are tracked in the config.

Total player count will no longer be based on the servers tracked from the config and all bungee servers will be counted.

Added support for RedisBungee. Just set hooks.redisbungee: true instead of hooks.bungeecord.

Code (Text):
RedisBungee placeholders

Added placeholders for SkillAPI:

Code (Text):
SkillAPI placeholders:

The following placeholders are the same as above but instead of specifying the
skillName, you can specify a number from 1- <amount of skills a player has> which
will show the information related to the players 1st, 2nd, 3rd skill and so on...

----------, Aug 29, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,686,342
First Release: Apr 20, 2015
Last Update: May 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
503 ratings
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