PixelVip [1.7-1.20+] icon

PixelVip [1.7-1.20+] -----

A plugin to manage VIPs on your server

Version: 3.0.5
algo que poderia ser implementado é a utilização de displaynames, uma integração com CMI/essentialsx

Version: 3.0.5
Esse plugin e perfeitooooo continua assim mano. estava a um tempo esperando a atualização e finalmente

Version: 3.0.5
Obrigado por atualizar essa maravilha. Com certeza o melhor plugin de VIP que existe. Todo servidor que puder ter a utilização desse plugin, nunca vai se arrepender (Se compatível com a versão). Tô esperando essa atualização a tempos kkkkkk Obrigado FabioZumbi12 <3
Author's response
Opa, vlww pelo review <3

Version: 3.0.3
Este plugin está sendo bastante útil no meu servidor. Precisa de algumas melhorias, mas funciona. Gostaria demais que o autor continuasse o belíssimo trabalho! Mesmo sendo para 1.16, ainda funciona no 1.19.3!
Por favor Fábio, não deixe o plugin morrer! Adicione recursos como integração de pagamentos online, etc. Não nos abandone!

This plugin is being very useful on my server. It needs some improvements, but it works. I would love for the author to continue the beautiful work! Even though it's for 1.16, it still works on 1.19.3!
Please Fábio, don't let the plugin die! Add features like online payments integration, etc. Don't abandon us!
Author's response
Olá, obrigado pelo review. Fico feliz de ver review assim, motiva e da uma animada. Postei um update agora com algumas sugestões que estavam no github e alguns fixes. Espero que goste \o/

Version: 3.0.3
Isso é LIXO, o desenvolvedor abandonou o plugin e também não responde a ninguém em seu grupo do Discord.
Por favor não perca seu tempo utilizando este plugin mal feito e todo problemático em seu servidor.


This is GARBAGE, the developer has abandoned the plugin and also doesn't respond to anyone in his Discord group.
Please don't waste your time using this poorly made and problematic plugin on your server.
Author's response
Opa, valeu pelo review. O plugin não é um lixo mas sim o suporte, são coisas diferentes. E dependendo da pergunta no discord não respondo mesmo pois 90% das perguntas ja são respondidas na nossa wiki. Mas te entendo que da raiva quando um plugin bom é abandonado, ja tive essa reação :S

Version: 3.0.3
[18:53:29 WARN]: [PixelVip] Task #1201 for PixelVip v3.0.3 generated an exception
me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.ServerThreadLookupException: A Vault API request has been made on the main server thread that LuckPerms cannot safely respond to.
This is NOT a bug - please do not report it to LuckPerms.
Instead, please carefully read the information given below.

LuckPerms cannot respond to the request because to do so:
- it needs to lookup user data for 'e97ed3a7-3628-3c11-a68c-d059c60c7d4a' (an offline player) from the database

Performing this lookup on the main server thread would cause your server to lag.
There are two solutions to this problem:
a) Ask the author of the plugin making the request to perform Vault calls for
offline players "asynchronously" (using the scheduler). Additionally, prefer
using the methods that accept 'Player' or 'OfflinePlayer' instead of usernames.
You should be able to identify the plugin making the request in the trace below.
b) As a server admin, you can disable this exception by setting 'vault-unsafe-lookups'
to true in the LuckPerms configuration file. However, please use this only as
a last resort.
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.lookupUser(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:154) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.userRemovePermission(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:196) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.userRemoveGroup(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:227) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.AbstractVaultPermission.playerRemoveGroup(AbstractVaultPermission.java:331) ~[?:?]
at br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.PermsAPI.lambda$removeGroup$3(PermsAPI.java:87) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:100) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:468) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1488) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:477) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1404) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1180) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:320) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [?:?]
[18:53:29 WARN]: [PixelVip] Task #1515 for PixelVip v3.0.3 generated an exception
me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.ServerThreadLookupException: A Vault API request has been made on the main server thread that LuckPerms cannot safely respond to.
This is NOT a bug - please do not report it to LuckPerms.
Instead, please carefully read the information given below.

LuckPerms cannot respond to the request because to do so:
- it needs to lookup user data for 'e97ed3a7-3628-3c11-a68c-d059c60c7d4a' (an offline player) from the database

Performing this lookup on the main server thread would cause your server to lag.
There are two solutions to this problem:
a) Ask the author of the plugin making the request to perform Vault calls for
offline players "asynchronously" (using the scheduler). Additionally, prefer
using the methods that accept 'Player' or 'OfflinePlayer' instead of usernames.
You should be able to identify the plugin making the request in the trace below.
b) As a server admin, you can disable this exception by setting 'vault-unsafe-lookups'
to true in the LuckPerms configuration file. However, please use this only as
a last resort.
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.lookupUser(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:154) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.userAddPermission(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:184) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.LuckPermsVaultPermission.userAddGroup(LuckPermsVaultPermission.java:220) ~[?:?]
at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.vault.AbstractVaultPermission.playerAddGroup(AbstractVaultPermission.java:303) ~[?:?]
at br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.PermsAPI.lambda$addGroup$1(PermsAPI.java:50) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:100) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:468) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1488) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:477) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1404) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1180) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:320) ~[patched_1.17.jar:git-Paper-53]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [?:?]

Version: 3.0.3
This plugin was once one of the best, today it barely has updates and the support is terrible. It is a shame that the creator left it abandoned.
Author's response
Thanks for review!! You are right, near 2020 was a very hard year in my life! Btw, the plugin still working the same way as always. Is not version dependent.

Version: 3.0.3
Poor documentation, Needed help setting up multiple ID detectation on PayPal, more than 24h, no dev came help, still needing help.
Author's response
Thanks for review!! You are right, near 2020 was a very hard year in my life, btw, the apis is not working anymore :/

Version: 3.0.3
It's a good plugin, but the documentation is poor, and I haven't received any support in days, it seems the dev also doesn't answer most of the support requests, having people that asked for help 5 months ago with no response, making it a terrible support.
Author's response
Thanks for review!! You are right, near 2020 was a very hard year in my life

Version: 3.0.3
best vip plugin i've found
i like tomatoes

Version: 3.0.3
I like pixelvip very much because it is the most powerful one. The only thing is that it can't be used in many worlds. vip can only be used in the world. You have to configure your own world name to use it. I hope that the author can remove this function in the next update. It can be used in many worlds without configuration.
Author's response
Thanks for review!! Suggest on our github!!

Version: 3.0.3
i can't explain to you how PERFECT this plugin is.
this is unbelievable but this plugin is like making a system as big like it's meant for server for 100k players!!!
i hope you'll soon update this to 1.16.5!
Author's response
Thanks for review!! <3 <3

Version: 3.0.3
The plugin is amazing but will it support 1.16.5? It really is very good to manage a large network!
Author's response
Thanks for review!! Yeah, support all minecraft versions!

Version: 3.0.3
very good plugin bro congratulations, i can't find the version for bungeecord can you help me?
Author's response
Thanks for review!! For bungeecord, use the same jar.

Version: 3.0.3
PixelVip with luckperm and use VIP will switch infinitely.
I really like this
My version V1.16

Author's response
Thanks for review! Remove the group displayname from LuckPerms. This is an incompatibility with vault ans LP group displaynames.

Version: 3.0.3
Generate keys for commands, to give "itens" or permissions, or any type os commands; worng typing
It is a great plugin.
Author's response
Report errors on our github or on our discord, not on reviews. I need the error logs to fix problems like this!

Version: 3.0.2
VIP products appear false, this problem occurred after connecting to MySQL.


sorry google translate
Author's response
Thanks for review! This is fixed on latest devbuild from our jenkins.

Version: 3.0.1
Why is the group created with LP not recognized?
Tips in the game:
[PixelVip]No groups with name vip
[lp]:vip already exists!
Author's response
Thanks for review <3 - Try with latest dev builds, and dont use name in your vip groups, may cause confusion on vault.

Version: 3.0.1
Oque pode ser este erro ?

[22:11:00 INFO]: DragonCraft issued server command: /darvip CriM1Nal Vip 1
>.... [22:11:00 WARN]: [PixelVip] Plugin PixelVip v3.0.1 generated an exception while executing task 4704421
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.config.PVConfig.activateVip(PVConfig.java:476) ~[?:?]
at br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.cmds.PVCommands.addVip(PVCommands.java:907) ~[?:?]
at br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.cmds.PVCommands.lambda$onCommand$3(PVCommands.java:181) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:84) ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-282]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:54) ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-282]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22) ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-282]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:1.8.0_242]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:1.8.0_242]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_242]
Author's response
Obrigado pelo review. Ja foi arrumado nas ultimas dev builds

Version: 3.0.0
Is this open source?
This is very good plugin :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Author's response
Thanks for review <3 - Yeah, its open source.

Version: 3.0.0
The best vip plugin I've ever known, it's really good, very good, very good, very good.
Author's response
Thanks for review <3

Version: 3.0.0
It is the best plugin for VIP systems that I have used.

I have a question that doesn't let me sleep. How do I make paypal able to detect more than one ID? I want to put three different types of VIP and when I try to put it, when loading the plugin, the credentials are deleted.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Prob you is adding some invalid config. This is the only cause to reset the credentials.

Version: 3.0.0
Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! ----------------------------
Author's response
Thanks!Thanks!Thanks! <3

Version: 2.0.4
Dont work :/
[PlaceholderAPI] PixelVip is currently using a deprecated method to hook into PlaceholderAPI. Placeholders for that plugin no longer work. Please consult [FabioZumbi12] and urge them to update it ASAP.
Author's response
Yeah, sorry for that. I am working on update now! You can download our dev builds with this fixed from our discord!! Thanks for review.

Version: 2.0.4
very gooooooood plugin
please update 1.14.x
Author's response
Thanks for review. Its not workink or getting errors on 1.14? Use the discussions or my github to report the issues you are having.

Version: 2.0.4
great plugin... can you make option to not using mysql ssl? i hate to see warning about ssl in my console... i also tried ?useSSL=false but fail.. because you have other mysql connect argument

Version: 2.0.4
Fica floodando o console quando o vip de alguém acaba e quando a pessoa dá /trocarvip <nome do vip>
Author's response
Obrigado pelo review! Configura direito que não acontece isso!

Version: 2.0.3
Why do players play cards when they have more data? They will be stuck from time to time when they play slowly.

Version: 2.0.3
How to connect BungeeCord I could not link HELP HELP HELP HELP ME

Version: 2.0.3
Does it not support the use of GroupManager plug-ins?

Version: 2.0.3

Version: 2.0.2
Muito bom mas voce podia colocar pra gera uma key so pra um jogador
e depois manda pra ele

Version: 2.0.2
No better one than this! Great!
P.S.: I cannot use the placeholder when my server was 1.11.2, but when I update to 1.12.2, it works. Confusing.

Version: 2.0.2
I must say.... this plugin is total best plugin for VIP functions on spigot... Gj developer 5 stars for you, plugin working perfectly :)

Version: 2.0.2
Eu adoro esse plugin, funções incriveis. dou nota cinco. -

Version: 2.0.1
Excelente plugin mano, parabéns!!! Mas tenho 1 problema, não estou conseguindo configurar o MYSQL, a minha configuração está assim, pode me dar uma luz? Devo mudar algo?

type: file
host: br276.hostgator.com.br
db-name: (nomedb)
username: (usuario)
password: (minhasenha)
table-name: pixelvip_keys
Author's response
Valeu man! Baixa a ultima versão que o mysql deve funcionar bem agora!

Version: 2.0.1
GREAT plugin! But...I can't use any placeholder and it says "[PlaceholderAPI] The placeholder: pixelvip_expiration_millis could not be found on the expansion cloud. Are you sure that is a valid placeholder?" can u fix that?
Author's response
Hi, thanks for your review.

Pixelvip dont need additional expansion from cloud, just start to using the placeholders. Use comments or our discord for more questions.

Version: 2.0.1
Very nice plugin. Can you add LIFETIME VIP ?
Author's response
Thaks for review!
I think yes.

Version: 2.0.1
Version 1.11.2 can not be used
Do not know what the situation is
Author's response
I dont know too o.O
Have you created a issue on github or look for help?
If no, do this first before give your review!

Version: 2.0.1
Is a good plugin but can you add a unlimited days option? And you can add for put hours minutes months?
Author's response
Thaks for review!
Maybe yes ^^

Version: 2.0.1
Awesome! Please support PlaceHolder,thanks!
: ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) :DDDD
Author's response
Thank you. It already support PlaceholderAPI. Look on placeholderAPi page to see available placeholders.

Version: 2.0.1
awesome plugin!!!

How about appear title when Player active VIP and VIP expired

Version: 2.0.1
Plug-in is good but mysql database storage problems I was the group want to use data sharing Tam is data problems Want to repair

Version: 2.0.1
It seems to be a great plugin! More you could do the version of it with the language and commands in Portuguese Portugal / Brazil?

Version: 2.0.1
Melhor plugin de vip,
Esse plugin é o melhor de todos, substitui o antigo VipZero, configuração facil de entender, enfim o plugin é simplesmente fantastico!, continue assim, postando cada vez mais atualizações :D!.
uma sugestão que eu teria e adicionar uma forma de remover o tempo do vip de uma pessoa, exemplo: ''player'' tem 30 dias de vip, eu queria remover 1 dia sem ter que tirar o vip dele.
Author's response
Não é má ideia ^^ Vlw pelo rating <3

Version: 2.0.1
Best VIP plugin!
MUITO BOM! Usaremos no nosso server. Muito obrigado!!!
Super simples de configurar. A parte de chance de sair ou nao determinado comando ficou perfeita. Parabens!
Author's response
Valeuu man!

Version: 2.0.1
can u add placeholders for scoreboards? ty

i apreciated this plugin! ....................................
Author's response
Hi. I have added placeholders for PLaceHolderAPI: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/placeholderapi-plugin-placeholders-page-2/

Thanks for review.

Version: 2.0.1
5 estralas nota 10 no plugin - parabens Fábio, continue assim! estou usando tanto o Redprotection como pyxelvip.
Author's response
Valeuu comonier!

Version: 2.0.1
Plugin Perfeito sem erros e um otimo tutorial também
Author's response
Valeu bro <3

Version: 2.0.1
Thank you. It's a good plug-in. friendly author
Author's response
Thank you ^^

Version: 2.0.0
Ae esse plugin aqui é maneirao em , é só pimbada violenta. P I M B A D A V I O L E N T A, parabéns pelo grande feito.

Version: 1.0.5
Exellent plugin! Can you add a offline vip time counter for this plugin? This will be good because i want the vip counter counts when vips online or not. Best regards!
Author's response
This plugin already do this... the viptime runs if the player is online or off-line.

Thanks for review <3

Version: 1.0.5

Version: 1.0.5
É um bom plugin mas eu fico recebendo spam de tasks no meu console...
http://pastebin.com/td0v4Cyj .
Author's response
Poderia atualizar pra 1.0.5, que corrige esse problema, antes de enviar seu review né? :/

Version: 1.0.5
Cara, plugin muito bom msm. Muitas opções e funcionou perfeitamente para o que Queria. Viu tenta fazer uma extensão pro placeholderApi, com variáveis tipo %vip_time_(vip)%, eu tentei mas N sei Nd de programação Kkkkk. Obrigado pelo plugin, continue com esse trabalho foda.
Author's response
Valeuu pelo review. Adicionei algumas placeholders: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/placeholderapi-plugin-placeholders-page-2/

Version: 1.0.5
Very good! Waiting for MySQL update... :X It's rly cool to view Brazilians making these cool plugins for all (Have a lot of BRs making plugins, but only for the BR community). Congratulations Fabio! (And u don't need answer this in English :P)
Author's response

(Os gringos exigem que falemos em ingles, mas valeu kkkkkk)

Version: 1.0.5
Great plugin, work very good at all network!
Waiting for mysql support to do website addon :3

Good last update as always :)

Version: 1.0.5
Ótimo plugin, poderia adicionar alguma opção pra quando o jogador ativar o VIP não ir pro grupo do PEX/GROUPMANAGER direto e só executar os comandos, seria muito útil pro meu server de rankup
Author's response
Vlw pelo review.
Só desabilitar o uso do Vault e remover os comandos de permissões ou nos comandos colocar o oldgroup igual newgroup. Só vc fazer como precisar. Tbm tem o /gerarikey, que gera key pra comandos pra dar itens só.

Version: 1.0.4 (B73)
Muito bom o plugin, completo e bem programado, muito bom ver os brasileiros por aqui no spigot :D Tem previsao de quando sai o mysql ?
Author's response
Olá. Valeu pelo review. Em breve sai sim. É inevitavel não ter mysql kkk

Version: 1.0.4 (B73)
Hmm... Good plugin! Can you add to the command: newkey a player! That the message with the key will be send to that player! So can i use it for buycraft!
Author's response
Thanks for your review. Maybe yes ;)

Version: 1.0.4 (B73)
I need vip notime eg: /addvip <player> <group> <day/forever>
if using it with / pex will not setactive ,

Version: 1.0.4 (B73)
Fabio, OTIMA ATUALIZAÇÃO NA MORAL. esperando colocar as APIs de mercados :V. Men, coloca randomização, por exemplo:

- '5'
- give (p) diamond 15, give (p) mob_spawner 1
- give (p) spawn_egg:3 1, give (p) diamond_block 9

- '10'
- give (p) iron_block 15, give (p) bookshel 3
----- Explicando

Random: - Esse tipo diz que os comandos são randomicos, ou um ou outro. A linha é uma só, mas só tem a possibilidade de cair um comando. Tipo, co meu caso é ovo de urso, blaze e shulker. Quero que caia um deles e não 1% de cada um. #FicaDica (A virgula separa as variações do comando)
- '5'
- give (p) diamond 15, give (p) iron_block 15, give (p) bookshel 3
Author's response
Valeu pelo review, mas nas proxima usa os comentário pra por sugestões pq eh mais facil de responder.


Version: 1.0.4 (B73)
Good plugin, but add command /buyvip [Vip] [Time], next add a config for this command, another example:

Min-day: 100
Max-day: 1000

Default-cost-VIPNAME: 1000
VIPNAME-cost-one-day: 100
Default-cost-VIPNAME2: 3000
VIPNAME2-cost-one-day: 500
Default-cost-VIPNAME3: 10000
VIPNAME2-cost-one-day: 1000

When player buy a vip with example: 100 days take money for player account, Cost-one-day: 1 day cost: 100 2 day cost: 200 3 day cost: 300


Min-day and max-day:

Player: /buyvip Vip1 99
PixelVip: [PixelVip] Sorry, but min day to buy is: 100

Player: /buyvip Vip1 1001
PixelVip: [PixelVip] Sorry, but max day to buy is: 1000
Author's response
Thanks for review, i can add, but for next suggestion, use the comments section.

Bye :)

Version: 1.0.3
What a plugin!
I have seen in many forums so many people looking for a suitable plugin for them, with no errors and with all of this features.
Author's response
Good to see this plugin helps you and your needs ^^

Version: 1.0.2
Opa bom saber que um coder desse plugin e brasileiro, so vou pegar pl com você agr kkkkkk. Vlws pelo belo plugin mano <3
Author's response
Opa. Bom que curtiu o plugin ^^

Version: 1.0.2
this is a good plugin!it is like the VIPZERO... But it will output error messages when starting, For the first time the server was all normal. After modifying the config.yml to restart the server will be output error(i just modified the 'groups:' from config.yml). Can you help me with the problem? thank you very much~
Author's response
Shure, but you can use the fórum for report problems, and the console logs too.

Thanks for 5 stars

Version: 1.0.1
Cara, é muito bom. Mas adicione a tradução de comando e comandos a executar do plugin de permissão. E edição do grupo padrão, tipo, cmdPermissionsUseKey: ai vai o do pex para adicionar no mesmo grupo que o PixelVip e quando acabar o vip cmdPermissionsEnded: comando para voltar ao grupo. E adicionar apenas o uso da key, por exemplo Uma tal key só para executar comando sem a troca de grupo. Assim daria pra unir um desban ou itens (até com enchant). Mas para primeira versão tá ótimo. (Men, cria um pl de ColorGroupTab com TabEdit e sincronisa com grupos do UChat ficaria muito foda. Ai pra na tag de grupo cria se prefix.group.{grupo} = '&cAdm' por exemplo) Muito god
Author's response
Iae, vlw pelo review! Pq 4 estrelas manow?

Sobre suas sugestões:
Já tem aliases com as traduções dos comandos, só esqueci de por nos comandos aki da pagina.
Nas configuração do PixelVip vc pode por os comandos do pex nos comandos ao se executar quando acaba, remove ou troca de vip. No inicio da config já tem os placeholders pra vc por o grupo do player, grupo vip e grupo do vip anterior.
Sobre criar plugin... já tem plugin pra isso que peguem a tag do player do pex e coloke as cores na TAB

Version: 1.0.1
Good plug-in. Waiting for new good updates :D
Can i suggest you to add a gui that show players and relatives vips info on mouseover ? It will be really good and usefull. ;)
Author's response
Good ideia. I think i will add this after Mysql and Bungee sinc ;) Thanks.

Version: 1.0.0
Good idea and plugin!
But I'm waiting for the bungee syncronization.
Author's response
Thanks ^^. Will be added when i have some time again ;)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 27,997
First Release: Oct 15, 2016
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
67 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings